nexusLIMS.harvesters package

Handles obtaining a certificate authority bundle from the environment.

Sub-modules include connections to calendar APIs (NEMO and Sharepoint) as well as a class to represent a Reservation Event



nexusLIMS.harvesters.reservation_event module

A representation of calendar reservations.

This module contains a class to represent calendar reservations and associated metadata harvest metadata from various calendar sources. The expectation is that submodules of this module will have a method named res_event_from_session implemented to handle fetching a ReservationEvent object from a nexusLIMS.db.session_handler.Session object.

class nexusLIMS.harvesters.reservation_event.ReservationEvent(experiment_title: Optional[str] = None, instrument: Optional[Instrument] = None, last_updated: Optional[datetime] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, user_full_name: Optional[str] = None, created_by: Optional[str] = None, created_by_full_name: Optional[str] = None, start_time: Optional[datetime] = None, end_time: Optional[datetime] = None, reservation_type: Optional[str] = None, experiment_purpose: Optional[str] = None, sample_details: Optional[List[Optional[str]]] = None, sample_pid: Optional[List[Optional[str]]] = None, sample_name: Optional[List[Optional[str]]] = None, sample_elements: Optional[List[Optional[List[str]]]] = None, project_name: Optional[List[Optional[str]]] = None, project_id: Optional[List[Optional[str]]] = None, project_ref: Optional[List[Optional[str]]] = None, internal_id: Optional[str] = None, division: Optional[str] = None, group: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: object

A representation of a single calendar reservation.

The representation is independent of the type of calendar the reservation was made with. ReservationEvent is a common interface that is used by the record building code.

Any attribute can be None to indicate it was not present or no value was provided. The as_xml() method is used to serialize the information contained within a ReservationEvent into an XML representation that is compatible with the Nexus Facility Experiment schema.


The title of the event


The instrument associated with this reservation


The time this event was last updated




The username of the user indicated in this event


The full name of the user for this event


The username of the user that created this event


The full name of the user that created this event


The time this event was scheduled to start


The time this event was scheduled to end


The “type” or category of this event (such as User session, service, etc.))


The user-entered purpose of this experiment


A list of the user-entered sample details for this experiment. The length of the list must match that given in sample_pid and sample_name.


A list of sample PIDs provided by the user. The length of the list must match that given in sample_details and sample_name.


A list of user-friendly sample names (not a PID). The length of the list must match that given in sample_details and sample_pid.


A list of the user-entered project names for this experiment. The length of the list must match that given in project_id and project_ref.


A list of the specific project IDs within a research group/division. The length of the list must match that given in project_name and project_ref.


A list of (optional) links to this project in another database. The length of the list must match that given in project_name and project_id.


The identifier assigned to this event (if any) by the calendaring system


An identifier of the division this experiment was performed for (i.e. the user’s division)


An identifier of the group this experiment was performed for (i.e. the user’s group)


A web-accessible link to a summary of this reservation

as_xml() Element[source]

Get an XML representation of this ReservationEvent.


root – The reservation event serialized as XML that matches the Nexus Experiment schema

Return type


nexusLIMS.harvesters.sharepoint_calendar module

Communicate with a SharePoint calendar system used for instrument reservations.

Deprecated since version 1.1.1: NexusLIMS works best with a NEMO instance for scheduling (see nexusLIMS.harvesters.nemo package).

Note, due to changes in NIST’s instrument configurations, the SharePoint harvester has been deprecated as of March 2022. It _should_ continue to work with versions of SharePoint up to 2019. It does not work with “SharePoint in Microsoft 365” due to that platform’s lack of support for NTLM authentication. This file is left in place for backwards compatibility, but is no longer actively developed nor tested (since it requires a working 2019 SP - or older - server, which we do not have readily available).

nexusLIMS.harvesters.sharepoint_calendar.dump_calendars(instrument=None, dt_from=None, dt_to=None, filename: Optional[Path] = None)[source]

Write the results of get_events() to a file.

  • instrument (Instrument or str) – One of the NexusLIMS instruments contained in the instrument_db database. Controls what instrument calendar is used to get events. If value is a string, it should be one of the instrument PIDs from the Nexus facility

  • dt_from (datetime or None) – A datetime object representing the start of a calendar event to search for, as in fetch_xml(). If dt_from and dt_to are None, no date filtering will be done. If just dt_from is None, all events from the beginning of the calendar record will be returned up until dt_to.

  • dt_to (datetime or None) – A datetime object representing the end of calendar event to search for, as in fetch_xml(). If dt_from and dt_to are None, no date filtering will be done. If just dt_to is None, all events from the dt_from to the present will be returned.

  • filename (str) – The filename to which the events should be written

nexusLIMS.harvesters.sharepoint_calendar.fetch_xml(instrument, dt_from=None, dt_to=None)[source]

Get the XML from the Nexus Sharepoint calendar for one or more instruments.

  • instrument (Instrument) – As defined in get_events(), one of the NexusLIMS instruments contained in the instrument_db database. Controls what instrument calendar is used to get events

  • dt_from (datetime or None) – A datetime object representing the start of a calendar event to search for. If dt_from and dt_to are None, no date filtering will be done. If just dt_from is None, all events from the beginning of the calendar record will be returned up until dt_to.

  • dt_to (datetime or None) – A datetime object representing the end of calendar event to search for. If dt_from and dt_to are None, no date filtering will be done. If just dt_to is None, all events from the dt_from to the present will be returned.


api_response – A string containing the XML calendar information for each instrument requested, stripped of the empty default namespace. If dt_from and dt_to are provided, it will contain just one “entry” representing a single event on the calendar

Return type



To find the right event, an API request to the Sharepoint Calendar will be made for all events starting on the same day as dt_from. This could result in multiple events being returned if there is more than one session scheduled on that microscope for that day. To find the right one, the timespan between each event’s StartTime and EndTime returned from the calendar will be compared with the timespan between dt_from and dt_to. The event with the greatest overlap will be taken as the correct one. This approach should allow for some flexibility in terms of non-exact matching between the reserved timespans and those recorded by the session logger.

nexusLIMS.harvesters.sharepoint_calendar.get_events(instrument=None, dt_from=None, dt_to=None)[source]

Get calendar events for an instrument on some date, or by some user.

  • instrument (Instrument or str) – One of the NexusLIMS instruments contained in the instrument_db database. Controls what instrument calendar is used to get events. If string, value should be one of the instrument PIDs from the Nexus facility.

  • dt_from (datetime or None) – A datetime object representing the start of a calendar event to search for, as in fetch_xml(). If dt_from and dt_to are None, no date filtering will be done. If just dt_from is None, all events from the beginning of the calendar record will be returned up until dt_to.

  • dt_to (datetime or None) – A datetime object representing the end of calendar event to search for, as in fetch_xml(). If dt_from and dt_to are None, no date filtering will be done. If just dt_to is None, all events from the dt_from to the present will be returned.


res_event – A ReservationEvent, containing information about a single reservation, including title, instrument, user information, reservation purpose, sample details, description, and date/time information.

Return type


nexusLIMS.harvesters.sharepoint_calendar.res_event_from_session(session: Session) ReservationEvent[source]

Given a Session object, return a ReservationEvent that matches its attributes.

nexusLIMS.harvesters.sharepoint_calendar.res_event_from_xml(xml, date=None)[source]

Create a reservation event from Sharepoint XML.

Creates a ReservationEvent from an xml response from fetch_xml() rather than providing values directly. If there are multiple events in the XML, it will only process the first one.

  • xml (str) – Output of an API query to the Sharepoint calendar that contains a single event (which should be the case if start and end times were provided to fetch_xml())

  • date (None or datetime) – (Optional) a date to use in serializing the output in case there is no date information in the XML response (i.e. there were no reservations found for the date range searched)


Each attribute of the resulting ReservationEvent is mapped to a node in the XML API response, and will be None if the node cannot be found in the XML. Timestamps are given in either Zulu time (UTC) or with a local timestamp offset, so datetime attributes should be timezone-aware.

Mapping of attributes:

  • experiment_title - present at /feed/entry/content/m:properties/d:TitleOfExperiment

  • instrument - fetched using the name of the calendar, present at /feed/title

  • last_updated - present at /feed/entry/updated

  • username - present at /feed/entry/link[@title="UserName"]/m:inline/feed/entry/content/m:properties/d:UserName

  • created_by - present at /feed/entry/link[@title="CreatedBy"]/m:inline/feed/entry/content/m:properties/d:UserName

  • start_time - /feed/entry/content/m:properties/d:StartTime (The API response returns this value without a timezone, in the timezone of the sharepoint server

  • end_time - present at /feed/entry/content/m:properties/d:EndTime

  • reservation_type - /feed/entry/content/m:properties/d:CategoryValue

  • experiment_purpose - present at /feed/entry/content/m:properties/d:ExperimentPurpose

  • sample_details - present at /feed/entry/content/m:properties/d:SampleDetails

  • sample_pid - not collected by the SharePoint form at this time

  • project_id - a non-persistent identifier string present at /feed/entry/content/m:properties/d:ProjectID

  • internal_id - present at /feed/entry/content/m:properties/d:Id


res_event – An object representing an entry on the SharePoint calendar. Could be empty if no entry nodes are present in XML response

Return type
