• If your work intersects with the CRC please use this primary citation. Also, we kindly as you cite specific resources if you use them (see below).

    Sen, A., Task, C., Kapur, D., Howarth, G. & Bhagat, K. Diverse Community Data for Benchmarking Data Privacy Algorithms. in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems vol. 36 51409–51420.

    bibtex: @inproceedings{sen_diverse_2023, title = {Diverse {Community} {Data} for {Benchmarking} {Data} {Privacy} {Algorithms}}, volume = {36}, url = {https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2023/file/a15032f8199511ced4d7a8e2bbb487a5-Paper-Datasets_and_Benchmarks.pdf}, booktitle = {Advances in {Neural} {Information} {Processing} {Systems}}, publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.}, author = {Sen, Aniruddha and Task, Christine and Kapur, Dhruv and Howarth, Gary and Bhagat, Karan}, year = {2023}, pages = {51409--51420}}
  • If you publish work that utilizes the SDNist Deidentified Data Tool, please cite the software. Citation recommendation:

    Task C., Bhagat K., and Howarth G.S. (2023), SDNist v2: Deidentified Data Report Tool, National Institute of Standards and Technology, https://doi.org/10.18434/mds2-2943.

    bibtex: @misc{task_sdnist_2023, author = {Task, Christine and Bhagat, Karan and Howarth, Gary}, doi = {10.18434/MDS2-2943}, month = mar, publisher = {National Institute of Standards and Technology}, shorttitle = {{SDNist} v2}, title = {{SDNist} v2: {Deidentified} {Data} {Report} {Tool}}, url = {https://data.nist.gov/od/id/mds2-2943}, year = {2023}}
  • If you publish work that utilizes the NIST Diverse Communities Data Excerpts, please cite the resource. Citation recommendation:

    Task C., Bhagat K., Streat D., and Howarth G.S. (2023), NIST Diverse Communities Data Excerpts, National Institute of Standards and Technology, https://doi.org/10.18434/mds2-2895.

    bibtex: @misc{task_nist_2022, author = {Task, Christine and Bhagat, Karan and Damon, Streat and Howarth, Gary}, doi = {10.18434/MDS2-2895}, month = dec, publisher = {National Institute of Standards and Technology}, title = {{NIST} {Diverse} {Community} {Excerpts} {Data}}, url = {https://data.nist.gov/od/id/mds2-2895}, year = {2022}}
  • If you publish work that utilizes the CRC Data and Metrics Archive, please cite the resource. Citation recommendation:

    Task C., Bhagat K., Howarth G.S. (2024), NIST Collaborative Research Cycle Acceleration Bundle, National Institute of Standards and Technology, https://doi.org/10.18434/mds2-3024.

    bibtex: @misc{task_nist_2024, title = {{NIST} {Collaborative} {Research} {Cycle} {Data} and {Metrics} {Archive}}, url = {https://data.nist.gov/od/id/mds2-3024}, doi = {10.18434/MDS2-3024}, author = {Task, Christine and Bhagat, Karan and Howarth, Gary}, month = feb, year = {2024}}
  • We plan to package the proceedings of this program NIST Special Publication and we will provide detailed citation information upon publication.