Class AbstractAnyAtomicItem<TYPE>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractAnyAtomicItem

        public AbstractAnyAtomicItem​(@NonNull
                                     TYPE value)
        Construct a new atomic item using the provided value.
        value - the value to assign to this atomic item
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public TYPE getValue()
        Description copied from interface: IItem
        Get the item's "wrapped" value. This "wrapped" value may be:
        • In the case of an Assembly, a Java object representing the fields and flags of the assembly.
        • In the case of a Field with flags, a Java object representing the field value and flags of the field.
        • In the case of a Field without flags or a flag, a Java type managed by a IDataTypeAdapter or a primitive type provided by the Java standard library.
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface IAnyAtomicItem
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface IItem
        the value or null if the item has no available value