Source code for mosaic.partition.eventSegment

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
	Partition a trajectory into individual events and pass each event 
	to an implementation of eventProcessor

	:Created:	7/17/2012
 	:Author: 	Arvind Balijepalli <>
	:License:	See LICENSE.TXT
	.. line-block::
		10/28/18	AB 	Fix spurious shallow events as outlined in
		9/25/17 	AB 	Save unfiltered event padding by default.
		1/18/17 	AB 	Fix pre event baseline.
		6/17/16 	AB 	Log function timing in developer mode.
		5/17/14		AB  Delete plotting support
		5/17/14		AB  Add metaMDIO support for meta-data and time-series storage
		2/14/14		AB 	Pass absdatidx argument to event processing to track absolute time of 
						event start for capture rate estimation.
		6/22/13		AB 	Use plotting hooks in metaEventPartition to plot blockade depth histogram in 
						real-time using matplotlib.
		4/22/13		AB 	Rewrote this class as an implementation of the base class metaEventPartition.
						Included event processing parallelization using ZMQ.
		9/26/12		AB  Allowed automatic open channel state calculation to be overridden.
						To do this the settings "meanOpenCurr","sdOpenCurr" and "slopeOpenCurr"
						must be set manually. If all three settings are absent or 
						set to 01, they are autuomatically estimated.
						Added "writeEventTS" boolean setting to control whether raw
						events are written to file. Default is ON (1)
		8/24/12		AB 	Settings are now read from a settings file that
						is located either with the data or in the working directory 
						that the program is run from. Each class that relies on the 
						settings file will fallback to default values if the file
						is not found.
		7/17/12		AB	Initial version
import mosaic.utilities.util as util
import mosaic.utilities.mosaicLogFormat as log
from mosaic.utilities.resource_path import format_path
import mosaic.utilities.mosaicLogging as mlog
from  collections import deque
from mosaic import commonExceptions
from . import metaEventPartition

__all__ = ["eventSegment"]

[docs]class eventSegment(metaEventPartition.metaEventPartition): """ Implement an event partitioning algorithm by sub-classing the metaEventPartition class :Settings: In addition to the parameters described in :class:`~mosaic.metaEventPartition`, the following parameters from are read from the settings file (.settings in the data path or current working directory): - `blockSizeSec` : Functions that perform block processing use this value to set the size of their windows in seconds. For example, open channel conductance is processed for windows with a size specified by this parameter. (default: 1 second) - `eventPad` : Number of points to include before and after a detected event. (default: 500) - `minEventLength` : Minimum number points in the blocked state to qualify as an event (default: 5) - `eventThreshold` : Threshold, number of SD away from the open channel mean. If the abs(curr) is less than 'abs(mean)-(eventThreshold*SD)' a new event is registered (default: 6) - `meanOpenCurr` : Explicitly set mean open channel current. (pA) (default: -1, to calculate automatically) - `sdOpenCurr` : Explicitly set open channel current SD. (pA) (default: -1, to calculate automatically) - `slopeOpenCurr` : Explicitly set open channel current slope. (default: -1, to calculate automatically) """ def _init(self, trajDataObj, eventProcHnd, eventPartitionSettings, eventProcSettings): """ Segment a trajectory """ # parse algorithm specific settings from the settings dict try: self.blockSizeSec=float(self.settingsDict.pop("blockSizeSec", 1.0)) self.eventPad=int(self.settingsDict.pop("eventPad", 500)) self.minEventLength=int(self.settingsDict.pop("minEventLength",5)) self.maxEventLength=int(self.settingsDict.pop("maxEventLength",1000000)) self.eventThreshold=float(self.settingsDict.pop("eventThreshold",6.0)) self.meanOpenCurr=float(self.settingsDict.pop("meanOpenCurr",-1.)) self.sdOpenCurr=float(self.settingsDict.pop("sdOpenCurr",-1.)) self.slopeOpenCurr=float(self.settingsDict.pop("slopeOpenCurr",-1.)) except ValueError as err: raise commonExceptions.SettingsTypeError( err ) # Calculate the threshold current from eventThreshold. self.thrCurr=(abs(self.meanOpenCurr)-self.eventThreshold*abs(self.sdOpenCurr)) if self.driftThreshold < 0 or self.maxDriftRate < 0: self.enableCheckDrift=False else: self.enableCheckDrift=True #### Vars for event partition #### self.esLogger=mlog.mosaicLogging().getLogger(name=__name__, dbHnd=self.mdioDBHnd) self.eventstart=False self.eventdat=[] self.preeventdat=deque(maxlen=self.eventPad) self.eventcount=0 self.eventprocessedcount=0 def _stop(self): pass
[docs] def formatsettings(self): """ Return a formatted string of settings for display in the output log. """ '\tEvent segment settings:' ) '\t\tWindow size for block operations = {0} s'.format(self.blockSizeSec) ) '\t\tEvent padding = {0} points'.format(self.eventPad) ) '\t\tMin. event rejection length = {0} points'.format(self.minEventLength) ) '\t\tEvent trigger threshold = {0:5.2f} * SD'.format(self.eventThreshold) ) '\t\tDrift error threshold = {0} * SD'.format(self.driftThreshold) ) '\t\tDrift rate error threshold = {0} pA/s'.format(self.maxDriftRate) )
[docs] def formatstats(self): """ Return a formatted string of statistics for display in the output log. """'\tBaseline open channel conductance:')'\t\tMean = {0} pA'.format( round(self.meanOpenCurr,2) ))'\t\tSD = {0} pA'.format( round(self.sdOpenCurr,2) ) )'\t\tSlope = {0} pA/s'.format( round(self.slopeOpenCurr,2) ) )'\tEvent segment stats:')'\t\tOpen channel drift (max) = {0} * SD'.format(abs(round((abs(self.meanOpenCurr)-abs(self.maxDrift))/self.sdOpenCurr,2))))'\t\tOpen channel drift rate (min/max) = ({0}/{1}) pA/s'.format(round(self.minDriftR,2), round(self.maxDriftR)))
[docs] def formatoutputfiles(self):'[Output]') #'\tOutput path = \'{0}\''.format(self.trajDataObj.datPath))'\tEvent database = \'{0}\''.format(self.mdioDBHnd.dbFilename) ) if self.writeEventTS:'\tEvent time-series = ***enabled***') else:'\tEvent time-series = ***disabled***')
################################################################# # Interface functions ################################################################# """#@profile""" @metaEventPartition.partitionTimer.FunctionTiming def _eventsegment(self): """ Cut up a trajectory into individual events. This algorithm uses simple thresholding. By working with absolute values of currents, we handle positive and negative potentials without switches. When the current drops below 'thrCurr', mark the start of the event. When the current returns to the baseline (obtained by averaging the open channel current immediately preceeding the start of the event), mark the event end. Pad the event by 'eventPad' points and hand off to the event processing algorithm. """ try: skipflag = False while(1): while (skipflag == True): #if we are in a clogged state or a very long event, skip data until we reach good baseline again t=self.currData.popleft() self.globalDataIndex+=1 if abs(t) >= self.meanOpenCurr: skipflag = False t=self.currData.popleft() self.globalDataIndex+=1 # store the latest point in a fixed buffer if not self.eventstart: self.preeventdat.append(t) # Mark the start of the event if abs(t) < self.thrCurr: #print "event", self.eventstart=True self.eventdat=[] self.eventdat.append(t) self.dataStart=self.globalDataIndex-len(self.preeventdat)-1 if self.eventstart: #mean=abs(util.avg(self.preeventdat)) mean = self.meanOpenCurr while(abs(t)<self.thrCurr): t=self.currData.popleft() self.eventdat.append(t) self.globalDataIndex+=1 if len(self.eventdat) > self.maxEventLength: skipflag = True break # end of event. Reset the flag self.eventstart=False # Check if there are enough data points to pad the event. If not pop more. if len(self.currData) < self.eventPad: self.currData.extend(list(self.trajDataObj.popdata(self.nPoints))) # Cleanup event pad data before adding it to the event. We look for: # 1. the start of a second event # 2. Outliers # The threshold for accepting a point is eventThreshold/2.0 eventpaddat = util.selectS( [ self.currData[i] for i in range(self.eventPad) ], self.eventThreshold/1.0, self.meanOpenCurr, self.sdOpenCurr ) # unfiltered padding. eventpaddatU = [ self.currData[i] for i in range(self.eventPad) ] # print self.trajDataObj.FsHz, self.windowOpenCurrentMean, self.sdOpenCurr, self.slopeOpenCurr, len(self.eventdat) if len(self.eventdat)>=self.minEventLength and len(self.eventdat)<self.maxEventLength: self.eventcount+=1 # print "i=", self.eventcount #sys.stderr.write('event mean curr={0:0.2f}, len(preeventdat)={1}\n'.format(sum(self.eventdat)/len(self.eventdat),len(self.preeventdat))) #print list(self.preeventdat) + self.eventdat + [ self.currData[i] for i in range(self.eventPad) ] #print "ecount=", self.eventcount, self.eventProcHnd # print "eventProcSettings", self.eventProcSettingsDict self._processEvent( self.eventProcHnd( list(self.preeventdat)[:-1] + self.eventdat + eventpaddat, list(self.preeventdat)[:-1] + self.eventdat + eventpaddatU, self.FsHz, eventstart=len(self.preeventdat)+1, # event start point eventend=len(self.preeventdat)+len(self.eventdat)+1, # event end point baselinestats=[ self.meanOpenCurr, self.sdOpenCurr, self.slopeOpenCurr ], algosettingsdict=self.eventProcSettingsDict.copy(), savets=self.writeEventTS, absdatidx=self.dataStart ) ) self.preeventdat.clear() except IndexError: return
# def __roundufloat(self, uf): # u=uncertainties # return u.ufloat(( round( u.nominal_value(uf), 4), round( u.std_dev(uf), 4) ))