Digital Identities - Mobile Driver’s License (mDL)#
The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) is helping to accelerate the adoption of mobile driver’s license (mDL) standards and best practices. In collaboration with technology vendors, government agencies, regulators, standards bodies, and organizations seeking to adopt mDLs, the NCCoE is building a reference architecture demonstrating real world use cases:
Customer Identification Program/Know Your Customer (CIP/KYC) Onboarding and Access which will demonstrate the use of an mDL and/or Verifiable Credentials (VC) for establishing and accessing an online financial account.
U.S. Federal Government Credential Service Provider (CSP) and Federation which will demonstrate the use of an mDL and/or VC for establishing a CSP account to access federated agency systems.
Healthcare and Electronic Prescribe which will demonstrate the use of an mDL and/or VC for provider access and prescription uses.
NCCoE is currently implementing our first use case to demonstrate how mDLs can be deployed to meet CIP/KYC requirements of financial institutions. To learn more about this project and the industry collaborators who have partnered with NIST to solve this challenge, please visit our project web page. To gain a better understanding of the technology and standards the NCCoE will be implementing as part of this project, please consider reading our blog series. The page you are currently on will be used to publish additional content for the NCCoE mDL Project to include project requirements, architectures, and FAQs. Currently we have published our Draft CIP/KYC use case requirements here. If you wish to comment on these requirements, you can do so here.