Source code for nexusLIMS.harvesters.nemo.utils

"""Various utility functions used by the NEMO harvester."""
import logging
import os
import re
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urljoin, urlparse

from nexusLIMS.db.session_handler import Session

from .connector import NemoConnector

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_harvesters_enabled() -> List[NemoConnector]: """ Return a list of enabled connectors based off the environment. Returns ------- harvesters_enabled : List[NemoConnector] A list of NemoConnector objects representing the NEMO APIs enabled via environment settings """ harvesters_enabled_str: List[str] = list( filter(lambda x:"NEMO_address", x), os.environ.keys()), ) harvesters_enabled = [ NemoConnector( base_url=os.getenv(addr), token=os.getenv(addr.replace("address", "token")), strftime_fmt=os.getenv(addr.replace("address", "strftime_fmt")), strptime_fmt=os.getenv(addr.replace("address", "strptime_fmt")), timezone=os.getenv(addr.replace("address", "tz")), ) for addr in harvesters_enabled_str ] return harvesters_enabled # noqa: RET504
[docs]def add_all_usage_events_to_db( user: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, dt_from: datetime = None, dt_to: datetime = None, tool_id: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None, ): """ Add all usage events to database for enabled NEMO connectors. Loop through enabled NEMO connectors and add each one's usage events to the NexusLIMS ``session_log`` database table (if required). Parameters ---------- user The user(s) for which to add usage events. If ``None``, events will not be filtered by user at all dt_from The point in time after which usage events will be added. If ``None``, no date filtering will be performed dt_to The point in time before which usage events will be added. If ``None``, no date filtering will be performed tool_id The tools(s) for which to add usage events. If ``'None'`` (default), the tool IDs for each instrument in the NexusLIMS DB will be extracted and used to limit the API response """ for nemo_connector in get_harvesters_enabled(): events = nemo_connector.get_usage_events( user=user, dt_range=(dt_from, dt_to), tool_id=tool_id, ) for event in events: nemo_connector.write_usage_event_to_session_log(event["id"])
[docs]def get_usage_events_as_sessions( user: Union[str, int] = None, dt_from: datetime = None, dt_to: datetime = None, tool_id: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None, ) -> List[Session]: """ Get all usage events for enabled NEMO connectors as Sessions. Loop through enabled NEMO connectors and return each one's usage events to as :py:class:`~nexusLIMS.db.session_handler.Session` objects without writing logs to the ``session_log`` table. Mostly used for doing dry runs of the record builder. Parameters ---------- user The user(s) for which to fetch usage events. If ``None``, events will not be filtered by user at all dt_from The point in time after which usage events will be fetched. If ``None``, no date filtering will be performed dt_to The point in time before which usage events will be fetched. If ``None``, no date filtering will be performed tool_id The tools(s) for which to fetch usage events. If ``None``, events will only be filtered by tools known in the NexusLIMS DB for each connector """ sessions = [] for nemo_connector in get_harvesters_enabled(): events = nemo_connector.get_usage_events( user=user, dt_range=(dt_from, dt_to), tool_id=tool_id, ) for event in events: this_session = nemo_connector.get_session_from_usage_event(event["id"]) # this_session could be None, and if the instrument from the # usage event is not in our DB, this_session.instrument could # also be None. In each case, we should ignore that one if this_session is not None and this_session.instrument is not None: sessions.append(this_session) return sessions
[docs]def get_connector_for_session(session: Session) -> NemoConnector: """ Get the appropriate NEMO connector for a given Session. Given a :py:class:`~nexusLIMS.db.session_handler.Session`, find the matching :py:class:`~nexusLIMS.harvesters.nemo.connector.NemoConnector` from the enabled list of NEMO harvesters. Parameters ---------- session The session for which a NemoConnector is needed Returns ------- n : ~nexusLIMS.harvesters.nemo.connector.NemoConnector The connector object that allows for querying the NEMO API for the instrument contained in ``session`` Raises ------ LookupError Raised if a matching connector is not found """ instr_base_url = urljoin(session.instrument.api_url, ".") for nemo_connector in get_harvesters_enabled(): if nemo_connector.config["base_url"] in instr_base_url: return nemo_connector msg = ( f"Did not find enabled NEMO harvester for " f'"{}". Perhaps check environment ' f"variables? The following harvesters are enabled: " f"{get_harvesters_enabled()}" ) raise LookupError(msg)
[docs]def get_connector_by_base_url(base_url: str) -> NemoConnector: """ Get an enabled NemoConnector by inspecting the ``base_url``. Parameters ---------- base_url A portion of the API url to search for Returns ------- n : ~nexusLIMS.harvesters.nemo.connector.NemoConnector The enabled NemoConnector instance Raises ------ LookupError Raised if a matching connector is not found """ for nemo_connector in get_harvesters_enabled(): if base_url in nemo_connector.config["base_url"]: return nemo_connector msg = ( f"Did not find enabled NEMO harvester with url " f'containing "{base_url}". Perhaps check environment ' f"variables? The following harvesters are enabled: " f"{get_harvesters_enabled()}" ) raise LookupError(msg)
[docs]def process_res_question_samples( res_dict: Dict, ) -> Tuple[ Optional[List[Optional[str]]], Optional[List[Optional[str]]], Optional[List[Optional[str]]], Optional[List[Optional[str]]], ]: """ Process sample information from reservation questions. Parameters ---------- res_dict The reservation dictionary (i.e. the response from the ``reservations`` api endpoint) """ sample_details, sample_pid, sample_name, periodic_tables = [], [], [], [] sample_group = _get_res_question_value("sample_group", res_dict) if sample_group is not None: # multiple samples form will have # res_dict['question_data']['sample_group']['user_input'] of form: # # _{ # _ "0": { # _ "sample_name": "sample_pid_1", # _ "sample_or_pid": "PID", # _ "sample_details": "A sample with a PID and some more details" # _ }, # _ "1": { # _ "sample_name": "sample name 1", # _ "sample_or_pid": "Sample Name", # _ "sample_details": "A sample with name and some additional detail", # _ "periodic_table": ["H", "Ti", "Cu", "Sb", "Re"] # _ }, # _ ... # _ # _} # each key "0", "1", "2", etc. represents a single sample the user # added via the "Add" button. There should always be at least one, # since sample information is required # the "periodic_table" key is optional, and won't be present if the # user did not select anything in that section of the questions for _, v in sample_group.items(): if v["sample_or_pid"].lower() == "pid": sample_pid.append(v["sample_name"]) sample_name.append(None) elif v["sample_or_pid"].lower() == "sample name": sample_name.append(v["sample_name"]) sample_pid.append(None) else: sample_name.append(None) sample_pid.append(None) # as of NEMO 4.3.2, an empty textarea returns None rather than "", # so check for None first, then test string length if v["sample_details"] is not None and len(v["sample_details"]) > 0: sample_details.append(v["sample_details"]) else: sample_details.append(None) if "periodic_table" in v: periodic_tables.append(v["periodic_table"]) else: periodic_tables.append(None) else: # pragma: no cover # non-multiple samples (old-style form) (this is deprecated, # so doesn't need coverage since we don't have reservations in this # style any longer) sample_details = [_get_res_question_value("sample_details", res_dict)] sample_pid = [None] sample_name = [_get_res_question_value("sample_name", res_dict)] return sample_details, sample_pid, sample_name, periodic_tables
def _get_res_question_value(value: str, res_dict: Dict) -> Optional[Union[str, Dict]]: if "question_data" in res_dict and res_dict["question_data"] is not None: if value in res_dict["question_data"]: return res_dict["question_data"][value].get("user_input", None) return None return None
[docs]def id_from_url(url: str) -> Optional[int]: """ Get the value of the id query parameter stored in URL string. This is used to extract the value as needed from API strings. Parameters ---------- url The URL to parse, such as ```` Returns ------- this_id : None or int The id value if one is present, otherwise ``None`` """ query = parse_qs(urlparse(url).query) if "id" in query: return int(query["id"][0]) return None