Source code for mosaic.utilities.ionic_current_stats

	:Created:	10/30/2014
	:Author: 	Arvind Balijepalli <>
	:License:	See LICENSE.TXT	
	.. line-block::
		5/24/19 		AB 		Python 3.7 port
		7/29/16         KB      Added weights to histogram fitting
		15/12/15        KB      Added error checking and limits to baseline calculations
		10/30/14	AB	Initial version
import numpy as np 
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit


def _fitfunc(x, a, s, m):
	return a*np.exp(-(x-m)**2/(2. * s**2))

[docs]def OpenCurrentDist(dat, limit, minBaseline=-1, maxBaseline=-1): """ Calculate the mean and standard deviation of a time-series. :Args: - `dat` : time-series data - `limit` : limit the calculation to the top 50% (+0.5) of the range, bottom 50% (-0.5) or the entire range (0). Any other value of `limit` will cause it to be reset to 0 (i.e. full range). """ datsign = np.sign( np.mean(dat) ) uDat = datsign*dat dMin, dMax, dMean, dStd = np.floor( np.min(uDat) ), np.ceil( np.max(uDat) ), np.round( np.mean(uDat) ), np.std(uDat) try: hLimit={0.5 : [dMean, dMax], -0.5 : [dMin, dMean], 0 : [dMin, dMax] }[limit] except KeyError: hLimit=[dMin, dMax] if minBaseline == -1.0 or maxBaseline == -1.0: y,x=np.histogram(uDat, range=hLimit, bins=100) else: hLimit = [minBaseline, maxBaseline] y,x=np.histogram(uDat, range=hLimit, bins=100) try: sigma = 1/np.sqrt(y+1e-10) popt, pcov = curve_fit(_fitfunc, x[:-1], y, p0=[np.max(y), dStd, np.mean(x)],sigma=sigma) perr=np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) except: return [0,0] if np.any(perr/popt > 0.5) or ((minBaseline > -1 and maxBaseline > -1) and (popt[2] < minBaseline or popt[2] > maxBaseline)): #0.5 is arbitrary for the moment, for testing. Could be added as a parameter or hard-coded pending testing. return [0,0] return [popt[2], np.abs(popt[1])]
if __name__ == '__main__': import mosaic.trajio.qdfTrajIO as qdf # import pylab from os.path import expanduser d=qdf.qdfTrajIO(dirname='data/',filter='*qdf', Rfb=9.1E+9, Cfb=1.07E-12) print((OpenCurrentDist(d.popdata(500000), 0.5))) # pylab.plot( y, x[:-1] ) #