Cubic Plus Association (CPA)

The combination of a cubic EOS with association with the association term. The sum of the terms goes like:

\[\alpha^{\rm r} = \alpha^{\rm r}_{\rm cub} + \alpha^{\rm r}_{\rm assoc}\]

Cubic part

The residual contribution to \(\alpha\) is expressed as the sum :

\[\alpha^{\rm r}_{\rm assoc} = \alpha^{\rm r}_{\rm cub,rep} +\alpha^{\rm r}_{\rm cub,att}\]

where the cubic parts come from two separate contributions. The repulsive part of the cubic EOS contribution is:

\[\alpha^{\rm r}_{\rm cub,rep} = -\ln(1 - b_{\rm mix}\rho)\]

The attractive part of the cubic EOS contribution:

\[\alpha^{\rm r}_{\rm cub,att} = -\frac{a_{\rm mix}}{RT}\dfrac{\ln\left(\frac{\Delta_1 b_{\rm mix}\rho + 1}{\Delta_2b_{\rm mix}\rho + 1}\right)}{b_{\rm mix}\cdot(\Delta_1 - \Delta_2)}\]

with the coefficients depending on the cubic type:

SRK: \(\Delta_1=1\), \(\Delta_2=0\)

PR: \(\Delta_1=1+\sqrt{2}\), \(\Delta_2=1-\sqrt{2}\)

The mixture models used for the \(a_{\rm mix}\) and \(b_{\rm mix}\) are the classical ones:

\[a_{\rm mix} = \sum_i\sum_jx_ix_j(1-k_{ij})a_{ij}(T)\]

with \(x\) the mole fraction, \(k_{ij}\) a weighting parameter

\[a_{ij}(T) = \sqrt{a_ia_j}\]


\[a_{i}(T) = a_{0i}\left[1+c_{1i}(1-\sqrt{T/T_{{\rm crit},i}})\right]^2\]

and for \(b\):

\[b_{\rm mix} = \sum_ix_ib_i\]

so there are three cubic parameters per fluid that need to be obtained though fitting: \(b_{i}\), \(a_{0i}\), \(c_{1i}\). The value of \(a_{ij}\) depends on temperature while \(b_{\rm mix}\) does not.

Association part

The residual contribution of the association to the Helmholtz energy \(\alpha^{\rm r}_{\rm assoc}\) is formulated as:

\[\alpha^{\rm r}_{\rm assoc} = \sum_{i} x_i \sum_{A_i} \left(\ln(Y_{A_i}) - \frac{Y_{A_i}}{2} \right) + \frac{M_i}{2},\]

where \(x_i\) is the mole fraction of molecule \(i\), \(A_i\) is a site of type \(A\) on molecule \(i\) that can interact with other site types (e.g., type \(B\)). \(Y_{A_i}\) then is the monomer mole fraction of site \(A_i\) and \(M_i\) is the count of association sites of molecule \(i\). The monomer mole fraction \(Y_{A_i}\) can be calculated with:

\[Y_{A_i} = \frac{1}{1+\rho N_{\rm A} \sum_j \sum_{B_j} x_j Y_{B_j} \Delta_{A_i B_j}}.\]

\(\rho\) is the molar density of the mixture, \(N_{\rm A}\) is the Avogadro constant, \(j\) is the index for a molecule that can be the same as molecule \(i\). \(B_j\) is a site of type \(B\) on molecule \(j\) and \(\Delta_{A_i B_j}\) is the interaction strength between the sites. The calculation of \(\Delta_{A_i B_j}\), \(Y_{A_i}\) and \(Y_{B_j}\) is explained in more detail in the documentation about association.

The important thing to understand is whether a site is an electron acceptor (positively charged) or electron donor (negatively charged) and how many sites are present on a molecule. For example, water is usually considered a molecule with two electron acceptor (labeled as “H” in teqp) and two electron donor (labeled as “e” in teqp) sites. The site types have to be specified.

import teqp, numpy as np
water = {
    "a0i / Pa m^6/mol^2": 0.12277,
    "bi / m^3/mol": 0.0000145,
    "c1": 0.6736,
    "Tc / K": 647.13,
    "epsABi / J/mol": 16655.0,
    "betaABi": 0.0692,
#   here the site types are declared. "e" for electron donor, "H" for electron acceptor
    "sites": ["e","e","H","H"]

jCPA = {
    "cubic": "SRK",
    "radial_dist": "CS",
#     "combining": "CR1", # No other option is implemented yet
    "pures": [water],
    "R_gas / J/mol/K": 8.31446261815324

model = teqp.make_model({"kind": "CPA", "model": jCPA, "validate": False}, False)

T = 303.15 # K
rhomolar = 1000 # mol/m^3
molefracs = np.array([1.0])

# Note: passing data back and forth in JSON format is done for convenience and flexibility, not speed
res = model.get_assoc_calcs(T, rhomolar, molefracs)

print('D:', np.array(res['D']))
print('∆:', np.array(res['Delta']))
print('X_A:', np.array(res['X_A']))
print('siteid->(component, name):', res['to_CompSite'])
print('(component, name)->siteid:', res['to_siteid'])
print('multiplicities:', np.array(res['counts']))

print('pressure in Pa: ',T*rhomolar*model.get_R(molefracs) * ( 1+ model.get_Ar01(T,rhomolar,molefracs)))
D: [[0 2]
 [2 0]]
∆: [[1.24389806e-27 1.24389806e-27]
 [1.24389806e-27 1.24389806e-27]]
X_A: [0.54879025 0.54879025]
siteid->(component, name): [[0, [0, 'H']], [1, [0, 'e']]]
(component, name)->siteid: [[[0, 'H'], 0], [[0, 'e'], 1]]
multiplicities: [2 2]
pressure in Pa:  84414.03871039051