Mobile Threat Catalogue

GPS Spoofing


Threat Category: GPS


Threat Description: Spoofing may allow an attacker to confuse or control the location at which a mobile device calculates its position.

Threat Origin

On the requirements for successful GPS spoofing attacks 1

Exploit Examples

Assessing the spoofing threat: Development of a portable GPS civilian spoofer. 2

CVE Examples

Not Applicable

Possible Countermeasures

Original Equipment Manufacturer

Several countermeasures to be implemented in GPS receiver software have been presented in GPS Spoofing Countermeasures 3


  1. N.O. Tippenhauer et al., “On the requirements for successful GPS spoofing attacks”, in Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Computer and communications security, 2011, pp. 75-86; [accessed 8/23/2016] 

  2. T.E. Humpreys et al. “Assessing the spoofing threat: Development of a portable GPS civilian spoofer.” in Proceedings of the 21st International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, 2008, pp. 2314-2325; [accessed 8/23/2016] 

  3. J.S. Warner and R.G. Johnston, GPS Spoofing Countermeasures, tech. report LAUR-03-6163, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2003; [accessed 8/25/2016]