Threat Category: USIM / SIM / UICC security
ID: STA-22
Threat Description: A stolen SIM card allows an attacker to control the mobile number, open new cellular accounts using the victim’s credentials, buy new phones as the victim, or steal the victim’s identity altogether.1
Threat Origin
Not Applicable, See Exploit or CVE Examples
Exploit Examples
CVE Examples
Not Applicable
Possible Countermeasures
Carriers should be encouraged to strongly authenticate account holders before allowing account changes such as issuance of new SIM cards
AT&T SIM-Card Switch Scam, New York Department of State; [accessed 8/23/16]. ↩ ↩2
G. Williams, “4 Surprising Ways Your Identity Can Be Stolen,” U.S. News & World Report, 9 June 2015; ↩