Mobile Threat Catalogue

Unauthorized Data Synchronization


Threat Category: Enterprise Mobility


Threat Description: Enterprise data may be synchronized to unmanaged and potentially insecure 3rd party cloud services.

Threat Origin

Man in the Cloud: Threat, Impact, Resolution and the Bigger Picture 1

Exploit Examples

Not Applicable

CVE Examples

Not Applicable

Possible Countermeasures


To avoid this threat, use a combination of EMM/MDM solutions and devices that successfully enforce a policy that prohibits devices from synchronizing enterprise data to unauthorized cloud services.

To reduce the risk of a loss of confidentiality for enterprise data stored by an authorized cloud-based file storage or synchronization service, use a combination of EMM/MDM solutions and devices that successfully enforce a policy to encrypt any enterprise data synchronized to authorized but potentially unmanaged cloud services.


  1. S. Raghuram, “Man in the Cloud: Threat, Impact, Resolution and the Bigger Picture”, blog, 2015; [accessed 8/23/2016]