
Thing > CreativeWork > MediaObject > DataDownload > DataDownload

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A dataset in downloadable form within materials science and engineering.

Property Expected Type Description
Properties from DataDownload
Properties from DataDownload
measurementTechnique DefinedTerm or
Instrument or
SoftwareApplication or
Indicates the simulation or measurement technique used in this DataDownload. A type of measurement or simulation could be described with a DefinedTerm and the specific tool can be specified with Instrument, SoftwareApplication, or SoftwareSourceCode.
Properties from MediaObject
contentUrl URL Actual bytes of the digital object, for example the hyperspectral image file.
encodingFormat DataFormat or
Text or
Media type typically expressed using a DataFormat or MIME format.
Properties from CreativeWork
about DefinedTerm or
The subject matter of the DataDownload as defined by a defined term or realized via a project.
Properties from Thing
alternateName Text An alias for the DataDownload.
description Text A description of the DataDownload.
identifier PropertyValue or
One or more identifers for the the DataDownload.
name Text The name of the DataDownload.