Source code for mosaic.mdio.sqlite3MDIO

	A class that extends metaMDIO to implement SQLite support for metadata storage.

	:Created:	9/28/2014
	:Author: 	Arvind Balijepalli <>
	:License:	See LICENSE.TXT
	.. line-block::
		3/25/17 	AB 	Allow an optional argument to pass a database name.
		12/6/15 	AB 	Add sampling frequency to analysis info table
		8/5/15 		AB 	Added a function to export database tables to CSV
		8/5/15 		AB 	Misc bug fixes
		4/1/15 		AB 	Added an estimate of data length to the DB
		3/23/15 	AB 	Added a raw query function that does not automatically decode column data.
		11/9/14 	AB  Implemented the analysis log I/O interface for sqlite3 databases.
		9/28/14		AB 	Initial version
import sys
import sqlite3
import base64
import struct
import datetime
import pandas 

import numpy
import mosaic.mdio.metaMDIO as metaMDIO
import mosaic
from mosaic.utilities.resource_path import resource_path, format_path
import mosaic.utilities.mosaicLogging as mlog
from mosaic.utilities.mosaicLogFormat import _d

__all__ = ["sqlite3MDIO", "data_record"]

[docs]class data_record(dict): """ Smart data record structure that automatically encodes/decodes data for storage in a sqlite3 DB. """ def __init__(self, data_label, data, data_t): self.update( dict(list(zip( data_label, list(zip(data_t, data))))) ) self.dtypes=dict( list(zip(data_label, data_t)) ) def __setitem__(self, key, val): dat=val[1] if val[0].endswith('_LIST'): if val[0]=='REAL_LIST': (packstr, nBytes) = ('%sd', 8) elif val[0]=='INTEGER_LIST': (packstr, nBytes) = ('%si', 4) if isinstance(val[1], type('')) or isinstance(val[1], type(b'')): decoded_data=base64.b64decode(val[1]) dat = list(struct.unpack( packstr % int(len(decoded_data)/nBytes), decoded_data )) else: dat = base64.b64encode(struct.pack(packstr % len(val[1]), *val[1])) dict.__setitem__(self, key, dat) def __getitem__(self, key): return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): for k, v in dict(*args, **kwargs).items(): self[k] = v
[docs]class sqlite3MDIO(metaMDIO.metaMDIO): """ """ def _initdb(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize the database tables Args: tableName name of database table. Default is 'metadata' """ self.logger=mlog.mosaicLogging().getLogger(__name__) if not hasattr(self, 'tableName'): self.tableName='metadata' if not hasattr(self, 'colNames'): self.logger.error("Missing arguments: 'colNames' must be supplied to initialize {0}".format(type(self).__name__)) raise metaMDIO.InsufficientArgumentsError("Missing arguments: 'colNames' must be supplied to initialize {0}".format(type(self).__name__)) if not hasattr(self, 'colNames_t'): self.logger.error("Missing arguments: 'colNames_t' must be supplied to initialize {0}".format(type(self).__name__)) raise metaMDIO.InsufficientArgumentsError("Missing arguments: 'colNames_t' must be supplied to initialize {0}".format(type(self).__name__)) dbTimeout=kwargs.pop('timeout', 11.0) self.logger.debug(_d("DB Timeout = {0}", dbTimeout)) dbfile=kwargs.get('dbFilename', '') if dbfile=='': self.dbFilename=format_path(self.dbPath+'/'+'eventMD-' +str('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'))+'.sqlite') else: self.dbFilename=dbfile self.logger.debug(_d("dbFilename {0}", self.dbFilename)) self.db = sqlite3.connect(self.dbFilename, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES, timeout=dbTimeout) self._setuptables() self.logger.debug(_d("DB setup complete.")) def _dbfile(self): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| Return the full path and filename to the database. """ try: return self.dbFilename except: return "" def _opendb(self, dbname, **kwargs): try: self.logger.debug(_d("open DB {0}", dbname)) except AttributeError: self.logger=mlog.mosaicLogging().getLogger(__name__) self.logger.debug(_d("open DB {0}", dbname)) if not hasattr(self, 'tableName'): self.logger.debug(_d("Attribute tableName not found. Setting tableName to 'metadata'")) self.tableName='metadata' self.dbFilename=dbname # colnames and colname types are needed for appending data. If they are not passed # as arguments, no exception is raised. In the future this can be retrieved from the # metadata_t table in the db. try: self.colNames=kwargs['colNames'] self.colNames_t=kwargs['colNames_t'] except: pass # if not hasattr(self, 'colNames_t'): # raise metaMDIO.InsufficientArgumentsError("Missing arguments: 'colNames_t' must be supplied to initialize {0}".format(type(self).__name__)) self.db = sqlite3.connect(dbname, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) self._setuptables()
[docs] def closeDB(self): self.db.commit() self.db.close()
[docs] def writeRecord(self, data, table=None): if not table: tabname=self.tableName cols=self.colNames datalist=self._datalist(data) else: tabname=table cols=self._colnames(table)[:-1] datalist=data placeholders_list=','.join(['?' for i in range(len(data))]) with self.db: self.db.execute( 'INSERT INTO ' + tabname + '('+', '.join(cols)+') VALUES('+ placeholders_list+')', datalist )
[docs] def writeSettings(self, settingsstring): with self.db: self.db.execute( 'INSERT INTO analysissettings VALUES(?, ?)', (settingsstring, None,) )
[docs] def writeAnalysisInfo(self, infolist): with self.db: # allow only one entry in this table self.db.execute('DELETE FROM analysisinfo') self.db.execute( 'INSERT INTO analysisinfo VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', (infolist+[mosaic.__version__, mosaic.__build__, None]))
[docs] def writeAnalysisLog(self, analysislog): with self.db: # first delete any old records because we want analysis log to only have one entry. self.db.execute('DELETE FROM analysislog') self.db.execute( 'INSERT INTO analysislog VALUES(?, ?)', (analysislog, None,) )
[docs] def readSettings(self): try: self.db.commit() c = self.db.cursor() c.execute( 'select settings from analysissettings' ) settstr=c.fetchall() return list(settstr[0])[0] # return base64.b64decode(list(settstr[0])[0]) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: raise
[docs] def readAnalysisLog(self): try: self.db.commit() c = self.db.cursor() c.execute( 'select logstring from analysislog' ) settstr=c.fetchall() if len(settstr)>0: return list(settstr[0])[0] else: return "" # return base64.b64decode(list(settstr[0])[0]) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: raise
[docs] def readAnalysisInfo(self): try: self.db.commit() c = self.db.cursor() c.execute('PRAGMA table_info(analysisinfo);') infoheadings=[ idx[1] for idx in c.fetchall() ] c.execute( 'select * from analysisinfo' ) infolist=c.fetchall()[0] infodict={} for k,v in list(zip(infoheadings, infolist))[:-1]: infodict[k]=v return infodict except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: raise
def rawQuery(self, query): try: self.db.commit() c = self.db.cursor() c.execute(str(query)) self.logger.debug(_d("{0}", query)) return c.fetchall() except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: raise
[docs] def queryDB(self, query): try: self.db.commit() c = self.db.cursor() colnames=self._col_names(query, c, self.tableName) colnames_t=list(str(c) for c in (c.execute( 'select '+','.join(colnames)+' from '+self.tableName+'_t' ).fetchall())[0]) self.logger.debug(_d("{0}", query)) c.execute(str(query)) return [ self._decoderecord(colnames, colnames_t, rec) for rec in c.fetchall() ] except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: raise
def executeSQL(self, query): try: self.db.commit() c = self.db.cursor() c.execute(str(query)) return c.fetchall() except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: raise
[docs] def exportToCSV(self, query): """ Export database records that match the specified query to a CSV flat file. """ csvfile=format_path( self.dbFile.split('.')[0]+'.csv' ) df=pandas.DataFrame(self.queryDB(query), columns=self._col_names(query, self.db.cursor(), self.tableName)) df.to_csv( csvfile ) self.logger.debug(_d("{0}", csvfile))
[docs] def csvString(self, query): """ Return database records that match the specified query as a CSV formatted string. """ df=pandas.DataFrame(self.queryDB(query), columns=self._col_names(query, self.db.cursor(), self.tableName)) return df.to_csv( path_or_buf=None )
def _colnames(self, table=None): if table: tname=table else: tname=self.tableName+'_t' c = self.db.cursor() return [ str(row[1]) for row in c.execute('PRAGMA table_info('+tname+')').fetchall() ] def _coltypes(self, table=None): if table: tname=table else: tname=self.tableName+'_t' c = self.db.cursor() return (c.execute('SELECT * from '+tname).fetchall())[0] def _col_names(self, query, c, tablename): cols=[] for word in query.split()[1:]: if word == 'from': break cols+=[word] c1=[ col.rstrip(',') for col in cols ] if c1[0]=='*': return [ str(row[1]) for row in c.execute('PRAGMA table_info('+tablename+'_t)').fetchall() ] else: return c1 def _setuptables(self): c = self.db.cursor() # check to see if tables exist tables=[] for row in c.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'"): tables.append(row) # create a new table for event meta-data if (self.tableName,) not in tables: c.execute( 'create table ' + self.tableName + ' ( recIDX INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, ' + self._sqltypes() + ' );' ) # create a second table with native types and store them c.execute('create table '+ self.tableName+'_t'+ ' ('+'recIDX TEXT, '+ ','.join(k+' TEXT' for k in self.colNames) + ', PRIMARY KEY (recIDX)'+')' ) placeholders_list=','.join(['?' for i in range(len(self.colNames)+1)]) c.execute( 'INSERT INTO ' + self.tableName+'_t' + '(recIDX, '+', '.join(self.colNames)+') VALUES('+ placeholders_list+')', ('REAL',)+tuple(self.colNames_t) ) # create a table that stores global info about the analysis # data path, data type, partition/processing algorithms etc c.execute("create table analysisinfo ( \ datPath TEXT, \ dataType TEXT, \ partitionAlgorithm TEXT, \ processingAlgorithm TEXT, \ filteringAlgorithm TEXT, \ analysisTimeSec REAL, \ dataLengthSec REAL, \ FsHz REAL, \ mosaicVer TEXT, \ mosaicBuild TEXT, \ recIDX INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT \ )") # create a table to store the analysis settings string in JSON format # No validation of the data is performed when storing this string. c.execute("create table analysissettings ( \ settings TEXT, \ recIDX INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT \ )") # create a table to store the analysis output log. c.execute("create table analysislog ( \ logstring TEXT, \ recIDX INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT \ )") # create a table to store a list of processed data filenames c.execute("create table processedfiles ( \ filename TEXT, \ fileformat TEXT, \ modifiedtime TEXT, \ recIDX INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT \ )") self.db.commit() def _sqltypes(self): sqlstring=[] for (k,v) in zip(self.colNames, self.colNames_t): if v.endswith('_LIST'): sqlstring.append( str(k)+' BLOB' ) else: sqlstring.append( str(k)+' '+str(v) ) return ', '.join(sqlstring) def _datalist(self, data): # recidx=self._generateRecordKey() d=data_record( self.colNames, data, self.colNames_t ) return tuple( [ d[col] for col in self.colNames ] ) def _decoderecord(self, colnames, colnames_t, rec): d=data_record( colnames, rec, colnames_t ) return [ d[col] for col in colnames ]
if __name__ == '__main__': try: c=sqlite3MDIO() # c.openDB(resource_path('data/eventMD-PEG28-ADEPT2State.sqlite')) c.openDB("/Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/ReferenceData/POM_ph5_45_m120_6/eventMD-20191115-194009.sqlite") c.logger.debug('test') q=c.queryDB( "select TimeSeries from metadata limit 100, 200" ) print("Results:", len(q)) print(c.readSettings()) print(c.readAnalysisLog()) print(c.readAnalysisInfo()) # print zip( c.mdColumnNames, c.mdColumnTypes ) print() # print [ c for c in zip( c.mdColumnNames, c.mdColumnTypes ) if c[1] != 'REAL_LIST' ] # c.exportToCSV( "select * from metadata" ) print(c.csvString( "select ProcessingStatus, BlockDepth from metadata limit 5" )) c.closeDB() except: raise