class Ensemble
Perform reweighting and ensemble averages using macrostate distributions
Subclassed by feasst::GrandCanonicalEnsemble
Public Functions
Ensemble(const Histogram ¯ostates, const LnProbability &ln_prob, const double conjugate = 0.)
Store the original conjugate, macrostate and distribution.
Ensemble(const FlatHistogram &flat_hist)
Same as above, but taken from FlatHistogram.
const LnProbability &ln_prob_original() const
Return the stored macrostate distribution from the original simulation.
const LnProbability &ln_prob() const
Return the LnProbability (that may have been reweighted).
const Histogram ¯ostates() const
Return the stored Histogram representing the macrostates of the original simulation.
void phase_boundary(const int phase, int *min, int *max) const
Determine min and max macrostate indices for a given phase Return 1 if no phase boundary, or 0 for success.
bool is_phase_boundary() const
Return true if phase boundary is found.
double original_conjugate() const
Return the conjugate thermodynamic variable of the macrostate from the original simulation.
const LnProbability &reweight(const double delta_conjugate)
Store and return a reweighted macrostate distribution due to a change in the conjugate variable. For example, if reweighting in number of particles using the grand canonical ensemble, the change in the thermodynamic conjugate is \(\Delta(\beta\mu)\). If reweighting in potential energy in the microcanonical, the change in the thermodynamic conjugate is \(\Delta(-\beta)\).
double conjugate() const
Return the conjugate variable corresponding to the current (reweighted) macrostate distribution.
Ensemble(const Histogram ¯ostates, const LnProbability &ln_prob, const double conjugate = 0.)
class GrandCanonicalEnsemble : public feasst::Ensemble
Grand canonical ensemble currently implemented for single component systems.
Subclassed by feasst::ExtrapolateBetaGCE
Public Functions
GrandCanonicalEnsemble(const Histogram ¯ostates, const LnProbability &ln_prob, const double conjugate = 0.)
Store \(\beta\), \(\mu\) and the original ln_prob_.
double beta_mu() const
Return the conjugate to the macrostate, \(\beta\mu\).
double betaPV(const int phase = 0) const
Return \(\beta PV\), the pressure times volume and inverse temperature. See https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2064628
- param phase:
Select phase by order of macrostate. Assumes default method of dividing phase boundary.
GrandCanonicalEnsemble(const Histogram ¯ostates, const LnProbability &ln_prob, const double conjugate = 0.)
class ExtrapolateBetaGCE : public feasst::GrandCanonicalEnsemble
Public Functions
ExtrapolateBetaGCE(const MonteCarlo &monte_carlo, const FlatHistogram &flat_histogram, argtype args = argtype())
Extrapolate the original simulation data to a different \(\beta\). See: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4975331 Assumes a single component. In this implementation, extrapolation should be done before reweighting because this function changes ln_prob_original, not ln_prob.
beta_new: \(\beta\) to extrapolate toward.
beta_original: original \(\beta\) of the simulation.
order: truncate Taylor series at this order (default: 2).
ExtrapolateBetaGCE(const Clones &clones, argtype args = argtype())
Same as above, but stitched together from parallel Clones.
const std::vector<double> energy() const
Return the new energies based on extrapolation.
ExtrapolateBetaGCE(const MonteCarlo &monte_carlo, const FlatHistogram &flat_histogram, argtype args = argtype())