class GhostTrialGrow : public feasst::Modify
Compute the Metropolis acceptance for a TrialGrow that is never accepted.
This trial may not be currently usable to obtain Widom insertions of flexible molecules due to the exclusion of bonded energy terms.
This class effectively functions as an Analyze, because it does not change the System. The Trial is always rejected; however, because the Trial interface is used then the System is temporarily modified.
grow_file: file name for use with TrialGrowFile.
Stepper arguments.
Public Functions
std::string header(const MonteCarlo &mc) const
Return the header for writing.
void initialize(MonteCarlo *mc)
Initialize and precompute before trials.
void update(MonteCarlo *mc)
Perform update.
std::string write(MonteCarlo *mc)
Perform write.