
class DebyeHuckel : public feasst::ModelTwoBody

Compute energy between two point charges, qi and qj with a Debye-Huckel potential.


where r is the separation distance, κ is the inverse of the Debye screening length, ϵ is the dilectric constant (dimensionless), and χ is the charge conversion factor assuming the following units:

  1. length: Angstroms

  2. energy: kJ/mol

  3. charge: elementary

An optional smoothing_distance linearly interpolates the energy to zero at the cutoff starting at a distance of cutoff - smoothing_distance.

Avoid singularity by returning a large, positive number when r is near zero.

Public Functions

void precompute(const ModelParams &existing)

Precompute model parameters based on existing model parameters.

void serialize(std::ostream &ostr) const

Output a serialized version of the existing model.


  • kappa: as described above.

  • dielectric: as described above.

  • smoothing_distance: as described above. Disabled when negative (default: -1).