
class Euler

There are many ambiguities in Euler angle and rotation matrix definitions. See and

FEASST uses “so-called” proper, active intrinsic z-x-z or “x-convention” which is given by the following three intrinsic rotations:

  1. rotate by phi [-pi, pi] about the z-axis.

  2. rotate by theta [0, pi] about the new x-axis.

  3. rotate by psi [-pi, pi] about the new z-axis.

The rotation matrixes for each of these are as described in

For a z-axis rotation is given by [c, -s, 0 s, c, 0 0, 0, 1] where c is cosine of the angle of rotation, and s is the sine.

and an x-axis rotation is given by [1, 0, 0 0, c, -s 0, s, c]

The following rotation matrix is obtained for the rotation described above [c1c3 - c2s1s3, -c1s3 - c2c3s1, s1s2 c3s1 + c1c2s3, c1c2c3 - s1s3, -c1s2 s2s3, c3s2, c2] which should be equivalent to the Z1X2Z3 Proper Euler angle described in

Note that these resulting rotation matrix is the inverse of the one described in the following website: This is likely because the rotation matrix is a passive rotation, which means that it is from the perspective of changing the coordinate system rather than the coordinates of a particle in a fixed frame.

Public Functions

Euler(const double phi, const double theta, const double psi)

Construct from values.

void set(const double phi, const double theta, const double psi)

Set the Euler angles.

void set(const Matrix &matrix)

Set the Euler angles from RotationMatrix.

double phi() const

Return the first angle [-pi, pi] about the z-axis.

double theta() const

Return the second angle [0, pi] about the new x-axis.

double psi() const

Return the third angle [-pi, pi] about the new z-axis.

void compute_rotation_matrix(RotationMatrix *matrix) const

Compute a RotationMatrix from Euler angles.

bool is_equal(const Euler &euler, const double tolerance = 1e-8) const

Return true if equal.

std::string str() const

Return human readable format.