Source code for mosaic.filters.besselLowpassFilter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
	Implementation of an 'N' order Bessel filter

	:Created: 7/1/2013
	:Author: 	Arvind Balijepalli <>
	:License:	See LICENSE.TXT
	.. line-block::
				11/2/16         KB      changed Bessel filter implementation to match expected rise time
		9/27/16 	AB 	Control phase delay
		9/13/15 	AB 	Updated logging to use mosaicLogFormat class
		7/1/13		AB	Initial version
import numpy as np 
import scipy.signal as sig
import sys

import mosaic.filters.metaIOFilter as metaIOFilter
import mosaic.utilities.mosaicLogging as mlog

__all__ = ["besselLowpassFilter"]

[docs]class besselLowpassFilter(metaIOFilter.metaIOFilter): """ :Keyword Args: In addition to metaIOFilter.__init__ args, - `filterOrder` : the filter order - `filterCutoff` : filter cutoff frequency in Hz """ def _init(self, **kwargs): """ """ self.logger=mlog.mosaicLogging().getLogger(__name__) try: self.filterOrder=float(kwargs['filterOrder']) self.filterCutoff=float(kwargs['filterCutoff']) except KeyError: self.logger.error( "ERROR: Missing mandatory arguments 'filterOrder' or 'filterCutoff'" ) try: self.causal = kwargs['causal'] == "True" except KeyError: self.causal = False if self.causal: raise NotImplementedError('Causal filter has not been implemented yet') self.filterInit=False
[docs] def filterData(self, icurr, Fs): """ Denoise an ionic current time-series and store it in self.eventData :Parameters: - `icurr` : ionic current in pA - `Fs` : original sampling frequency in Hz """ self.eventData=icurr self.Fs=Fs if not self.filterInit: self.b, self.a=sig.bessel( N=int(self.filterOrder), Wn=float(self.filterCutoff/(float(self.Fs)/2.0)), btype='lowpass', analog=False, output='ba', norm='mag' ) self.filterInit=True #pad the data with 10x the transient time at both ends to manually eliminate edge effects of the filter #for some reason I can't get good results using the pad method in filtfilt so manual it is #this means there may be some numerical artefacts but they should be well below the level of noise padding = int(10 * self.Fs/float(self.filterCutoff)) paddedsignal = np.pad(self.eventData,pad_width=padding,mode='edge') self.eventData=sig.filtfilt(self.b, self.a, paddedsignal, padtype=None, method='pad')[padding:-padding]
[docs] def formatsettings(self): """ Populate `logObject` with settings strings for display """ '\tFilter settings:' ) '\t\tFilter type = {0}'.format(self.__class__.__name__) ) '\t\tFilter order = {0}'.format(self.filterOrder) ) '\t\tFilter cutoff = {0} kHz'.format(self.filterCutoff*1e-3) ) '\t\tDecimation = {0}'.format(self.decimate) )
def _filterCutoffFrequency(self): return self.filterCutoff