Gibbs Ensemble Simulation of Lennard-Jones

Example single-site Lennard-Jones Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulation using FEASST.

import argparse
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyfeasst import fstio

# Parse arguments from command line or change their default values.
PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
PARSER.add_argument('--feasst_install', type=str, default='../../../build/',
                    help='FEASST install directory (e.g., the path to build)')
PARSER.add_argument('--fstprt', type=str, default='/feasst/particle/lj.fstprt',
                    help='FEASST particle definition')
PARSER.add_argument('--beta', type=float, default=1., help='inverse temperature')
PARSER.add_argument('--tpi', type=int, default=int(1e5),
                    help='like cycles, but not necessary num_particles')
PARSER.add_argument('--equilibration_iterations', type=int, default=int(1e2),
                    help='number of iterations for equilibraiton')
PARSER.add_argument('--production_iterations', type=int, default=int(3e2),
                    help='number of iterations for production')
PARSER.add_argument('--hours_checkpoint', type=float, default=1, help='hours per checkpoint')
PARSER.add_argument('--hours_terminate', type=float, default=1, help='hours until termination')
PARSER.add_argument('--procs_per_node', type=int, default=1, help='number of processors')
PARSER.add_argument('--run_type', '-r', type=int, default=0,
                    help='0: run, 1: submit to queue, 2: post-process')
PARSER.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=-1,
                    help='Random number generator seed. If -1, assign random seed to each sim.')
PARSER.add_argument('--max_restarts', type=int, default=10, help='Number of restarts in queue')
PARSER.add_argument('--num_nodes', type=int, default=1, help='Number of nodes in queue')
PARSER.add_argument('--scratch', type=str, default=None,
                    help='Optionally write scheduled job to scratch/logname/jobid.')
PARSER.add_argument('--queue_flags', type=str, default="", help='extra flags for queue (e.g., for slurm, "-p queue")')
PARSER.add_argument('--node', type=int, default=0, help='node ID')
PARSER.add_argument('--queue_id', type=int, default=-1, help='If != -1, read args from file')
PARSER.add_argument('--queue_task', type=int, default=0, help='If > 0, restart from checkpoint')

# Convert arguments into a parameter dictionary, and add argument-dependent parameters.
ARGS, UNKNOWN_ARGS = PARSER.parse_known_args()
assert len(UNKNOWN_ARGS) == 0, 'An unknown argument was included: '+str(UNKNOWN_ARGS)
PARAMS['script'] = __file__
PARAMS['prefix'] = 'lj'
PARAMS['sim_id_file'] = PARAMS['prefix']+ '_sim_ids.txt'
PARAMS['minutes'] = int(PARAMS['hours_terminate']*60) # minutes allocated on queue
PARAMS['hours_terminate'] = 0.99*PARAMS['hours_terminate'] - 0.0333 # terminate before queue
PARAMS['procs_per_sim'] = 1
PARAMS['num_sims'] = PARAMS['num_nodes']*PARAMS['procs_per_node']
PARAMS['equil'] = PARAMS['equilibration_iterations']*PARAMS['tpi']
PARAMS['double_equil'] = 2*PARAMS['equil']

def sim_node_dependent_params(params):
    """ Set parameters that depent upon the sim or node here. """

def write_feasst_script(params, script_file):
    """ Write fst script for a single simulation with keys of params {} enclosed. """
    with open(script_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as myfile:
RandomMT19937 seed {seed}
# purposefully start with a bad volume guess to see if equilibration adjusts volume
Configuration cubic_side_length 16 particle_type0 {fstprt}
Configuration cubic_side_length 8 particle_type0 {fstprt}
CopyFollowingLines for_num_configurations 2
    Potential Model LennardJones
    Potential VisitModel LongRangeCorrections
    RefPotential VisitModel DontVisitModel
ThermoParams beta {beta} chemical_potential 5
CopyNextLine replace0 configuration_index with0 0 replace1 tunable_param with1 2.0
TrialTranslate tunable_param 0.1 tunable_target_acceptance 0.2 configuration_index 1
Checkpoint checkpoint_file {prefix}{sim}_checkpoint.fst num_hours {hours_checkpoint} num_hours_terminate {hours_terminate}

# fill both boxes with particles
Log trials_per_write {tpi} output_file {prefix}{sim}_fill.csv
CopyNextLine replace0 configuration_index with0 0 replace1 output_file with1 {prefix}{sim}
Movie trials_per_write {tpi} output_file {prefix}{sim} configuration_index 1
TrialAdd particle_type 0 configuration_index 0
Run until_num_particles 112 configuration_index 0
RemoveTrial name TrialAdd
TrialAdd particle_type 0 configuration_index 1
Run until_num_particles 400 configuration_index 1
RemoveModify name Tune
RemoveTrial name TrialAdd
RemoveAnalyze name Log
RemoveAnalyze name Movie
RemoveAnalyze name Movie

# gibbs equilibration cycles: equilibrate, estimate density, adjust, repeat
# start a very long run GibbsInitialize completes once targets are reached
Metropolis num_trials_per_iteration 1e9 num_iterations_to_complete 1e9
GibbsInitialize updates_density_equil {equil} updates_per_adjust {double_equil}
TrialGibbsParticleTransfer weight 0.5 particle_type 0 reference_index 0 print_num_accepted true
TrialGibbsVolumeTransfer weight 0.01 tunable_param 10. tunable_target_acceptance 0.5 reference_index 0 print_num_accepted true
CheckEnergy trials_per_update {tpi} decimal_places 8
Log trials_per_write {tpi} output_file {prefix}{sim}_eq.csv
CopyNextLine replace0 configuration_index with0 0 replace1 output_file with1 {prefix}{sim}
Movie trials_per_write {tpi} output_file {prefix}{sim} configuration_index 1
ProfileCPU trials_per_write {tpi} output_file {prefix}{sim}_eq_profile.csv
# a new tune is required when new Trials are introduced
# decrease trials per due to infrequency of volume transfer attempts
Tune trials_per_tune 20
Run until_criteria_complete true
RemoveModify name GibbsInitialize
RemoveModify name Tune
RemoveAnalyze name Log
RemoveAnalyze name Movie
RemoveAnalyze name Movie
RemoveAnalyze name ProfileCPU

# gibbs ensemble production
Metropolis num_trials_per_iteration {tpi} num_iterations_to_complete {production_iterations}
CheckConstantVolume trials_per_update {tpi} tolerance 1e-4
Log trials_per_write {tpi} output_file {prefix}{sim}.csv
CopyFollowingLines for_num_configurations 2 replace c0 with c1
    Movie   trials_per_write {tpi} output_file {prefix}{sim}
    Energy  trials_per_write {tpi} output_file {prefix}{sim}_c0_en.csv
    Density trials_per_write {tpi} output_file {prefix}{sim}_c0_dens.csv
    Volume  trials_per_write {tpi} output_file {prefix}{sim}_c0_vol.csv
GhostTrialVolume trials_per_write {tpi} output_file {prefix}{sim}_pressure.csv trials_per_update 1e3
CPUTime trials_per_write {tpi} output_file {prefix}{sim}_cpu.csv
ProfileCPU trials_per_write {tpi} output_file {prefix}{sim}_profile.csv
Run until_criteria_complete true

def compare(label, average, stdev, params, z_factor=3):
    df = pd.read_csv(params['prefix']+"0_"+label+".csv")
    df['diff'] = np.abs(df['average']-average)
    df['tol'] = np.sqrt(df['block_stdev']**2+stdev**2)
    print(label, df)
    diverged = df[df['diff'] > z_factor*df['tol']]
    if len(diverged) > 0:
    assert len(diverged) == 0

def post_process(params):
    z_factor = 3
    #fh rhov_rhol_p = [[0.1003, 0.56329, 0.07721], [9.41E-06, 4.51E-05, 5.7E-06]] # T=1.2 srsw fh
    rhov_rhol_p = [[2.9556E-02, 7.0094E-01, 2.4950E-02], [3.45E-06, 6.31E-05, 1.67E-06]] # T=1 srsw fh
    #fh rhov_rhol_p = [[6.1007E-03, 0.79981, 0.0046465], [5.63E-07, 0.000013, 3.74e-7]] #T=0.8 srsw fh
    compare("c0_dens", rhov_rhol_p[0][0], rhov_rhol_p[1][0], params)
    compare("c1_dens", rhov_rhol_p[0][1], rhov_rhol_p[1][1], params)
    compare("pressure", rhov_rhol_p[0][2], rhov_rhol_p[1][2], params)
    #if True: # set to true to plot
    if False: # set to true to plot
        df = pd.read_csv('lj0_eq.csv')
        if label != 'num_particles_of_type0':
            for config in ['0', '1']:
                plt.plot(df[label+'_config'+config], label=config)
            plt.ylabel(label, fontsize=16)
            frac_vapor = df[label+'_config0']/(df[label+'_config0']+df[label+'_config1'])
            plt.ylabel('number fraction in vapor', fontsize=16)
            plt.axhline(0.1, linestyle='dashed')
            plt.axhline(0.2, linestyle='dashed')
        plt.xlabel('trials / 1e5', fontsize=16)
        plt.savefig('plot.png', bbox_inches='tight')

if __name__ == '__main__':