Source code for mosaic.mdio.metaMDIO

	Interface class to write and query metadata 

	:Created:	3/1/2014
 	:Author: 	Arvind Balijepalli <>
	:License:	See LICENSE.TXT
	.. line-block::
		11/9/14 	AB 	Added an interface to read/write the output log of an analysis from/to a DB.
		3/1/14		AB	Initial version
import os
import mosaic.utilities.mosaicTiming as mosaicTiming
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from mosaic.utilities.mosaicLogFormat import mosaic_property

__all__ = ["metaMDIO", "InsufficientArgumentsError"]

class InsufficientArgumentsError(Exception):

[docs]class metaMDIO(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ .. warning:: |metaclass| This class provides the skeleton for storing metadata generated by algorithms. It also provides an interface to query metadata, for example in a SQL database. :Properties: - `dbColumnNames` : a list of database column names """ def __init__(self): # Setup function timing self.timingObj=mosaicTiming.mosaicTiming()
[docs] def initDB(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize a new database file. :Parameters: The arguments passed to init change based on the method of file IO selected, in addition to the common args below: - `dbPath` : directory to store the MD database ('<full path to data directory>') - `colNames` : list of text names for the columns in the tables - `colNames_t` : list of data types for each column. """ # start by setting all passed keyword arguments as class attributes for (k,v) in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) if not hasattr(self, 'dbPath'): raise InsufficientArgumentsError("Missing arguments: 'dbPath' must be supplied to initialize {0}".format(type(self).__name__)) # if not hasattr(self, 'colNames'): # raise InsufficientArgumentsError("Missing arguments: 'colNames' must be supplied to initialize {0}".format(type(self).__name__)) # if not hasattr(self, 'colNames_t'): # raise InsufficientArgumentsError("Missing arguments: 'colNames_t' must be supplied to initialize {0}".format(type(self).__name__)) self._initdb(**kwargs)
[docs] def openDB(self, dbname, **kwargs): """ Open an existing database file. :Parameters: - `dbname` : directory to store the MD database ('<full path to data directory>') .. seealso:: The arguments passed to init change based on the method of file IO selected, in addition to the common args. """ self._opendb(dbname, **kwargs)
@abstractmethod def _dbfile(self): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| Return the full path and filename to the database. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def _opendb(self, dbname, **kwargs): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def _initdb(self, **kwargs): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def closeDB(self): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def writeRecord(self, data, table=None): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| Write data to a specified table. By default table is None. In this case sub-classes should fall back to writing data to a default table. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def writeSettings(self, settingsstring): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| Write the settings JSON object to the database. :Args: - `settingsstring` : a JSON_ formatted settings string. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def writeAnalysisLog(self, analysislog): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| Write the analysis log string to the database. Note that subsequent calls to this method will overwrite the analysis log entry. :Args: - `analysislog` : analysis log string to save """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def writeAnalysisInfo(self, infolist): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| Write analysis information to the database. Note that subsequent calls to this method will overwrite the analysis inoformation entry in the table. :Args: - `infolist` : A list of strings in the following order [ datPath, dataType, partitionAlgorithm, processingAlgorithm, filteringAlgorithm]. `datPath` : full path to the data directory `dataType` : type of data processed (e.g. ABF, QDF, etc.) `partitionAlgorithm` : name of partition algorithm (e.g. eventSegment) `processingAlgorithm` : name of event processing algorithm (e.g. multStateAnalysis) `filteringAlgorithm` : name of filtering algorithm (e.g. waveletDenoiseFilter) or None if no filtering was performed. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def readSettings(self): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| Read JSON settings from the database. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def readAnalysisLog(self): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| Read the analysis log from the database. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def readAnalysisInfo(self): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| Read analysis information from the database. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def _colnames(self, table=None): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| """ pass
@abstractmethod def _coltypes(self, table=None): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def queryDB(self, query): """ .. important:: |abstractmethod| Query a database. :Parameters: - `query` : query string .. seealso:: See specific implementations of metaMDIO for query syntax. """ pass
@mosaic_property def mdColumnNames(self): return self._colnames() @mosaic_property def mdColumnTypes(self): return self._coltypes() @mosaic_property def dbFile(self): return self._dbfile() def _generateRecordKey(self): return float(self.timingObj.time()