Source code for mosaic.trajio.qdfTrajIO

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
	QDF implementation of metaTrajIO. Uses the readqdf module from EBS to 
	read individual qdf files.

	:Created: 7/18/2012
 	:Author: 	Arvind Balijepalli <>
	:License:	See LICENSE.TXT
	.. line-block::
		9/13/15 	AB 	Updated logging to use mosaicLogFormat class
		3/28/15 	AB 	Updated file read code to match new metaTrajIO API.
		7/18/12		AB	Initial version
		2/11/14		AB 	Support qdf files that save the current in pA. This needs 
						format='pA' argument.
import types

import numpy as np 

import mosaic.trajio.metaTrajIO as metaTrajIO
import mosaic.utilities.mosaicLogging as mlog
import mosaic.trajio.qdf.qdf as qdf

__all__ = ["qdfTrajIO"]

[docs]class qdfTrajIO(metaTrajIO.metaTrajIO): """ Use the readqdf module from EBS to read individual QDF files. In addition to :class:`~mosaic.metaTrajIO.metaTrajIO` args, check if the feedback resistance (``Rfb``) and feedback capacitance (``Cfb``) are defined to convert qdf binary data into pA. A typical settings section to read QDF files is shown below. Note, that the values for ``Rfb`` and ``Cfb`` are specific to the amplifier used. .. code-block:: javascript "qdfTrajIO": { "Rfb" : 9.1e+12, "Cfb" : 1.07e-12, "dcOffset" : 0.0, "filter" : "*.qdf", "start" : 0.0 } :Parameters: In addition to metaTrajIO.__init__ args, - `Rfb` : feedback resistance of amplifier - `Cfb` : feedback capacitance of amplifier - `format` : 'V' for voltage or 'pA' for current. Default is 'V' :Returns: None :Errors: - `InsufficientArgumentsError` : if the mandatory arguments ``Rfb`` and ``Cfb`` are not set. """ def _init(self, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, 'Rfb') or not hasattr(self, 'Cfb'): raise metaTrajIO.InsufficientArgumentsError("{0} requires the feedback resistance (Rfb) and feedback capacitance (Cfb) to be defined.".format(type(self).__name__)) if not hasattr(self, 'format'): self.format='V' # additional meta data self.fileFormat='qdf' self.qdfLogger=mlog.mosaicLogging().getLogger(name=__name__)
[docs] def readdata(self, fname): """ Read one or more files and append their data to the data pipeline. Set a class attribute Fs with the sampling frequency in Hz. :Parameters: - `fname` : list of data files to read :Returns: None :Errors: - `SamplingRateChangedError` : if the sampling rate for any data file differs from previous """ qdfdat=qdf.QDF(fname, float(self.Rfb), float(self.Cfb)) if self.format=='V': q=qdfdat.VoltageToCurrent() else: q=qdfdat.Current() fs=qdfdat.qdftree["DataFile"]["Sampling"] # set the sampling frequency in Hz. # If the Fs attribute doesn't exist set it if not hasattr(self, 'Fs'): self.Fs=int(1./fs) # else check if it s the same as before else: if self.Fs!=int(1./fs): raise metaTrajIO.SamplingRateChangedError("The sampling rate in the data file '{0}' has changed.".format(fname)) return np.array(q, dtype=np.float64)
def _formatsettings(self): """ Log settings strings """ # for qdf files, add the values of the feedback resistance and capacitance '\t\tFeedback resistance = {0} GOhm'.format(self.Rfb*1e-9) ) '\t\tFeedback capacitance = {0} pF'.format(self.Cfb*1e12) )
if __name__ == '__main__': from mosaic.utilities.resource_path import resource_path import os b=qdfTrajIO( dirname='data', filter='*qdf', Rfb=9.1e9, Cfb=1.07e-12 ) for i in range(100): d=b.popdata(100000) print(i, len(d)/100000., d[0], d[-1], np.mean(d), os.path.basename(b.LastFileProcessed))