Source code for mosaic.trajio.binTrajIO

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Binary file implementation of metaTrajIO. Read raw binary files with specified record sizes

	:Created: 4/22/2013
	:Author: 	Arvind Balijepalli <>
	:License:	See LICENSE.TXT
	.. line-block::
		9/13/15 	AB 	Updated logging to use mosaicLogFormat class
		3/28/15 	AB 	Updated file read code to match new metaTrajIO API.
		1/27/15 	AB 	Memory map files on read.
		1/26/15 	AB 	Refactored code to read interleaved binary data. 
		7/27/14		AB 	Update interface to specify python PythonStructCode instead of 
						RecordSize. This will allow any binary file to be decoded
						The AmplifierScale and AmplifierOffset are set to 1 and 0
						respectively if PythonStructCode is an integer or short.
		4/22/13		AB	Initial version
import struct

import mosaic.trajio.metaTrajIO as metaTrajIO
import mosaic.utilities.mosaicLogging as mlog
from mosaic.utilities.util import eval_

import numpy as np

__all__ = ["binTrajIO", "InvalidDataColumnError"]

[docs]class InvalidDataColumnError(Exception): pass
[docs]class binTrajIO(metaTrajIO.metaTrajIO): """ Read a file that contains interleaved binary data, ordered by column. Only a single column that holds ionic current data is read. The current in pA is returned after scaling by the amplifier scale factor (``AmplifierScale``) and removing any offsets (``AmplifierOffset``) if provided. :Usage and Assumptions: Binary data is interleaved by column. For three columns (*a*, *b*, and *c*) and *N* rows, binary data is assumed to be of the form: [ a_1, b_1, c_1, a_2, b_2, c_2, ... ... ..., a_N, b_N, c_N ] The column layout is specified with the ``ColumnTypes`` parameter, which accepts a list of tuples. For the example above, if column **a** is the ionic current in a 64-bit floating point format, column **b** is the ionic current representation in 16-bit integer format and column **c** is an index in 16-bit integer format, the ``ColumnTypes`` paramter is a list with three tuples, one for each column, as shown below: [('curr_pA', 'float64'), ('AD_V', 'int16'), ('index', 'int16')] The first element of each tuple is an arbitrary text label and the second element is a valid `Numpy type <>`_. Finally, the ``IonicCurrentColumn`` parameter holds the name (text label defined above) of the column that holds the ionic current time-series. Note that if an integer column is selected, the ``AmplifierScale`` and ``AmplifierOffset`` parameters can be used to convert the voltage from the A/D to a current. Assuming that we use a floating point representation of the ionic current, and a sampling rate of 50 kHz, a settings section that will read the binary file format defined above is: .. code-block:: javascript "binTrajIO": { "AmplifierScale" : "1", "AmplifierOffset" : "0", "SamplingFrequency" : "50000", "ColumnTypes" : "[('curr_pA', 'float64'), ('AD_V', 'int16'), ('index', 'int16')]", "IonicCurrentColumn" : "curr_pA", "dcOffset": "0.0", "filter": "*.bin", "start": "0.0", "HeaderOffset": 0 } :Settings Examples: Read 16-bit signed integers (big endian) with a 512 byte header offset. Set the amplifier scale to 400 pA, sampling rate to 200 kHz. .. code-block:: javascript "binTrajIO": { "AmplifierOffset": "0.0", "SamplingFrequency": 200000, "AmplifierScale": "400./2**16", "ColumnTypes": "[('curr_pA', '>i2')]", "dcOffset": 0.0, "filter": "*.dat", "start": 0.0, "HeaderOffset": 512, "IonicCurrentColumn": "curr_pA" } Read a two-column file: 64-bit floating point and 64-bit integers, and no header offset. Set the amplifier scale to 1 and sampling rate to 200 kHz. .. code-block:: javascript "binTrajIO": { "AmplifierOffset": "0.0", "SamplingFrequency": 200000, "AmplifierScale": "1.0", "ColumnTypes" : "[('curr_pA', 'float64'), ('AD_V', 'int64')]", "dcOffset": 0.0, "filter": "*.bin", "start": 0.0, "HeaderOffset": 0, "IonicCurrentColumn": "curr_pA" } :Parameters: In addition to :class:`~mosaic.metaTrajIO.metaTrajIO` args, - `AmplifierScale` : Full scale of amplifier (pA/2^nbits) that varies with the gain (default: 1.0). - `AmplifierOffset` : Current offset in the recorded data in pA (default: 0.0). - `SamplingFrequency` : Sampling rate of data in the file in Hz. - `HeaderOffset` : Ignore first *n* bytes of the file for header (default: 0 bytes). - `ColumnTypes` : A list of tuples with column names and types (see `Numpy types <>`_). Note only integer and floating point numbers are supported. - `IonicCurrentColumn` : Column name that holds ionic current data. :Returns: None :Errors: None """ def _init(self, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, 'SamplingFrequency'): raise metaTrajIO.InsufficientArgumentsError("{0} requires the sampling rate in Hz to be defined.".format(type(self).__name__)) if not hasattr(self, 'ColumnTypes'): raise metaTrajIO.InsufficientArgumentsError("{0} requires the column types to be defined.".format(type(self).__name__)) else: if type(self.ColumnTypes) is str or type(self.ColumnTypes) is str: self.ColumnTypes=eval(str(self.ColumnTypes)) if not hasattr(self, 'IonicCurrentColumn'): raise metaTrajIO.InsufficientArgumentsError("{0} requires the ionic current column to be defined.".format(type(self).__name__)) if not hasattr(self, 'HeaderOffset'): self.HeaderOffset=0 else: self.HeaderOffset=int(eval(str(self.HeaderOffset))) try: self.IonicCurrentType=dict(self.ColumnTypes)[self.IonicCurrentColumn] except KeyError as err: self.IonicCurrentColumn=self.ColumnTypes[0][0] self.IonicCurrentType=self.ColumnTypes[0][1] logging.warning("WARNING: IonicCurrentColumn {0} not found. Defaulting to {1}.".format(err, self.IonicCurrentColumn)) if not hasattr(self, 'AmplifierScale'): self.AmplifierScale=1.0 else: self.AmplifierScale=eval(str(self.AmplifierScale)) if not hasattr(self, 'AmplifierOffset'): self.AmplifierOffset=0.0 else: self.AmplifierOffset=float(eval(str(self.AmplifierOffset))) # additional meta data self.fileFormat='bin' # set the sampling frequency in Hz. if not hasattr(self, 'Fs'): self.Fs=self.SamplingFrequency else: self.Fs=int(eval(str(self.Fs))) self.binLogger=mlog.mosaicLogging().getLogger(name=__name__)
[docs] def readdata(self, fname): """ Return raw data from a single data file. Set a class attribute Fs with the sampling frequency in Hz. :Parameters: - `fname` : fileame to read :Returns: - An array object that holds raw (unscaled) data from `fname` :Errors: None """ return self.readBinaryFile(fname)
def _formatsettings(self): """ Log settings strings """ '\t\tAmplifier scale = {0} pA'.format(self.AmplifierScale) ) '\t\tAmplifier offset = {0} pA'.format(self.AmplifierOffset) ) '\t\tHeader offset = {0} bytes'.format(self.HeaderOffset) ) '\t\tData type = \'{0}\''.format(self.IonicCurrentType) ) def readBinaryFile(self, fname): return np.memmap(fname, dtype=self.ColumnTypes, mode='r', offset=self.HeaderOffset)[self.IonicCurrentColumn]
[docs] def scaleData(self, data): """ See :func:`mosaic.metaTrajIO.metaTrajIO.scaleData`. """ return np.array(data*self.AmplifierScale-self.AmplifierOffset, dtype=np.float64)
if __name__ == '__main__': from mosaic.utilities.resource_path import resource_path import os b=binTrajIO( fnames=['data/SingleChan-0001_1.bin'], dcOffset=0, start=0, ColumnTypes=[('curr', 'float64')], IonicCurrentColumn='curr', HeaderOffset=0, SamplingFrequency=500000 ) for i in range(100): d=b.popdata(10000) print(len(d), d[0], d[-1], np.mean(d), os.path.basename(b.LastFileProcessed), b.ElapsedTimeSeconds)