Source code for mosaic.trajio.tsvTrajIO

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
	An implementation of metaTrajIO that reads tab separated valued (TSV) files

	:Created: 	7/31/2012
	:Author: 	Arvind Balijepalli <>
	:License:	See LICENSE.TXT
	.. line-block::
		11/30/15 	AB 	Assumes ``timeCol`` is specified in seconds.
		11/30/15 	AB 	Added a new keyword ``scale`` to allow scaling TSV data.
		3/28/15 	AB 	Updated file read code to match new metaTrajIO API.
		6/30/13		AB 	Added the 'seprator' kwarg to the class initializer to allow any delimited 
						files to be read. e.g. '"\\"t' (default), ',', etc.
		7/31/12		AB	Initial version

import numpy as np 

import mosaic.trajio.metaTrajIO as metaTrajIO
import csv

__all__ = ["tsvTrajIO"]

[docs]class tsvTrajIO(metaTrajIO.metaTrajIO): """ Read tab separated valued (TSV) files. :Parameters: In addition to :class:`~mosaic.metaTrajIO.metaTrajIO` args, - `headers` : If True, the first row is ignored (default: True) - `separator` : set the data separator (defualt: '"\\"t') - `scale` : set the data scale (default: 1). For example to convert from to pA set ``scale=1e12``. Either: - `Fs` : Sampling frequency in Hz. If set, all other options are ignored and the first column in the file is assumed to be the current in pA. Or: - `nCols` : number of columns in TSV file (default:2, first column is time in ms and second is current in pA) - `timeCol` : explicitly set the time column (default: 0, first col) - `currCol` : explicitly set the position of the current column (default: 1) If neither ``Fs`` nor {``nCols``, ``timeCol``, ``currCol``} are set then the latter is assumed with the listed default values. """ def _init(self, **kwargs): # Check if headers are present self.hasHeaders=bool(kwargs.pop('headers', True)) self.scale=float(kwargs.pop('scale', 1.0)) try: # if the sampling frequency is set explicitly, currents # in pA will be in column 0. self.Fs=float(kwargs["Fs"]) self.currCol=0 self.userSetFs=True except KeyError: # If Fs is not set explicitly assume by default two columns, # with time in sec in col 0 and current in pA in column 1, unless # specified otherwise by the user self.nCols=int(kwargs.pop('nCols', 2)) self.timeCol=int(kwargs.pop('timeCol', 0)) self.currCol=int(kwargs.pop('currCol', 1)) self.userSetFs=False # The default data separator is a tab. self.separator=kwargs.pop('separator', '\t') # additional meta data self.fileFormat='tsv'
[docs] def readdata(self, fname): """ Read a single TSV file and return raw (unscaled) data contained within it. Set/update a class attribute Fs with the sampling frequency in Hz. :Parameters: - `fname` : fileame to read :Returns: - An array object that holds raw (unscaled) data from `fname` :Errors: - `SamplingRateChangedError` : if the sampling rate for any data file differs from previous """ return self.__readtsv(fname)
def _formatsettings(self): """ Log settings strings """ pass def __readtsv(self, fname): """ """ r1=csv.reader(open(fname,'r'), delimiter=self.separator) # remove the file headers if self.hasHeaders: next(r1) # If the user explicitly set the sampling frequency, # self.currCol is set to 0 (current in pA). Stuff data # into a numpy array if self.userSetFs: return np.array( [ float(row[self.currCol]) for row in r1 ], dtype=np.float64) else: # Calculate the sampling frequency from the first two points p1=next(r1) p2=next(r1) dt=float(p2[self.timeCol])-float(p1[self.timeCol]) if not hasattr(self, 'Fs'): self.Fs=1./dt # else check if it s the same as before else: if self.Fs!=1./dt: raise metaTrajIO.SamplingRateChangedError("The sampling rate in the data file '{0}' has changed.".format(fname)) # Store the ionic currents for the first two points dat=[float(p1[self.currCol]), float(p2[self.currCol])] dat.extend([ float(row[self.currCol]) for row in r1 ]) return np.array( dat, dtype=np.float64)
[docs] def scaleData(self, data): return self.scale*data