Source code for nexusLIMS.harvesters.reservation_event

A representation of calendar reservations.

This module contains a class to represent calendar reservations and
associated metadata harvest metadata from various calendar sources.
The expectation is that submodules of this module will have a method named
``res_event_from_session`` implemented to handle fetching a ReservationEvent
object from a :py:class:`nexusLIMS.db.session_handler.Session` object.

from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Optional

from lxml import etree

from nexusLIMS.instruments import Instrument

[docs]class ReservationEvent: """ A representation of a single calendar reservation. The representation is independent of the type of calendar the reservation was made with. ``ReservationEvent`` is a common interface that is used by the record building code. Any attribute can be None to indicate it was not present or no value was provided. The :py:meth:`as_xml` method is used to serialize the information contained within a ``ReservationEvent`` into an XML representation that is compatible with the Nexus Facility ``Experiment`` schema. Attributes ---------- experiment_title The title of the event instrument The instrument associated with this reservation last_updated : datetime.datetime The time this event was last updated username The username of the user indicated in this event user_full_name The full name of the user for this event created_by The username of the user that created this event created_by_full_name The full name of the user that created this event start_time The time this event was scheduled to start end_time The time this event was scheduled to end reservation_type The "type" or category of this event (such as User session, service, etc.)) experiment_purpose The user-entered purpose of this experiment sample_details A list of the user-entered sample details for this experiment. The length of the list must match that given in ``sample_pid`` and ``sample_name``. sample_pid A list of sample PIDs provided by the user. The length of the list must match that given in ``sample_details`` and ``sample_name``. sample_name A list of user-friendly sample names (not a PID). The length of the list must match that given in ``sample_details`` and ``sample_pid``. project_name A list of the user-entered project names for this experiment. The length of the list must match that given in ``project_id`` and ``project_ref``. project_id A list of the specific project IDs within a research group/division. The length of the list must match that given in ``project_name`` and ``project_ref``. project_ref A list of (optional) links to this project in another database. The length of the list must match that given in ``project_name`` and ``project_id``. internal_id The identifier assigned to this event (if any) by the calendaring system division An identifier of the division this experiment was performed for (i.e. the user's division) group An identifier of the group this experiment was performed for (i.e. the user's group) url A web-accessible link to a summary of this reservation """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__( # noqa: PLR0913 self, experiment_title: Optional[str] = None, instrument: Optional[Instrument] = None, last_updated: Optional[datetime] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, user_full_name: Optional[str] = None, created_by: Optional[str] = None, created_by_full_name: Optional[str] = None, start_time: Optional[datetime] = None, end_time: Optional[datetime] = None, reservation_type: Optional[str] = None, experiment_purpose: Optional[str] = None, sample_details: Optional[List[Optional[str]]] = None, sample_pid: Optional[List[Optional[str]]] = None, sample_name: Optional[List[Optional[str]]] = None, sample_elements: Optional[List[Optional[List[str]]]] = None, project_name: Optional[List[Optional[str]]] = None, project_id: Optional[List[Optional[str]]] = None, project_ref: Optional[List[Optional[str]]] = None, internal_id: Optional[str] = None, division: Optional[str] = None, group: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals self.experiment_title = experiment_title self.instrument = instrument self.last_updated = last_updated self.username = username self.user_full_name = user_full_name self.created_by = created_by self.created_by_full_name = created_by_full_name self.start_time = start_time self.end_time = end_time self.reservation_type = reservation_type self.experiment_purpose = experiment_purpose # coerce sample arguments into lists self.sample_details = ( sample_details if isinstance(sample_details, list) else [sample_details] ) self.sample_pid = sample_pid if isinstance(sample_pid, list) else [sample_pid] self.sample_name = ( sample_name if isinstance(sample_name, list) else [sample_name] ) # sample elements should be a list of List[str] or None; we shouldn't really be # doing the above coercion anyway, so we'll assume the caller knows what # they're doing and used the right argument type self.sample_elements = sample_elements if self.sample_elements is None: self.sample_elements = [None] # coerce project arguments into lists self.project_name = ( project_name if isinstance(project_name, list) else [project_name] ) self.project_id = project_id if isinstance(project_id, list) else [project_id] self.project_ref = ( project_ref if isinstance(project_ref, list) else [project_ref] ) self.internal_id = internal_id self.division = division = group self.url = url # raise error if all sample values are not none and have different # lengths (this shouldn't happen): self._check_arg_lists() def _check_arg_lists(self): for check_name, arg_names, lists in zip( ["sample", "project"], [ "[sample_details, sample_pid, sample_name]", "[project_name, project_id, project_ref]", ], [ [self.sample_details, self.sample_pid, self.sample_name], [self.project_name, self.project_id, self.project_ref], ], ): if all(x is not None for x in lists): length = len(lists[0]) if not all(len(lst) == length for lst in lists[1:]): msg = ( f"Length of {check_name} arguments must be the same. The " "lengths of the following arguments were " f"{arg_names} : " f"{[len(list_) for list_ in lists]}" ) raise ValueError(msg) def __repr__(self): """Return custom representation of a ReservationEvent.""" if self.username and self.start_time and self.end_time: return ( f"Event for {self.username} on {} " f"from " f"{self.instrument.localize_datetime(self.start_time).isoformat()} " f"to {self.instrument.localize_datetime(self.end_time).isoformat()}" ) return "No matching calendar event" + ( f" for {}" if self.instrument else "" )
[docs] def as_xml(self) -> etree.Element: """ Get an XML representation of this ReservationEvent. Returns ------- root : lxml.etree.Element The reservation event serialized as XML that matches the Nexus Experiment schema """ root = etree.Element("root") # top-level nodes title_el = etree.SubElement(root, "title") if self.experiment_title: title_el.text = self.experiment_title else: title_el.text = f"Experiment on the {self.instrument.schema_name}" if self.start_time: title_el.text += f" on {self.start_time.strftime('%A %b. %d, %Y')}" if self.internal_id: id_el = etree.SubElement(root, "id") id_el.text = self.internal_id # summary node root = self._add_summary_node(root) # sample nodes root = self._add_sample_nodes(root) # project nodes root = self._add_project_nodes(root) return root
def _add_summary_node(self, root): summary_el = etree.SubElement(root, "summary") if self.user_full_name: experimenter_el = etree.SubElement(summary_el, "experimenter") experimenter_el.text = self.user_full_name elif self.username: experimenter_el = etree.SubElement(summary_el, "experimenter") experimenter_el.text = self.username if self.instrument: instr_el = etree.SubElement(summary_el, "instrument") instr_el.text = self.instrument.schema_name pid = # temporary workaround for duplicate harvesters for some instruments if self.instrument.harvester == "nemo" and "_n", ): # pragma: no cover pid ="_n") instr_el.set("pid", pid) if self.start_time: start_el = etree.SubElement(summary_el, "reservationStart") if self.instrument is not None: start_el.text = self.instrument.localize_datetime( self.start_time, ).isoformat() else: start_el.text = self.start_time.isoformat() if self.end_time: end_el = etree.SubElement(summary_el, "reservationEnd") if self.instrument is not None: end_el.text = self.instrument.localize_datetime( self.end_time, ).isoformat() else: end_el.text = self.end_time.isoformat() if self.experiment_purpose: motivation_el = etree.SubElement(summary_el, "motivation") motivation_el.text = self.experiment_purpose if self.url: summary_el.set("ref", self.url) return root def _add_sample_nodes(self, root): if self.sample_pid is not None: # if any of the sample arguments are not none, they should be # lists, so we should create a sample element for each one for pid, name, details, elements in zip( self.sample_pid, self.sample_name, self.sample_details, self.sample_elements, ): # create one sample subelement for each sample in our lists sample_el = etree.SubElement(root, "sample") if pid is not None: sample_el.set("ref", pid) if name is not None: sample_name_el = etree.SubElement(sample_el, "name") sample_name_el.text = name if details is not None: sample_detail_el = etree.SubElement(sample_el, "description") sample_detail_el.text = details if elements is not None: sample_elements_el = etree.SubElement(sample_el, "elements") for element in elements: etree.SubElement(sample_elements_el, element) return root def _add_project_nodes(self, root): if self.project_name is not None: for name, pid, ref in zip( self.project_name, self.project_id, self.project_ref, ): project_el = etree.SubElement(root, "project") if name is not None: project_name_el = etree.SubElement(project_el, "name") project_name_el.text = name if self.division is not None: division_el = etree.SubElement(project_el, "division") division_el.text = self.division if is not None: group_el = etree.SubElement(project_el, "group") group_el.text = if pid is not None: proj_id_el = etree.SubElement(project_el, "project_id") proj_id_el.text = pid if ref is not None: proj_ref_el = etree.SubElement(project_el, "ref") proj_ref_el.text = ref return root