Top level API (lnpy)#

Publicly accessible classes/routines.

Several classes and modules are made available at the top level by importing from submodules. We summarize what is available at the top level (i.e., from the lnpy namespace) below.

Masked \(\ln\Pi\) object#

These are made available from the lnpidata module.

lnPiMasked(lnz, base[, mask, copy])

Masked array like wrapper for lnPi data.

Combining \(\ln\Pi\) from multiple simulations#

Methods are made available from the combine module.

Collection of \(\ln\Pi\) objects#

Made available from lnpiseries

lnPiCollection(data[, index, xarray_output, ...])

Wrapper around pandas.Series for collection of lnPiMasked objects.



Segmentation of lnPi (segment) Routines to segment lnPi

PhaseCreator(nmax[, nmax_peak, ref, ...])

Helper class to create phases

Ensemble properties#


Ensemble averages (ensembles)


Mode available from options


Set options for xarray in a controlled context.