Source code for nexusLIMS.extractors

Extract metadata from various electron microscopy file types.

Extractors should return a dictionary containing the values to be displayed
in NexusLIMS as a sub-dictionary under the key ``nx_meta``. The remaining keys
will be for the metadata as extracted. Under ``nx_meta``, a few keys are
expected (although not enforced):

* ``'Creation Time'`` - ISO format date and time as a string
* ``'Data Type'`` - a human-readable description of the data type separated by
  underscores - e.g "STEM_Imaging", "TEM_EDS", etc.
* ``'DatasetType'`` - determines the value of the Type attribute for the dataset
  (defined in the schema)
* ``'Data Dimensions'`` - dimensions of the dataset, surrounded by parentheses,
  separated by commas as a string- e.g. '(12, 1024, 1024)'
* ``'Instrument ID'`` - instrument PID pulled from the instrument database
import base64
import inspect
import json
import logging
import shutil
from collections import abc
from datetime import datetime as dt
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple

import hyperspy.api_nogui as hs
import numpy as np

from nexusLIMS.instruments import get_instr_from_filepath
from nexusLIMS.utils import current_system_tz, replace_mmf_path
from nexusLIMS.version import __version__

from .basic_metadata import get_basic_metadata
from .digital_micrograph import get_dm3_metadata
from .edax import get_msa_metadata, get_spc_metadata
from .fei_emi import get_ser_metadata
from .quanta_tif import get_quanta_metadata
from .thumbnail_generator import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
PLACEHOLDER_PREVIEW = Path(__file__).parent / "extractor_error.png"

extension_reader_map = {
    "dm3": get_dm3_metadata,
    "dm4": get_dm3_metadata,
    "tif": get_quanta_metadata,
    "ser": get_ser_metadata,
    "spc": get_spc_metadata,
    "msa": get_msa_metadata,

# filetypes that will only have basic metadata extracted but will nonetheless
# have a custom preview image generated
unextracted_preview_map = {
    "txt": text_to_thumbnail,
    "png": image_to_square_thumbnail,
    "tiff": image_to_square_thumbnail,
    "bmp": image_to_square_thumbnail,
    "gif": image_to_square_thumbnail,
    "jpg": image_to_square_thumbnail,
    "jpeg": image_to_square_thumbnail,

def _add_extraction_details(
    nx_meta: Dict,
    extractor_module: Callable,
) -> Dict[str, str]:
    Add extraction details to the NexusLIMS metadata.

    Adds metadata about the extraction process, given an extractor module
    to the ``nx_meta`` metadata dictionary under the ``'NexusLIMS Extraction'``
    sub-key. The ``'Extractor Module'`` metadata key will contain the fully
    qualified path of a given extractor, e.g.

    If the ``'NexusLIMS Extraction'`` key already exists in the ``nx_meta``
    metadata dictionary, this method *will* overwrite its value.

        The metadata dictionary as returend by :py:meth:`parse_metadata`
        The (callable) module for a specific metadata extractor from the
        :py:mod:`~nexusLIMS.extractors` module.

        An updated ``nx_meta`` dictionary, containing extraction details

    nx_meta["nx_meta"]["NexusLIMS Extraction"] = {
        "Module": inspect.getmodule(extractor_module).__name__,
        "Version": __version__,

    return nx_meta

[docs]def parse_metadata( fname: Path, *, write_output: bool = True, generate_preview: bool = True, overwrite: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Path]]: """ Parse metadata from a file and optionaly generate a preview image. Given an input filename, read the file, determine what "type" of file (i.e. what instrument it came from) it is, filter the metadata (if necessary) to what we are interested in, and return it as a dictionary (writing to the NexusLIMS directory as JSON by default). Also calls the preview generation method, if desired. Parameters ---------- fname The filename from which to read data write_output Whether to write the metadata dictionary as a json file in the NexusLIMS folder structure generate_preview Whether to generate the thumbnail preview of this dataset (that operation is not done in this method, it is just called from here so it can be done at the same time) overwrite Whether to overwrite the .json metadata file and thumbnail image if either exists Returns ------- nx_meta : dict or None The "relevant" metadata that is of use for NexusLIMS. If None, the file could not be opened preview_fname : Path or None The file path of the generated preview image, or `None` if it was not requested """ extension = fname.suffix[1:] # Dealing with files we can't parse and extract if extension not in extension_reader_map: extractor_method = get_basic_metadata if extension not in unextracted_preview_map: generate_preview = False "file extension was not in extension_reader_map; " "setting generate_preview to False", ) else: generate_preview = True "file extension was not in extension_reader_map; " "but file extension was in unextracted_preview_map; " "setting generate_preview to True", ) else: extractor_method = extension_reader_map[extension] nx_meta = extractor_method(fname) nx_meta = _add_extraction_details(nx_meta, extractor_method) preview_fname = None # nx_meta should never be None, because the extractors are defensive and # will always return _something_ if nx_meta is not None: # Set the dataset type to Misc if it was not set by the file reader if "DatasetType" not in nx_meta["nx_meta"]: nx_meta["nx_meta"]["DatasetType"] = "Misc" nx_meta["nx_meta"]["Data Type"] = "Miscellaneous" if write_output: out_fname = replace_mmf_path(fname, ".json") if not out_fname.exists() or overwrite: # Create the directory for the metadata file, if needed out_fname.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Make sure that the nx_meta dict comes first in the json output out_dict = {"nx_meta": nx_meta["nx_meta"]} for k, v in nx_meta.items(): if k == "nx_meta": pass else: out_dict[k] = v with"w", encoding="utf-8") as f: logger.debug("Dumping metadata to %s", out_fname) json.dump( out_dict, f, sort_keys=False, indent=2, cls=_CustomEncoder, ) if generate_preview: preview_fname = create_preview(fname=fname, overwrite=overwrite) return nx_meta, preview_fname
[docs]def create_preview(fname: Path, *, overwrite: bool) -> Optional[Path]: # noqa: PLR0912 """ Generate a preview image for a given file using one of a few different methods. For most files, this method will try to load the file using HyperSpy and generate a preview using that library's capabilities. Parameters ---------- fname The filename from which to read data overwrite Whether to overwrite the .json metadata file and thumbnail image if either exists Returns ------- preview_fname : Optional[pathlib.Path] The filename of the generated preview image; if None, a preview could not be successfully generated. """ preview_fname = replace_mmf_path(fname, ".thumb.png") extension = fname.suffix[1:] if extension == "tif": instr = get_instr_from_filepath(fname) instr_name = if instr is not None else None if instr_name == "FEI-Quanta200-ESEM-633137_n": # we know the output size we want for the Quanta output_size = (512, 471) down_sample_image(fname, out_path=preview_fname, output_size=output_size) else: factor = 2 down_sample_image(fname, out_path=preview_fname, factor=factor) elif extension in unextracted_preview_map: # use preview generation function from the map of functions defined # at the top of this file (unextracted_preview_map) preview_return = unextracted_preview_map[extension]( f=fname, out_path=preview_fname, output_size=500, ) # handle the case where PIL cannot open an image if preview_return is False: preview_fname = None return preview_fname else: load_options = {"lazy": True} if extension == "ser": load_options["only_valid_data"] = True # noinspection PyBroadException try: s = hs.load(fname, **load_options) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught logger.warning( "Signal could not be loaded by HyperSpy. " "Using placeholder image for preview.", ) preview_fname = replace_mmf_path(fname, ".thumb.png") shutil.copyfile(PLACEHOLDER_PREVIEW, preview_fname) return preview_fname # If s is a list of signals, use just the first one for # our purposes if isinstance(s, list): num_sigs = len(s) fname = s[0].metadata.General.original_filename s = s[0] s.metadata.General.title = ( s.metadata.General.title + f' (1 of {num_sigs} total signals in file "{fname}")' ) elif not s.metadata.General.title: s.metadata.General.title = s.metadata.General.original_filename.replace( extension, "", ).strip(".") # only generate the preview if it doesn't exist, or overwrite # parameter is explicitly provided if not preview_fname.is_file() or overwrite:"Generating preview: %s", preview_fname) # Create the directory for the thumbnail, if needed preview_fname.parent.mkdir( parents=True, exist_ok=True, ) # Generate the thumbnail s.compute(show_progressbar=False) sig_to_thumbnail(s, out_path=preview_fname) else:"Preview already exists: %s", preview_fname) return preview_fname
[docs]def flatten_dict(_dict, parent_key="", separator=" "): """ Flatten a nested dictionary into a single level. Utility method to take a nested dictionary structure and flatten it into a single level, separating the levels by a string as specified by ``separator``. Cribbed from: Parameters ---------- _dict : dict The dictionary to flatten parent_key : str The "root" key to add to the existing keys separator : str The string to use to separate values in the flattened keys (i.e. {'a': {'b': 'c'}} would become {'a' + sep + 'b': 'c'}) Returns ------- flattened_dict : str The dictionary with depth one, with nested dictionaries flattened into root-level keys """ items = [] for k, v in _dict.items(): new_key = parent_key + separator + k if parent_key else k if isinstance(v, abc.MutableMapping): items.extend(flatten_dict(v, new_key, separator=separator).items()) else: items.append((new_key, v)) return dict(items)
class _CustomEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ Allow non-serializable types to be written in a JSON format. A custom JSON Encoder class that will allow certain types to be serialized that are not able to be by default (taken from """ def default(self, o): if isinstance(o, np.integer): return int(o) if isinstance(o, np.floating): return float(o) if isinstance(o, np.ndarray): return o.tolist() if isinstance(o, np.bytes_): return o.decode() if isinstance(o, np.void): # np.void array may contain arbitary binary, so base64 encode it return base64.b64encode(o.tolist()).decode("utf-8") return super().default(o)