Simulation of a single chain
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
Configuration cubic_side_length 40 periodic0 false periodic1 false periodic2 false \
cutoff 20 particle_type0 /feasst/plugin/chain/particle/chain5.fstprt
Potential Model LennardJones VisitModel VisitModelIntra intra_cut 1
ThermoParams beta 1 chemical_potential0 1
TrialAdd particle_type 0
Run until_num_particles 1
Remove name TrialAdd
#TrialPivot weight 1 tunable_param 20
#TrialCrankshaft weight 1 tunable_param 20
TrialGrowFile grow_file grow_chain5.txt
set_variable trials_per 1e4
Log trials_per_write trials_per output_file chain.txt
Movie trials_per_write trials_per output_file
CheckEnergy trials_per_update trials_per tolerance 1e-10
Run num_trials 1e3
Energy trials_per_write trials_per output_file chain_en.txt
RadiusOfGyration output_file rg1.txt
Run num_trials 1e5
with open('grow_chain5.txt', 'w') as file: file.write(
particle_type 0 site 0 regrow true\n\
bond true mobile_site 1 anchor_site 0\n\
bond true mobile_site 2 anchor_site 1\n\
bond true mobile_site 3 anchor_site 2\n\
bond true mobile_site 4 anchor_site 3\n')
with open('script1.txt', 'w') as file: file.write(script)
import subprocess
syscode ="../../../build/bin/fst < script1.txt > script1.log", shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
with open('script1.log', 'r') as file: print(, '\n', 'exit:', syscode)
# Usage: ./fst < file.txt
FEASST version 0.25.6
Configuration cubic_side_length 40 cutoff 20 particle_type0 /home/user/feasst/plugin/chain/particle/chain5.fstprt periodic0 false periodic1 false periodic2 false
Potential Model LennardJones VisitModel VisitModelIntra intra_cut 1
ThermoParams beta 1 chemical_potential0 1
TrialAdd particle_type 0
Run until_num_particles 1
# initializing random number generator with seed: 1734452566
Remove name TrialAdd
TrialGrowFile grow_file grow_chain5.txt
Log output_file chain.txt trials_per_write 1e4
Movie output_file trials_per_write 1e4
CheckEnergy tolerance 1e-10 trials_per_update 1e4
Run num_trials 1e3
Energy output_file chain_en.txt trials_per_write 1e4
RadiusOfGyration output_file rg1.txt
Run num_trials 1e5
exit: 0
assert np.abs(0.9335 - rg['average'][0]) < 3*(rg['block_stdev'][0]+0.)
assert np.abs(-2.050 - en['average'][0]) < 3*(en['block_stdev'][0]+0.)
Did this tutorial work as expected? Did you find any inconsistencies or have any comments? Please contact us. Any feedback is appreciated!