Testing angles and branches

Following https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00173 , compute the angle distributions.

First, consider propane and 2-methylpropane. Also consider very flexible molecules as follows:

floppy_angle: 0 - 1 - 2

floppy_dihedral: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3


 /  \
2    3

Where the equilibrium angles are all 60 degrees but the harmonic angle potential is not strong, U=k/2(theta-theta0)^2. The bonds are rigid with a length of 1 and the diameters of the beads are 1.

The floppy particles with no interactions should have sin(theta) angle distributions.

import sys
import subprocess
import argparse
import random
import unittest
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyfeasst import physical_constants

params = {
    "cubic_side_length": 90,
    "temperature_K": 300,
    "trials_per": 1e5,
    "production": 1e5,
    "k": 1,
    'angle_bin_width': 0.01,
    'angle_bin_center': 100/180*np.pi,
    'molecule': 'propane',
    'num_jacobian_gaussian': 0,
    #'molecule': '2-methylpropane',
    #'molecule': 'floppy_branch',
    'intra': 1,
    'show_plot': False,

def update_params(params):
    params['seed'] = random.randrange(int(1e9))
    params['beta'] = 1./(params['temperature_K']*physical_constants.MolarGasConstant().value()/1e3) # mol/kJ
    if params['molecule'] == 'propane':
        params['config'] = "Configuration cubic_side_length 30 add_particles_of_type0 1 particle_type0 /feasst/particle/propane.fstprt"
        params['potential'] = "Potential Model LennardJones"
        params['branch'] = 'particle_type 0 angle true mobile_site 2 anchor_site 1 anchor_site2 0'
        params['grow'] = """particle_type 0 transfer true mobile_site 0
bond true mobile_site 1 anchor_site 0
angle true mobile_site 2 anchor_site 1 anchor_site2 0"""
    elif params['molecule'] == 'floppy_angle':
        params['branch'] = 'particle_type 0 angle true mobile_site 2 anchor_site 1 anchor_site2 0'
        params['grow'] = """particle_type 0 transfer true site 0
bond true mobile_site 1 anchor_site 0
angle true mobile_site 2 anchor_site 1 anchor_site2 0"""
    elif params['molecule'] == 'floppy_dihedral':
        params['branch'] = """particle_type 0 angle true mobile_site 2 anchor_site 1 anchor_site2 0
dihedral true mobile_site 3 anchor_site 2 anchor_site2 1 anchor_site3 0"""
        params['grow'] = """particle_type 0 transfer true site 0
bond true mobile_site 1 anchor_site 0
angle true mobile_site 2 anchor_site 1 anchor_site2 0
dihedral true mobile_site 3 anchor_site 2 anchor_site2 1 anchor_site3 0"""
        params['branch'] = 'particle_type 0 branch true mobile_site 2 mobile_site2 3 anchor_site 0 anchor_site2 1'
        params['grow'] = """particle_type 0 transfer true site 0
bond true mobile_site 1 anchor_site 0
branch true mobile_site 2 mobile_site2 3 anchor_site 0 anchor_site2 1"""
    if params['molecule'] == '2-methylpropane':
        params['config'] = "Configuration cubic_side_length 30 add_particles_of_type0 1 particle_type0 /feasst/particle/2-methylpropane.fstprt"
        params['potential'] = "Potential Model LennardJones"
    elif params['molecule'] == 'floppy_branch':
        params['config'] = """Configuration cubic_side_length 30 add_particles_of_type0 1 particle_type0 {prefix}.fstprt""".format(**params)
        params['potential'] = "Potential Model HardSphere"
        if 'intra' in params:
            if params['intra'] == 1:
                params['potential'] += "Potential Model HardSphere VisitModel VisitModelIntraMap exclude_bonds true"
        with open(params['prefix']+'.fstprt', 'w') as file1:
4 sites
3 bonds
3 angles

1 site types
1 bond types
1 angle types

Site Properties

0 epsilon 1 sigma 1 cutoff 1


0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0
2 0 0 1 0
3 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1
0 0 0 2
0 0 0 3

Bond Properties

0 RigidBond length 1 delta 0.0001


0 0 1 0 2
0 0 1 0 3
0 0 2 0 3

Angle Properties

0 AngleHarmonic equilibrium_degrees 60 k_energy_per_radian_sq {k} num_jacobian_gaussian {num_jacobian_gaussian}
    elif params['molecule'] == 'floppy_angle':
        params['config'] = """Configuration cubic_side_length 30 add_particles_of_type0 1 particle_type0 {prefix}.fstprt""".format(**params)
        params['potential'] = "Potential Model HardSphere"
        with open(params['prefix']+'.fstprt', 'w') as file1:
3 sites
2 bonds
1 angles

1 site types
1 bond types
1 angle types

Site Properties

0 epsilon 1 sigma 1 cutoff 1


0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0
2 0 2 0 0

Bond Properties

0 RigidBond length 1 delta 0.0001


0 0 0 1
1 0 1 2

Angle Properties

0 AngleHarmonic equilibrium_degrees 60 k_energy_per_radian_sq {k}


0 0 0 1 2
    elif params['molecule'] == 'floppy_dihedral':
        params['config'] = """Configuration cubic_side_length 30 add_particles_of_type0 1 particle_type0 {prefix}.fstprt""".format(**params)
        params['potential'] = "Potential Model HardSphere"
        with open(params['prefix']+'.fstprt', 'w') as file1:
4 sites
3 bonds
2 angles
1 dihedrals

1 site types
1 bond types
1 angle types
1 dihedral types

Site Properties

0 epsilon 1 sigma 1 cutoff 1


0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0
2 0 1 1 0
3 0 1 1 1

Bond Properties

0 RigidBond length 1 delta 0.0001


0 0 0 1
1 0 1 2
2 0 2 3

Angle Properties

0 AngleHarmonic equilibrium_degrees 60 k_energy_per_radian_sq 0


0 0 0 1 2
1 0 1 2 3

Dihedral Properties

0 DihedralTraPPE c0 0 c1 0 c2 0 c3 0


0 0 0 1 2 3

        if params['molecule'] != 'propane':
            assert False, 'unrecognized molecule'

def run_sim(params):
    with open(params['prefix']+'_grow.txt', 'w') as file1:

    # write fst script to run a single simulation
    with open('script5.txt', "w") as myfile: myfile.write("""
RandomMT19937 seed {seed}
ThermoParams beta {beta} chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file {prefix}_grow.txt
Movie trials_per_write {trials_per} output_file {prefix}.xyz
Log trials_per_write {trials_per} output_file {prefix}.txt include_bonds true
Energy trials_per_write {trials_per} output_file {prefix}_en.txt
AnalyzeBonds trials_per_write {trials_per} output_file {prefix}_bonds{num_jacobian_gaussian}.txt angle_bin_width {angle_bin_width} angle_bin_center {angle_bin_center} dihedral_bin_width {angle_bin_width} dihedral_bin_center {angle_bin_center}
CheckEnergy trials_per_update {trials_per} tolerance 1e-8
Run num_trials {production}

    import subprocess
    syscode = subprocess.call("../../../build/bin/fst < script5.txt > script5.log", shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
    with open('script5.log', 'r') as file: print(file.read(), '\n', 'exit:', syscode)

def run_gce_ideal_gas_sim(params):
    with open(params['prefix']+'_gce_grow.txt', 'w') as file1:

    # write fst script to run a single simulation
    with open('script5.txt', "w") as myfile: myfile.write("""
RandomMT19937 seed {seed}
Potential Model IdealGas
ThermoParams beta {beta} chemical_potential -25
#FlatHistogram Macrostate MacrostateNumParticles width 1 min 0 max 1 Bias TransitionMatrix min_sweeps 1e3
TrialGrowFile grow_file {prefix}_gce_grow.txt
Movie trials_per_write {trials_per} output_file {prefix}.xyz
Log trials_per_write {trials_per} output_file {prefix}.txt include_bonds true
Energy trials_per_write {trials_per} output_file {prefix}_en.txt
AnalyzeBonds trials_per_write {trials_per} output_file {prefix}_bonds{num_jacobian_gaussian}.txt angle_bin_width {angle_bin_width} angle_bin_center {angle_bin_center}
CheckEnergy trials_per_update {trials_per} tolerance 1e-8
NumParticles trials_per_write {trials_per} output_file {prefix}_bonds{num_jacobian_gaussian}_num.txt
#CriteriaUpdater trials_per_update 1e4
#CriteriaWriter trials_per_write {trials_per} output_file {prefix}_bonds{num_jacobian_gaussian}_crit.txt
#Run until complete
Run num_trials {production}

    import subprocess
    syscode = subprocess.call("../../../build/bin/fst < script5.txt > script5.log", shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
    with open('script5.log', 'r') as file: print(file.read(), '\n', 'exit:', syscode)
params['prefix'] = params['molecule'] = 'floppy_angle'
params['trials_per'] = 1e6
params['production'] = 1e6
params['angle_bin_center'] = 0.5*np.pi
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 878356495
# initializing random number generator with seed: 878356495
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 floppy_angle.fstprt
Potential Model HardSphere
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file floppy_angle_grow.txt
Movie output_file floppy_angle.xyz trials_per_write 1000000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file floppy_angle.txt trials_per_write 1000000.0
Energy output_file floppy_angle_en.txt trials_per_write 1000000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.5707963267948966 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.5707963267948966 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file floppy_angle_bonds0.txt trials_per_write 1000000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 1000000.0
Run num_trials 1000000.0

 exit: 0
df = pd.read_csv('floppy_angle_bonds0.txt', skiprows=10, header=None)
if params['show_plot']:
    mid=int(len(df[0])/2) # ensure k=0, i=0 is last jg
    plt.plot(df[0]/np.pi*180, np.sin(df[0])*np.average(df[1][mid-4:mid+4]), label='sin', color='black', linestyle='solid')
    plt.step(df[0]/np.pi*180, df[1])
    plt.axvline(90, color='black', linestyle='dotted')
params['prefix'] = params['molecule'] = 'floppy_dihedral'
params['trials_per'] = 1e6
params['production'] = 1e6
params['angle_bin_center'] = 0.5*np.pi
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 996885932
# initializing random number generator with seed: 996885932
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 floppy_dihedral.fstprt
Potential Model HardSphere
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file floppy_dihedral_grow.txt
Movie output_file floppy_dihedral.xyz trials_per_write 1000000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file floppy_dihedral.txt trials_per_write 1000000.0
Energy output_file floppy_dihedral_en.txt trials_per_write 1000000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.5707963267948966 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.5707963267948966 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file floppy_dihedral_bonds0.txt trials_per_write 1000000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 1000000.0
Run num_trials 1000000.0

 exit: 0
df = pd.read_csv('floppy_dihedral_bonds0.txt', skiprows=10, nrows=310, header=None)
df2 = pd.read_csv('floppy_dihedral_bonds0.txt', skiprows=328, nrows=310, header=None)
if params['show_plot']:
    mid=int(len(df[0])/2) # ensure k=0, i=0 is last jg
    plt.plot(df[0]/np.pi*180, np.sin(df[0])*np.average(df[1][mid-4:mid+4]), label='sin', color='black', linestyle='solid')
    plt.step(df[0]/np.pi*180, df[1], label='angle')
    plt.step(df2[0][1:]/np.pi*180, df2[1][1:], label='dihedral')
    plt.axvline(90, color='black', linestyle='dotted')
params['prefix'] = params['molecule'] = 'propane'
params['production'] = params['trials_per'] = 1e6
params['angle_bin_center'] = 100/180*np.pi
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 890422165
# initializing random number generator with seed: 890422165
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 /home/user/feasst/particle/propane.fstprt
Potential Model LennardJones
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file propane_grow.txt
Movie output_file propane.xyz trials_per_write 1000000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file propane.txt trials_per_write 1000000.0
Energy output_file propane_en.txt trials_per_write 1000000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file propane_bonds0.txt trials_per_write 1000000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 1000000.0
Run num_trials 1000000.0

 exit: 0
# digitized, poorly, from https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00173
chen = pd.read_csv('../test/data/propane_bonds.txt', comment='#', header=None)
df = pd.read_csv('propane_bonds0.txt', skiprows=10, header=None)
for d in [df, chen]:
    d[1] /= d[1].max()
assert np.abs(chen[1].mean() - df[1].mean()) < 0.2
assert np.abs(chen[1].std() - df[1].std()) < 0.1
if params['show_plot']:
    plt.step(chen[0], chen[1], color='black')
    plt.step(df[0]/np.pi*180, df[1])
    plt.axvline(114, color='black', linestyle='dotted')
params['prefix'] = params['molecule'] = '2-methylpropane'
params['production'] = params['trials_per'] = 1e6
#%timeit run_sim(params)
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 775102168
# initializing random number generator with seed: 775102168
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 /home/user/feasst/particle/2-methylpropane.fstprt
Potential Model LennardJones
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file 2-methylpropane_grow.txt
Movie output_file 2-methylpropane.xyz trials_per_write 1000000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file 2-methylpropane.txt trials_per_write 1000000.0
Energy output_file 2-methylpropane_en.txt trials_per_write 1000000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file 2-methylpropane_bonds0.txt trials_per_write 1000000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 1000000.0
Run num_trials 1000000.0

 exit: 0
# digitized, poorly, from https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00173
chen = pd.read_csv('../test/data/2-methylpropane_bonds.txt', comment='#', header=None)
df = pd.read_csv('2-methylpropane_bonds0.txt', skiprows=10, header=None)
for d in [df, chen]:
    d[1] /= d[1].max()
assert np.abs(chen[1].mean() - df[1].mean()) < 0.4
assert np.abs(chen[1].std() - df[1].std()) < 0.2
if params['show_plot']:
    plt.step(chen[0], chen[1], color='black')
    plt.step(df[0]/np.pi*180, df[1])
ks=[0, 10]
njgs=[0, 1, 4]
for k in ks:
    params['k'] = k
    for njg in njgs:
        for intra in [0, 1]:
            params['intra'] = intra
            params['prefix'] = "branchk" + str(params['k'])+'i'+str(params['intra'])
            params['molecule'] = 'floppy_branch'
            #params['production'] = params['trials_per'] = 1e5
            params['trials_per'] = 1e5
            params['production'] = 1e5
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 79821632
# initializing random number generator with seed: 79821632
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 branchk0i0.fstprt
Potential Model HardSphere
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file branchk0i0_grow.txt
Movie output_file branchk0i0.xyz trials_per_write 100000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file branchk0i0.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Energy output_file branchk0i0_en.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file branchk0i0_bonds0.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 100000.0
Run num_trials 100000.0

 exit: 0
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 733717029
# initializing random number generator with seed: 733717029
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 branchk0i1.fstprt
Potential Model HardSphere VisitModel VisitModelIntraMap exclude_bonds true
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file branchk0i1_grow.txt
Movie output_file branchk0i1.xyz trials_per_write 100000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file branchk0i1.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Energy output_file branchk0i1_en.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file branchk0i1_bonds0.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 100000.0
Run num_trials 100000.0

 exit: 0
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 273331985
# initializing random number generator with seed: 273331985
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 branchk0i0.fstprt
Potential Model HardSphere
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file branchk0i0_grow.txt
Movie output_file branchk0i0.xyz trials_per_write 100000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file branchk0i0.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Energy output_file branchk0i0_en.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file branchk0i0_bonds1.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 100000.0
Run num_trials 100000.0

 exit: 0
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 99495162
# initializing random number generator with seed: 99495162
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 branchk0i1.fstprt
Potential Model HardSphere VisitModel VisitModelIntraMap exclude_bonds true
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file branchk0i1_grow.txt
Movie output_file branchk0i1.xyz trials_per_write 100000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file branchk0i1.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Energy output_file branchk0i1_en.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file branchk0i1_bonds1.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 100000.0
Run num_trials 100000.0

 exit: 0
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 610952794
# initializing random number generator with seed: 610952794
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 branchk0i0.fstprt
Potential Model HardSphere
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file branchk0i0_grow.txt
Movie output_file branchk0i0.xyz trials_per_write 100000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file branchk0i0.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Energy output_file branchk0i0_en.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file branchk0i0_bonds4.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 100000.0
Run num_trials 100000.0

 exit: 0
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 614753912
# initializing random number generator with seed: 614753912
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 branchk0i1.fstprt
Potential Model HardSphere VisitModel VisitModelIntraMap exclude_bonds true
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file branchk0i1_grow.txt
Movie output_file branchk0i1.xyz trials_per_write 100000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file branchk0i1.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Energy output_file branchk0i1_en.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file branchk0i1_bonds4.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 100000.0
Run num_trials 100000.0

 exit: 0
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 830208665
# initializing random number generator with seed: 830208665
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 branchk10i0.fstprt
Potential Model HardSphere
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file branchk10i0_grow.txt
Movie output_file branchk10i0.xyz trials_per_write 100000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file branchk10i0.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Energy output_file branchk10i0_en.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file branchk10i0_bonds0.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 100000.0
Run num_trials 100000.0

 exit: 0
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 59554301
# initializing random number generator with seed: 59554301
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 branchk10i1.fstprt
Potential Model HardSphere VisitModel VisitModelIntraMap exclude_bonds true
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file branchk10i1_grow.txt
Movie output_file branchk10i1.xyz trials_per_write 100000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file branchk10i1.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Energy output_file branchk10i1_en.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file branchk10i1_bonds0.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 100000.0
Run num_trials 100000.0

 exit: 0
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 168818909
# initializing random number generator with seed: 168818909
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 branchk10i0.fstprt
Potential Model HardSphere
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file branchk10i0_grow.txt
Movie output_file branchk10i0.xyz trials_per_write 100000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file branchk10i0.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Energy output_file branchk10i0_en.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file branchk10i0_bonds1.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 100000.0
Run num_trials 100000.0

 exit: 0
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 885021345
# initializing random number generator with seed: 885021345
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 branchk10i1.fstprt
Potential Model HardSphere VisitModel VisitModelIntraMap exclude_bonds true
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file branchk10i1_grow.txt
Movie output_file branchk10i1.xyz trials_per_write 100000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file branchk10i1.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Energy output_file branchk10i1_en.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file branchk10i1_bonds1.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 100000.0
Run num_trials 100000.0

 exit: 0
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 575098948
# initializing random number generator with seed: 575098948
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 branchk10i0.fstprt
Potential Model HardSphere
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file branchk10i0_grow.txt
Movie output_file branchk10i0.xyz trials_per_write 100000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file branchk10i0.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Energy output_file branchk10i0_en.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file branchk10i0_bonds4.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 100000.0
Run num_trials 100000.0

 exit: 0
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 786417294
# initializing random number generator with seed: 786417294
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 branchk10i1.fstprt
Potential Model HardSphere VisitModel VisitModelIntraMap exclude_bonds true
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential 1
TrialGrowFile grow_file branchk10i1_grow.txt
Movie output_file branchk10i1.xyz trials_per_write 100000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file branchk10i1.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Energy output_file branchk10i1_en.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 dihedral_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 dihedral_bin_width 0.01 output_file branchk10i1_bonds4.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 100000.0
Run num_trials 100000.0

 exit: 0
if params['show_plot']:
    for k in reversed(ks):
        if k == 10: linestyle='dashed'
        for intra in [1, 0]:
            for njg in njgs:
                if njg == 0:
                elif njg == 1:
                    if intra == 1: color='green'
                elif njg == 4:
                    if intra == 1: color='orange'
                jg = pd.read_csv("branchk"+str(k)+'i'+str(intra)+'_bonds'+str(njg)+'.txt', skiprows=10, header=None)
                plt.step(jg[0]/np.pi*180, jg[1], label='jg '+str(njg)+' intra '+str(intra)+' k='+str(k), linestyle=linestyle, color=color)
    mid=int(len(jg[0])/2) # ensure k=0, i=0 is last jg
    plt.plot(jg[0]/np.pi*180, np.sin(jg[0])*np.average(jg[1][mid-4:mid+4]), label='sin', color='white', linestyle='dotted')
# compare ideal gas GCE
ks=[10]#[0, 10]
njgs=[0, 1, 4]
for k in ks:
    params['k'] = k
    for njg in njgs:
        for intra in [0]:#[0, 1]:
            params['intra'] = intra
            params['prefix'] = "branchk" + str(params['k'])+'i'+str(params['intra'])
            params['molecule'] = 'floppy_branch'
            #params['production'] = params['trials_per'] = 1e5
            params['trials_per'] = 1e5
            params['production'] = 1e6
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 475701026
# initializing random number generator with seed: 475701026
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 branchk10i0.fstprt
Potential Model IdealGas
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential -25
TrialGrowFile grow_file branchk10i0_gce_grow.txt
Movie output_file branchk10i0.xyz trials_per_write 100000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file branchk10i0.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Energy output_file branchk10i0_en.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 output_file branchk10i0_bonds0.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 100000.0
NumParticles output_file branchk10i0_bonds0_num.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Run num_trials 1000000.0

 exit: 0
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 210635937
# initializing random number generator with seed: 210635937
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 branchk10i0.fstprt
Potential Model IdealGas
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential -25
TrialGrowFile grow_file branchk10i0_gce_grow.txt
Movie output_file branchk10i0.xyz trials_per_write 100000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file branchk10i0.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Energy output_file branchk10i0_en.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 output_file branchk10i0_bonds1.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 100000.0
NumParticles output_file branchk10i0_bonds1_num.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Run num_trials 1000000.0

 exit: 0
# FEASST version: v0.24.5-13-g5252255c16-dirty-user/pybind11
RandomMT19937 seed 17488583
# initializing random number generator with seed: 17488583
Configuration add_particles_of_type0 1 cubic_side_length 30 particle_type0 branchk10i0.fstprt
Potential Model IdealGas
ThermoParams beta 0.4009078501424201 chemical_potential -25
TrialGrowFile grow_file branchk10i0_gce_grow.txt
Movie output_file branchk10i0.xyz trials_per_write 100000.0
Log include_bonds true output_file branchk10i0.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Energy output_file branchk10i0_en.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
AnalyzeBonds angle_bin_center 1.7453292519943295 angle_bin_width 0.01 output_file branchk10i0_bonds4.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-8 trials_per_update 100000.0
NumParticles output_file branchk10i0_bonds4_num.txt trials_per_write 100000.0
Run num_trials 1000000.0

 exit: 0

Did this tutorial work as expected? Did you find any inconsistencies or have any comments? Please contact us. Any feedback is appreciated!