Make your own custom two body model

In this example, a user can follow the instructions in /feasst/plugin/example/include/model_example.h to make their own custom model.

import sys
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Write a two site xyz file for testing the energy with a cubic box length of 8, one particle on the origin and the second particle a distance of 1.125 away from the origin along the z-axis.

with open('', 'w') as myfile: myfile.write("""2
-1 8 8 8
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1.125

Prepare to run a feasst simulation with the given parameters

def run_fst(params):
    with open("launch1.txt", "w") as myfile: myfile.write("""
Configuration particle_type0 /feasst/plugin/example/particle/jagla.fstprt xyz_file
Potential Model ModelExample num_discretized_steps {num_discretized_steps}
ThermoParams beta 1
Log output_file log.csv max_precision true clear_file true
Run num_trials 1
    syscode ="../../../build/bin/fst < launch1.txt", shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
    if syscode > 0: sys.exit(1)

Run the test and check the energy.

run_fst({"num_discretized_steps": "0"})
df = pd.read_csv('log.csv')
assert 2 == df['num_particles_of_type0'][0]
assert 0.5 == df['energy'][0]
# Usage: ./fst < file.txt
FEASST version 0.25.6
Configuration particle_type0 /home/user/feasst/plugin/example/particle/jagla.fstprt xyz_file
Potential Model ModelExample num_discretized_steps 0
ThermoParams beta 1
Log clear_file true max_precision true output_file log.csv
Run num_trials 1
#Warn 0 [plugin/monte_carlo/src/monte_carlo.cpp:744] No Trials to attempt.

Optionally test the deprecated SWIG Python interface (if installed).

# import feasst

# class TestExamplePython(unittest.TestCase):
#     def test_model(self):
#         example = feasst.MakeModelExample({"num_discretized_steps": "0"})
#         self.assertEqual(0,**2, 0, 0, feasst.ModelParams()))
#         self.assertEqual(0, example.num_discretized_steps())

# unittest.main(argv=[''], verbosity=2, exit=False)

Did this tutorial work as expected? Did you find any inconsistencies or have any comments? Please contact us. Any feedback is appreciated!