
namespace feasst


std::string str(const std::string &key, const argtype &args)

Read an argument, but do not remove it. WARNING: This should typically only be used for error checking.

std::pair<std::string, argtype> parse_line(const std::string line, argtype *variables, bool *assign_to_list)

Parse a text interface line. These typically begin with an object Name, then space-separated arguments. First, look for set_variable, to generate a list of variables to use for name substitution. Finally, replace any value beginnig with /feasst with the install_dir().

argtype line_to_argtype(const std::string line)

convert a space-delimited string into argtype

std::vector<arglist> parse_mcs(std::istream &is, argtype variables = argtype())

Parse MonteCarlo arguments from a stream.

void replace_value(const std::string search, const std::string replace, arglist *args)

Find all values equal to “search” in args and replace with “replace”.

void replace_in_value(const std::string &from, const std::string &to, arglist *args)
std::vector<double> parse_dimensional(const std::string &key, argtype *args, const int max)

Read data from arguments beginning with key and counting from 0 up. For example, “{{“x0”, “1”}, {“x1”, “2”}}” will return {1, 2} vector.