Test Plan and API | Latest Report | Participation Agreement | Validation | Encryption | Submit
The FATE AEV track is open. Developers should submit no more frequently than every four months, and use the FATE Submission Form to do so.
FATE AEV is an ongoing evaluation of software algorithms that inspect photos of a face to produce an age estimate. The output is set of reports on the accuracy and computational efficiency of algorithms. AEV is open to a worldwide community of developers. This evaluation will remain open indefinitely as a facility for developers to submit their algorithms whenever they are ready, but no more frequently than four calendar months.
The table shows accuracy measures for 2 common applications, Challenge-25 age-restriction and children age 13-16 online chatroom access. False positive rates quantify how often people outside the allowed age range are estimated to be within required category. True positive rates quantify how often children within age 13-16 are estimated to be within that age range.
The table shows mean absolute error (MAE) for men and women born in six regions of the world. See the AEV report for discussion of how these regions were selected and grouped. Lower values of MAE indicate better accuracy. Low variation across columns indicates equitable accuracy across demographic groups. MAE is estimated over high quality visa-like immigration office application photos. The uncertainty estimates span 95% of bootstrap estimates of the mean. The table can be sorted on any column by clicking the small arrows in its header.
[Participation agreement] FATE is conducted by NIST, an agency of the United States Government. Participation is free of charge. FATE is open to a global audience of face recognition developers. All organizations who seek to participate in FATE must sign all pages of this Participation Agreement and submit it with their algorithm submission using the Submission Form. [last update: 2023-08-17]
[API] General and common information shared between all tracks of the FRTE/FATE evaluations are documented in a General Evaluation Specifications, which includes hardware and operating system environment, software requirements, reporting, and common data structures that support the APIs. [last update: 2023-08-17]
[Validation] A validation package has been published. All participants must run their software through the validation package prior to submission. The purpose of validation is to ensure consistent algorithm output between your execution and NIST’s execution. [last update: 2023-08-17]
[Encryption] All submissions must be properly encrypted and signed before transmission to NIST. This must be done according to these instructions using the FATE Ongoing public key linked from this page. Participants must email their public key to NIST. The participant’s public key must correspond to the participant’s public-key fingerprint provided on the signed Participation Application. [last update: 2022-07-03]
[Submission] All algorithm submissions must be submitted through the Submission Form, which requires encrypted files be provided as a download link from a generic http server (e.g., Google Drive). We cannot accept Dropbox links. NIST will not register, or establish any kind of membership, on the provided website. Participants can submit their algorithm(s), participation agreement, and GPG key at the same time via the submission form. [last update: 2023-07-03]
Participants must subscribe to the evaluation mailing list to receive emails when new reports are published or announcements are made.