Mobile Threat Catalogue



Threat Category: Network Threats: Bluetooth

ID: LPN-10

Threat Description: Bluebugging is a Bluetooth vulnerability that allows the attacker to take full control of the target device without the user’s knowledge.

Threat Origin

Guide to Bluetooth Security (SP 800-121) 1

Exploit Examples

Studying Bluetooth Malware Propagation: The BlueBag Project 2

CVE Examples

Not Applicable

Possible Countermeasures

Mobile Device User

To reduce the opportunity for an attacker to conduct this attack, disable Bluetooth on vulnerable (circa 2004) devices when that feature is not in use. 3


  1. J. Padgette, K. Scarfone and L. Chen, Guide to Bluetooth Security, SP 800-121 rev. 1, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2012; [accessed 8/24/2016] 

  2. L. Carettoni, C. Merloni and S. Zanero, “Studying Bluetooth Malware Propagation: The BlueBag Project”, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, pp. 17-25, 2007; [accessed 8/24/2016] 

  3. J. Padgette et. al, Guide to Bluetooth Security, Draft SP 800-121 rev. 2, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2016; [accessed 12/07/2016]