
Thing > Organization > Project > Project

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A specification for a Project in materials science and engineering. An enterprise (potentially individual but typically collaborative), planned to achieve a particular aim. Use properties from Organization, subOrganization/parentOrganization to indicate project sub-structures.

Property Expected Type Description
Properties from Project
about DefinedTerm or
The subject matter of the Project as defined by a defined term or realized via a project.
keywords Text Keywords or tags used to describe the Project.
Properties from Project
Properties from Organization
contactPoint Person A contact person or for this Project.
dissolutionDate Date The date that this Project was dissolved or completed.
email Text An email address for this Project.
foundingDate Date The date that this Project was founded or started.
member Organization or
A member of this Project.
memberOf Organization Parent or host organization(s) of this Project.
parentOrganization Project The parent Project that this Project is a subOrganization of, if any.
subOrganization Project The sub/child Project that this Project is a parentOrganization of, if any.
Properties from Thing
alternateName Text An alias for the Project.
description Text A description of the Project.
identifier PropertyValue or
One or more identifers for the the Project.
name Text The name of the Project.
subjectOf Dataset or
File or
MaterialProperty or
A resource about or created as a result of this Project.