Interface IDataTypeAdapter<TYPE>

    • Method Detail

      • getNames

        Get the metaschema type names associated with this adapter. This name must be unique with respect to all other metaschema types.

        At least one name must be provided, with the first name being the most preferred name.

        the name
      • getJsonRawType

        com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsonFormatVisitors.JsonFormatTypes getJsonRawType()
        The JSON primative type of the data type.
        the JSON data type
      • getPreferredName

        default String getPreferredName()
        Get the most preferred name for this data type.
        the name
      • getJavaClass

        Get the Java class supported by this adapter.
        the Java class
      • toValue

        TYPE toValue​(@NonNull
                     Object value)
        Casts the provided value to the type associated with this adapter.
        value - a value of the provided type
        the typed value
      • asString

        String asString​(@NonNull
                        Object value)
        Gets the value as a string suitable for writing as text. This is intended for data types that have a simple string-based structure in XML and JSON, such as for XML attributes or JSON keys. An adapter for a complex data structures that consist of XML elements will throw an UnsupportedOperationException when this is called.
        value - the data to formatted as a string
        a string
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the data type cannot be represented as a string
      • copy

        TYPE copy​(@NonNull
                  Object obj)
        Create a copy of the provided value.
        obj - the value to copy
        the copy
      • isAtomic

        default boolean isAtomic()
        Determines if the data type is an atomic, scalar value. Complex structures such as Markup are not considered atomic.
        true if the data type is an atomic scalar value, or false otherwise
      • newItem

        IAnyAtomicItem newItem​(@NonNull
                               Object value)
        Construct a new item of this type using the provided value.
        value - the item's value
        a new item
      • canHandleQName

        boolean canHandleQName​(@NonNull
                               QName nextElementQName)
        Determines if adapter can parse the next element. The next element's QName is provided for this purpose.

        This will be called when the parser encounter's an element it does not recognize. This gives the adapter a chance to request parsing of the data.

        nextElementQName - the next element's namespace-qualified name
        true if the adapter will parse the element, or false otherwise
      • parse

        TYPE parse​(@NonNull
                   String value)
        Parses a provided string. Used to parse XML attributes, simple XML character data, and JSON/YAML property values.
        value - the string value to parse
        the parsed data as the adapter's type
        IllegalArgumentException - if the data is not valid to the data type
      • parse

        TYPE parse​(@NonNull
                   org.codehaus.stax2.XMLEventReader2 eventReader)
            throws IOException
        This method is expected to parse content starting at the next event. Parsing will continue until the next event represents content that is not handled by this adapter. This means the event stream should be positioned after any XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT that corresponds to an XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT parsed by this adapter.

        If isParsingStartElement() returns true, then the first event to parse will be the XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT for the element that contains the value data, then the value data. If this is the case, this method must also parse the corresponding XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT. Otherwise, the first event to parse will be the value data.

        The value data is expected to be parsed completely, leaving the event stream on a peeked event corresponding to content that is not handled by this method.

        eventReader - the XML parser used to read the parsed value
        the parsed value
        IOException - if a parsing error occurs
      • parse

        TYPE parse​(@NonNull
                   com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser parser)
            throws IOException
        Parses a JSON property value.
        parser - the JSON parser used to read the parsed value
        the parsed value
        IOException - if a parsing error occurs
      • parseAndSupply

        default Supplier<TYPEparseAndSupply​(@NonNull
                                              String value)
                                       throws IOException
        Parses a provided string using parse(String).

        This method may pre-parse the data and then return copies, since the data can only be parsed once, but the supplier might be called multiple times.

        value - the string value to parse
        a supplier that will provide new instances of the parsed data
        IOException - if an error occurs while parsing
        See Also:
      • parseAndSupply

        default Supplier<TYPEparseAndSupply​(@NonNull
                                              org.codehaus.stax2.XMLEventReader2 eventReader)
                                       throws IOException
        Parses a provided string using parse(XMLEventReader2).

        This method may pre-parse the data and then return copies, since the data can only be parsed once, but the supplier might be called multiple times.

        eventReader - the XML parser used to read the parsed value
        a supplier that will provide new instances of the parsed data
        IOException - if an error occurs while parsing
        See Also:
        parse(String), parse(XMLEventReader2)
      • parseAndSupply

        default Supplier<TYPEparseAndSupply​(@NonNull
                                              com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser parser)
                                       throws IOException
        Parses a provided string using parse(JsonParser).

        This method may pre-parse the data and then return copies, since the data can only be parsed once, but the supplier might be called multiple times.

        parser - the JSON parser used to read the parsed value
        a supplier that will provide new instances of the parsed data
        IOException - if an error occurs while parsing
        See Also:
        parse(String), parse(JsonParser)
      • writeXmlValue

        void writeXmlValue​(@NonNull
                           Object instance,
                           StartElement parent,
                           org.codehaus.stax2.evt.XMLEventFactory2 eventFactory,
                           XMLEventWriter eventWriter)
                    throws IOException,
        Writes the provided Java class instance data as XML. The parent element information is provided as a StartElement event, which allows namespace information to be obtained from the parent element using the StartElement.getName() and StartElement.getNamespaceContext() methods, which can be used when writing the provided instance value.
        instance - the Field instance value to write
        parent - the StartElement XML event that is the parent of the data to write
        eventFactory - the XML event factory used to generate XML writing events
        eventWriter - the XML writer used to output XML as events
        XMLStreamException - if an unexpected error occurred while processing the XML output
        IOException - if an unexpected error occurred while writing to the output stream
      • writeXmlValue

        void writeXmlValue​(@NonNull
                           Object instance,
                           QName parentName,
                           org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamWriter2 writer)
                    throws XMLStreamException
        Writes the provided Java class instance data as XML. The parent element information is provided as an XML QName, which allows namespace information to be obtained from the parent element. Additional namespace information can be gathered using the XMLStreamWriter.getNamespaceContext() method, which can be used when writing the provided instance value.
        instance - the Field instance value to write
        parentName - the qualified name of the XML data's parent element
        writer - the XML writer used to output the XML data
        XMLStreamException - if an unexpected error occurred while processing the XML output
      • writeJsonValue

        void writeJsonValue​(@NonNull
                            Object instance,
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator writer)
                     throws IOException
        Writes the provided Java class instance as a JSON/YAML field value.
        instance - the Field instance value to write
        writer - the JSON/YAML writer used to output the JSON/YAML data
        IOException - if an unexpected error occurred while writing the JSON/YAML output
      • getDefaultJsonValueKey

        String getDefaultJsonValueKey()
        Gets the default value to use as the JSON/YAML field name for a Metaschema field value if no JSON value key flag or name is configured.
        the default field name to use
      • isUnrappedValueAllowedInXml

        boolean isUnrappedValueAllowedInXml()
        Determines if the data type's value is allowed to be unwrapped in XML when the value is a field value.
        true if allowed, or false otherwise.
      • isXmlMixed

        boolean isXmlMixed()
        Determines if the datatype uses mixed text and element content in XML.
        true if the datatype uses mixed text and element content in XML, or false otherwise