Source code for mosaic.process.metaEventProcessor

	A meta class that defines the interface for event processing functions. The class object stores the 
	raw data for the event as well as meta-data after processing individual events. The meta-data is
	defined by specfic implementations of this class.

	:Created:	7/16/2012
 	:Author: 	Arvind Balijepalli <>
	:License:	See LICENSE.TXT
	.. line-block::
		9/22/17 	AB 	Add a parameter to save unfiltered event padding.
		8/3/16		JF	Fixed missing dependency (time)
		5/27/16 	AB 	Add a flagEvent function that should be used to set a non-critical warning status.
		5/26/16 	AB 	If developer mode is enabled (in mosaic/_global), metadata is not set to -1 when an error occurs.
		3/30/16 	AB 	Fixed function timing resolution on Windows
		8/30/14		AB 	Added a timeout/retry to handle DB locked error.
		5/17/14		AB  Add metaMDIO support for meta-data and time-series storage
		2/16/14		AB 	Define new kwarg, absdatidx to allow capture rate estimation.
		6/28/13		AB 	Added a new keyword argument 'savets'. When set to False, the event time-series
						is set to None. This can save a lot of memory when handling large data sets. 
		7/16/12		AB	Initial version
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import types
import time
import mosaic.utilities.mosaicTiming as mosaicTiming
import mosaic.utilities.mosaicLogging as mlog
import sqlite3
import numpy as np
import mosaic

__all__ = ["metaEventProcessor", "MissingMDIOError"]

# custom errors
class MissingMDIOError(Exception):

[docs]class metaEventProcessor(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ .. warning:: |metaclass| Defines the interface for specific event processing algorithms. Each event processing algorithm must sub-class metaEventProcessor and implement the following abstract functions: - `processEvent` : process raw event data and populate event meta-data. Store each piece of processed event data in a class attribute starting with 'md'. For example, the blockade depth meta-data can be defined as 'mdBlockadeDepth' - `printMetadata` : print meta-data set by event processing in a human readable format. :Parameters: - `icurr` : ionic current in pA - `icurrU`: ionic current in pA with unfiltered event padding - `Fs` : sampling frequency in Hz :Keyword Args: - `eventstart` : the event start point - `eventend` : the event end point - `baselinestats` : baseline conductance statistics: a list of [mean, sd, slope] for the baseline current - `algosettingsdict` : settings for event processing algorithm as a dictionary - `absdatidx` : index of data start. This arg can allow arrival time estimation. - `datafilehnd` : reference to an metaMDIO object for meta-data IO """ def __init__(self, icurr, icurrU, Fs, **kwargs): """ Store a ref to the raw event data. """ self.eventData=icurr self.eventDataU=icurrU self.Fs=Fs self.logger=mlog.mosaicLogging().getLogger(name=__name__) # Will throw a key error if not passed self.eStartEstimate=kwargs['eventstart'] self.eEndEstimate=kwargs['eventend'] self.settingsDict=kwargs['algosettingsdict'] self.absDataStartIndex=kwargs['absdatidx'] [ self.baseMean, self.baseSD, self.baseSlope ]=kwargs['baselinestats'] self.saveTS=kwargs['savets'] # Optional args. If dataFileHnd is not passed at init, it must be set later # If not set before WriteEvent is called, it will result in a MissingMDIOError self.dataFileHnd=kwargs.pop("datafilehnd", None) # self.dataFileHnd=kwargs['datafileHnd'] # meta-data attrs that are common to all event processing self.mdProcessingStatus='normal' # Setup function timing self.timingObj=mosaicTiming.mosaicTiming() self.mdEventProcessTime=0.0 # print self.settingsDict # Call sub-class initialization self._init(**kwargs)
[docs] def processEvent(self): """ This is the equivalent of a pure virtual function in C++. """ start_time=self.timingObj.time() self.dataPolarity=float(np.sign(np.mean(self.eventData))) self._processEvent() self.mdEventProcessTime=1000.*(self.timingObj.time()-start_time) if not self.saveTS: self.eventData=[] self.writeEvent()
[docs] @abstractmethod def _init(self, **kwargs): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def _processEvent(self): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def _mdList(self): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| Return a list of meta-data set by event processing. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def _mdHeadings(self): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| Return a list of meta-data tags for display purposes. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def _mdHeadingDataType(self): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| Return a list of meta-data tags data types. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def mdAveragePropertiesList(self): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| Return a list of meta-data properties that will be averaged and displayed at the end of a run. This function must be overridden by sub-classes of metaEventProcessor. As a failsafe, an empty list is returned. """ pass
#return []
[docs] def mdHeadings(self): """ Return a list of meta-data tags for display purposes. """ return self._mdHeadings()+['ProcessTime', 'TimeSeries']
[docs] def mdHeadingDataType(self): """ Return a list of meta-data tags data types. """ return self._mdHeadingDataType()+['REAL', 'REAL_LIST']
[docs] def flagEvent(self, status): """ Set a warning status that starts with 'w' for non-critical errors. Metadata for these events is preserved and the user can be warned (e.g., in the GUI.) """ # Trigger if this is the first warning i.e. status == normal if self.mdProcessingStatus=='normal': self.mdProcessingStatus=status
[docs] def rejectEvent(self, status): """ Set an event as rejected if it doesn't pass tests in processing. The status is assigned to mdProcessingStatus. """ # Only reject events if this is the first error i.e. status == normal if self.mdProcessingStatus=='normal': if not mosaic.DeveloperMode: # set all meta data to -1 [ self._setRejectMetadata(mdHead) for mdHead in list(self.__dict__.keys()) if mdHead.startswith('md')==True ] # set processing status to status self.mdProcessingStatus=status
[docs] def writeEvent(self): """ Write event meta data to a metaMDIO object. """ try: if self.dataFileHnd: self.dataFileHnd.writeRecord( (self._mdList())+[self.mdEventProcessTime, self.eventDataU] ) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: # If the db is locked, wait 1 s and try again. print(err) time.sleep(1) self.writeEvent()
# else: # raise MissingMDIOError("Meta-data I/O object not initialized.") ########################################################################### # Local functions ########################################################################### def _setRejectMetadata(self, metadata): try: if len(getattr(self, metadata)) > 1: setattr(self, metadata, [-1]) except TypeError: setattr(self, metadata, -1) def __mdformat(self, dat): """ Round a float to 3 decimal places. Leave ints and strings unchanged """ if type(dat) is float: return round(dat, 3) else: return dat