Mobile Threat Catalogue

GPS Jamming


Threat Category: GPS


Threat Description: GPS jamming could prevent applications that rely on Location Services, such as mapping or navigation apps, from functioning correctly.

Threat Origin

A study of GPS jamming and anti-jamming, 1

Exploit Examples

Not Applicable

CVE Examples

Not Applicable

Possible Countermeasures

Mobile Device User

To prevent loss of GPS signals from preventing location services from operating, select devices that attempts to a variety of location input sources, such as signal strength from cellular towers, Wi-Fi hotspots, and Bluetooth beacons. See Ten Ways Your Smartphone Knows Where You Are 2


To prevent loss of GPS signals from preventing location services from operating, select devices that attempts to a variety of location input sources, such as signal strength from cellular towers, Wi-Fi hotspots, and Bluetooth beacons. See Ten Ways Your Smartphone Knows Where You Are 2


  1. H. Hu and N. Wei, “A Study of GPS Jamming and Anti-Jamming”, in Proceedings of Power Electronics and Intelligent Transportation System (PEITS), 2009 2nd International Conference on, 2009, pp. 388-391; [accessed 8/1/2022] 

  2. S. Lawson, “Ten Ways Your Smartphone Knows Where you Are”, PCWorld, 6 Apr. 2012; [accessed 8/25/2016]  2