Source code for mosaic.utilities.util
A collection of utility functions
import sys
import ast
import numpy
from functools import reduce
__all__=["avg", "sd", "filter", "partition", "decimate", "commonest", "selectS", "flat2", "WindowSizeError"]
class WindowSizeError:
def str_(s):
if type(s)==bytes:
# return str(s, 'utf-8')
return str(s, 'latin-1')
return s
def bytes_(s):
if type(s)==str:
# return str(s, 'utf-8')
return bytes(s, 'latin-1')
return s
[docs]def avg(dat):
Calculate the average of a list of reals
return sum(dat)/len(dat)
except ZeroDivisionError:
return 0.0
[docs]def sd(dat):
Wrapper for numpy std
return numpy.std(dat)
[docs]def filter(dat, windowSz):
Filter the data using a convolution. Returns an
array of size len(dat)-windowSz+1 if dat is longer than
windowSz. If len(dat) < windowSz, raise WindowSizeError
if len(dat)<windowSz: raise WindowSizeError("Data length ({0}) must be longer than specified window size ({1}).".format(len(dat),windowSz))
# define the weights for the convolution
return list(numpy.convolve(dat,weights,'valid'))
[docs]def partition(dat, size):
Partition a list into sub-lists, each of length size. If the number of elements
in dat does not partition evenly, the last sub-list will have fewer elements.
return (lambda dat, size: [dat[i:i+size] for i in range(0, len(dat), size)])(dat,size)
[docs]def decimate(dat, size):
Decimate dat for a specified window size.
return [ avg(decim) for decim in partition(dat,size) ]
[docs]def commonest(dat):
Return the most common element in a list.
return max( set(dat), key=dat.count )
[docs]def selectS(dat, nSigma, mu, sd):
Select and return data from a list that lie within
nSigma * SD of the mean.
#sigma=min( numpy.std(dat), sd )
return [ d for d in dat if abs(d)>(mu-sd) and abs(d)<(mu+sd) ]
[docs]def flat2(dat):
Flatten a 2D array to a list
return reduce(lambda x,y: x+y,dat)
def eval_(expr):
tree=ast.parse(expr, mode='eval')
return eval(compile(tree, '<ast>', 'eval'))
def exec_(expr):
tree=ast.parse(expr, mode='exec')
return eval(compile(tree, '<ast>', 'exec'))