Class IPv6AddressAdapter

    • Method Detail

      • getNames

        public List<StringgetNames()
        Description copied from interface: IDataTypeAdapter
        Get the metaschema type names associated with this adapter. This name must be unique with respect to all other metaschema types.

        At least one name must be provided, with the first name being the most preferred name.

        the name
      • getJsonRawType

        public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsonFormatVisitors.JsonFormatTypes getJsonRawType()
        Description copied from interface: IDataTypeAdapter
        The JSON primative type of the data type.
        the JSON data type
      • parse

        public inet.ipaddr.ipv6.IPv6Address parse​(String value)
        Description copied from interface: IDataTypeAdapter
        Parses a provided string. Used to parse XML attributes, simple XML character data, and JSON/YAML property values.
        value - the string value to parse
        the parsed data as the adapter's type
      • copy

        public inet.ipaddr.ipv6.IPv6Address copy​(Object obj)
        Description copied from interface: IDataTypeAdapter
        Create a copy of the provided value.
        obj - the value to copy
        the copy