Source code for mosaic.process.adept

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
	Analyze a multi-step event 

	:Created:	4/18/2013
 	:Author: 	Arvind Balijepalli <>
	:License:	See LICENSE.TXT
	.. line-block::
		06/28/16 	AB 	Upgrade lmfit to > 0.9 (
		05/27/16 	AB 	Added warnings when the reduced chi squared is not a number and if the fit parameters are unchanged from the initial guess values.
		05/22/16    JF  Added new test to reject BD < 0 or BD > 1, improved readability of error tests.
		03/30/16 	AB 	Change UnlinkRCConst to LinkRCConst to avoid double negatives.
		3/16/16 	AB 	Migrate InitThreshold setting to CUSUM StepSize.
		2/22/16 	AB 	Use CUSUM to estimate intial guesses in ADEPT for long events.
		2/20/16 	AB 	Format settings log.
		12/09/15 	KB 	Added Windows specific optimizations
		8/24/15 	AB 	Rename algorithm to ADEPT.
		8/02/15		JF	Added a new test to reject RC Constants <=0
		4/12/15 	AB 	Refactored code to improve reusability.
		3/20/15 	AB 	Added a maximum event length setting (MaxEventLength) that automatically rejects events longer than the specified value.
		3/20/15 	AB 	Added a new metadata column (mdStateResTime) that saves the residence time of each state to the database.
		3/6/15 		AB 	Added a new test for negative event delays
		3/6/15 		JF	Added MinStateLength to output log
		3/5/15 		AB 	Updated initial state determination to include a minumum state length parameter (MinStateLength).
						Initial state estimates now utilize gradient information for improved state identification.
		1/7/15		AB  Save the number of states in an event to the DB using the mdNStates column
		12/31/14 	AB 	Changed multi-state function to include a separate tau for 
						each state following Balijepalli et al, ACS Nano 2014.
		12/30/14	JF	Removed min/max constraint on tau
		11/7/14 	AB 	Error codes describing event rejection are now more specific.
		11/6/14 	AB 	Fixed a bug in the event fitting logic that prevents the
						analysis of long states.
		8/21/14		AB 	Added AbsEventStart and BlockDepth (constructed from mdCurrentStep
						and mdOpenChCurrent) metadata.
		5/17/14		AB  Modified md interface functions for metaMDIO support
		9/26/13		AB	Initial version
import mosaic.commonExceptions
from . import metaEventProcessor
import mosaic.utilities.util as util
import mosaic.utilities.mosaicLogging as mlog
import mosaic.utilities.fit_funcs as fit_funcs
import mosaic.process.cusumPlus as cusum
import mosaic.settings

import sys
import math

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

from lmfit import minimize, Parameters, Parameter, Minimizer

__all__ = ["adept", "InvalidEvent"]

[docs]class InvalidEvent(Exception): pass
[docs]class adept(metaEventProcessor.metaEventProcessor): """ Analyze a multi-step event that contains two or more states. This method includes system information in the analysis, specifically the filtering effects (through the RC constant) of either amplifiers or the membrane/nanopore complex. The analysis generates several parameters that are stored as metadata including: 1. Blockade depth: the ratio of the open channel current to the blocked current 2. Residence time: the time the molecule spends inside the pore 3. Tau: the RC constant of the response to a step input (e.g. the entry or exit of the molecule into or out of the nanopore). :Keyword Args: In addition to :class:`~mosaic.metaEventProcessor.metaEventProcessor` args, - `StepSize` : The multiple of the standard deviations considered significant to dtecting an event (default: 3.0). - `MinStateLength` : minimum number of data points required to assign a state within an event (default: 4) - `MaxEventLength` : maximum length (in data points) of events that will be processed (default: 10000) - `FitTol` : fit tolerance for convergence (default: 1.e-7) - `FitIters` : maximum fit iterations (default: 5000) - `LinkRCConst` : When True, the RC constants associated with each state in the fit function are varied together. (Default: `True`) :Errors: When an event cannot be analyzed, all metadata are set to -1. """ def _init(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize the single step analysis class. """ # initialize the object's metadata (to -1) as class attributes self.mdOpenChCurrent=-1 self.mdCurrentStep=[-1] self.mdNStates=-1 self.mdBlockDepth=[-1] self.mdEventDelay=[-1] self.mdStateResTime=[-1] self.mdEventStart=-1 self.mdEventEnd=-1 self.mdResTime = -1 self.mdRCConst=[-1] self.mdAbsEventStart = -1 self.mdRedChiSq=-1 self.nStates=-1 self.adeptLogger=mlog.mosaicLogging().getLogger(__name__) # Settings for single step event processing # settings for gaussian fits try: self.FitTol=float(self.settingsDict.pop("FitTol", 1.e-7)) self.FitIters=int(self.settingsDict.pop("FitIters", 5000)) self.StepSize=float(self.settingsDict.pop("StepSize", 3.0)) self.MinStateLength=float(self.settingsDict.pop("MinStateLength", 4)) self.MaxEventLength=int(self.settingsDict.pop("MaxEventLength", 10000)) self.LinkRCConst=int(self.settingsDict.pop("LinkRCConst", 1)) # initThr=float(self.settingsDict["InitThreshold"]) # if initThr: # print "Warning: InitThreshold is deprecated. Please use StepSize instead (see the docs for additional information). StepSize set to {0}".format(3.0*initThr) # self.StepSize=3.0*initThr except ValueError as err: raise mosaic.commonExceptions.SettingsTypeError( err ) # except KeyError: # pass ########################################################################### # Interface functions implemented starting here ########################################################################### def _processEvent(self): """ This function implements the core logic to analyze one single step-event. """ try: if (self.eEndEstimate-self.eStartEstimate) > self.MaxEventLength: self.rejectEvent("eMaxLength") else: # Correct the time-series data for polarity edat=self.dataPolarity*np.asarray( self.eventData, dtype='float64' ) # estimate initial guess for events initguess=self._cusumInitGuess(self.eventData) self.fitevent(edat, initguess) except InvalidEvent: self.rejectEvent('eInvalidEvent') except: raise def _mdList(self): """ Return a list of meta-data from the analysis of single step events. We explicitly control the order of the data to keep formatting consistent. """ return [ self.mdProcessingStatus, self.mdOpenChCurrent, self.mdNStates, self.mdCurrentStep, self.mdBlockDepth, self.mdEventStart, self.mdEventEnd, self.mdEventDelay, self.mdStateResTime, self.mdResTime, self.mdRCConst, self.mdAbsEventStart, self.mdRedChiSq ] def _mdHeadingDataType(self): """ Return a list of meta-data tags data types. """ return [ 'TEXT', 'REAL', 'INTEGER', 'REAL_LIST', 'REAL_LIST', 'REAL', 'REAL', 'REAL_LIST', 'REAL_LIST', 'REAL', 'REAL_LIST', 'REAL', 'REAL' ] def _mdHeadings(self): """ Explicity set the metadata to print out. """ return [ 'ProcessingStatus', 'OpenChCurrent', 'NStates', 'CurrentStep', 'BlockDepth', 'EventStart', 'EventEnd', 'EventDelay', 'StateResTime', 'ResTime', 'RCConstant', 'AbsEventStart', 'ReducedChiSquared' ]
[docs] def mdAveragePropertiesList(self): """ Return a list of meta-data properties that will be averaged and displayed at the end of a run. """ pass
[docs] def formatsettings(self): """ Return a formatted string of settings for display """ '\tEvent processing settings:' ) '\t\tAlgorithm = ADEPT' ) '\t\tMax. iterations = {0}'.format(self.FitIters) ) '\t\tFit tolerance (rel. err in leastsq) = {0}'.format(self.FitTol) ) '\t\tLink RC constants = {0}'.format(bool(self.LinkRCConst)) ) '\t\tInitial partition step size = {0}'.format(self.StepSize) ) '\t\tMin. State Length = {0} samples'.format(self.MinStateLength) ) '\t\tMax. Event Length = {0} samples'.format(self.MaxEventLength))
########################################################################### # Local functions ########################################################################### def fitevent(self, edat, initguess): try: dt = 1000./self.Fs # time-step in ms. # control numpy error reporting np.seterr(invalid='ignore', over='ignore', under='ignore') ts = np.array([ t*dt for t in range(0,len(edat)) ], dtype='float64') self.nStates=len(initguess) initRCConst=dt*5. # setup fit params params=Parameters() for i in range(0, len(initguess)): params.add('a'+str(i), value=initguess[i][0]) params.add('mu'+str(i), value=initguess[i][1]) if self.LinkRCConst: if i==0: params.add('tau'+str(i), value=initRCConst) else: params.add('tau'+str(i), value=initRCConst, expr='tau0') else: params.add('tau'+str(i), value=initRCConst) params.add('b', value=self.baseMean ) igdict=params.valuesdict() print(params) optfit=Minimizer(self._objfunc, params, fcn_args=(ts,edat,)) optfit.prepare_fit() result=optfit.leastsq(xtol=self.FitTol,ftol=self.FitTol,max_nfev=self.FitIters) if result.success: tt=[init[0] for init, final in zip(list(igdict.items()), list((result.params.valuesdict()).items())) if init==final] if len(tt) > 0: self.flagEvent('wInitGuessUnchanged') self._recordevent(result) else: #print optfit.message, optfit.lmdif_message self.rejectEvent('eFitConvergence') except KeyboardInterrupt: self.rejectEvent('eFitUserStop') raise except InvalidEvent: self.rejectEvent('eInvalidEvent') except BaseException as err: print(err) self.rejectEvent('eFitFailure') def _objfunc(self, params, t, data): """ model parameters for multistate blockade """ try: b = params['b'].value tau = [params['tau'+str(i)].value for i in range(self.nStates)] a=[params['a'+str(i)].value for i in range(self.nStates)] mu=[params['mu'+str(i)].value for i in range(self.nStates)] model = fit_funcs.multiStateFunc(t, tau, mu, a, b, self.nStates) return model - data except KeyboardInterrupt: raise def _recordevent(self, optfit): dt = 1000./self.Fs # time-step in ms. try: if self.nStates<2: self.rejectEvent('eInvalidStates') elif optfit.params['mu0'].value < 0.0 or optfit.params['mu'+str(self.nStates-1)].value < 0.0: self.rejectEvent('eInvalidResTime') # The start of the event is set past the length of the data elif optfit.params['mu'+str(self.nStates-1)].value > (1000./self.Fs)*(len(self.eventData)-1): self.rejectEvent('eInvalidStartTime') else: self.mdOpenChCurrent = optfit.params['b'].value self.mdCurrentStep = [ optfit.params['a'+str(i)].value for i in range(self.nStates) ] self.mdNStates = self.nStates self.mdBlockDepth = np.cumsum( self.mdCurrentStep[:-1] )/self.mdOpenChCurrent + 1 self.mdEventDelay = [ optfit.params['mu'+str(i)].value for i in range(self.nStates) ] self.mdStateResTime = np.diff(self.mdEventDelay) self.mdEventStart = optfit.params['mu0'].value self.mdEventEnd = optfit.params['mu'+str(self.nStates-1)].value self.mdRCConst = [ optfit.params['tau'+str(i)].value for i in range(self.nStates) ] self.mdResTime = self.mdEventEnd - self.mdEventStart self.mdAbsEventStart = self.mdEventStart + self.absDataStartIndex * dt self.mdRedChiSq = sum(np.array(optfit.residual)**2/self.baseSD**2)/optfit.nfree if math.isnan(self.mdRedChiSq): # print "wInvalidRedChiSq" self.flagEvent('wInvalidRedChiSq') if ((np.array(self.mdBlockDepth)<0).all() or (np.array(self.mdBlockDepth)>1).all()): self.rejectEvent('eInvalidBlockDepth') if (np.array(self.mdStateResTime)<0).all(): self.rejectEvent('eNegativeEventDelay') elif (np.array(self.mdRCConst)<0).all(): self.rejectEvent('eInvalidRCConst') except: self.rejectEvent('eInvalidEvent') def _cusumInitGuess(self, edat): cusumSettings={} cusumSettings["MinThreshold"]=0.1 cusumSettings["MaxThreshold"]=100. cusumSettings["StepSize"]=self.StepSize cusumSettings["MinLength"]=self.MinStateLength # print cusumSettings cusumObj=cusum.cusumPlus( edat, edat, self.Fs, eventstart=self.eStartEstimate, # event start point eventend=self.eEndEstimate, # event end point baselinestats=[ self.baseMean, self.baseSD, self.baseSlope ], algosettingsdict=cusumSettings.copy(), savets=False, absdatidx=self.absDataStartIndex, datafilehnd=None ) cusumObj.processEvent() if cusumObj.mdProcessingStatus != "normal": # raise InvalidEvent self.rejectEvent(cusumObj.mdProcessingStatus+"_init") else: return list(zip(cusumObj.mdCurrentStep, cusumObj.mdEventDelay))