Hedgehog  3.1.0
A library to generate hybrid pipeline workflow systems
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Chh::AbstractMemoryManagerAbstract Memory manager
 Chh::core::abstraction::AnyGroupableAbstractionAbstraction for cores/nodes that can form groups
 Chh::behavior::CanTerminateBehavior abstraction for nodes that expose termination condition
 Chh::core::abstraction::CanTerminateAbstractionAbstraction for core that present termination condition
 Chh::behavior::CleanableCleanable interface
 Chh::core::abstraction::CleanableAbstractionAbstraction for cleanable core
 Chh::core::abstraction::ClonableAbstractionCore abstraction for clonable nodes, nodes duplicated by execution pipeline
 Chh::tool::PrintOptions::ColorSimple color representation
 Chh::ColorPickerColor scheme abstraction for dot file generation
 Chh::behavior::Copyable< NodeType >Copy interface used to copy a node when either a group of nodes is created or a node is duplicated when an execution pipeline is created
 Chh::behavior::Copyable< AbstractExecutionPipeline< Separator, AllTypes... > >
 Chh::behavior::Copyable< AbstractTask< Separator, AllTypes... > >
 Chh::behavior::Copyable< StateManager< Separator, AllTypes... > >
 Chh::core::abstraction::CopyableAbstraction< CopyableNode >Core abstraction for copyable nodes
 Chh::core::abstraction::CopyableAbstraction< StateManager< Separator, AllTypes... > >
 Chh::behavior::Execute< Input >Execute Behavior abstraction, node that has an execution for an Input data type
 Chh::behavior::Execute< Inputs >
 Chh::core::abstraction::ExecuteAbstraction< Input >Core execute abstraction, interface to user-defined execution
 Chh::core::abstraction::ExecuteAbstraction< Inputs >
 Chh::GraphSignalHandler< Separator, AllTypes >Implements a signal handler to catch events such as termination and killing
 Chh::tool::internals::HasType< T, Tuple >Base definition of HasType testing if a type T is in tuple Tuple
 Chh::tool::internals::HasType< T, std::tuple< Ts... > >
 Chh::core::implementor::ImplementorExecute< Input >Implementor for the ExecuteAbstraction
 Chh::core::implementor::ImplementorExecute< Inputs >
 Chh::core::implementor::ImplementorNotifierImplementor for the NotifierAbstraction
 Chh::core::implementor::ImplementorReceiver< Input >Implementor for the ReceiverAbstraction
 Chh::core::implementor::ImplementorReceiver< Inputs >
 Chh::core::implementor::ImplementorReceiver< Output >
 Chh::core::implementor::ImplementorReceiver< Outputs >
 Chh::core::implementor::ImplementorSender< Output >Implementor for the SenderAbstraction
 Chh::core::implementor::ImplementorSender< Input >
 Chh::core::implementor::ImplementorSender< Inputs >
 Chh::core::implementor::ImplementorSender< Outputs >
 Chh::core::implementor::ImplementorSlotImplementor for the SlotAbstraction
 Chh::tool::internals::Intersect< T1, T2 >Intersect metafunction creating a tuple of types that are in T1 and T2
 Chh::tool::internals::IntersectImpl< T1, T2, Index, Size >Base definition of the implementation of the Intersect metafunction
 Chh::tool::internals::IntersectImpl< T1, T2, Size, Size >Definition of the implementation of the Intersect metafunction when arriving at the end of T1
 Chh::behavior::MultiReceivers< Inputs >Behavior abstraction for nodes that receive multiple types of data
 Chh::behavior::MultiSenders< Outputs >Behavior abstraction for nodes that send multiple types of data
 Chh::behavior::MultiSenders< Outputs... >
 Chh::behavior::NodeBehavior abstraction for the base node
 Chh::core::abstraction::NodeAbstractionBase core node abstraction
 Chh::core::abstraction::NotifierAbstractionCore abstraction to notify slots
 Chh::NvtxProfilerA class to wrap calls to the NVTX library for tracking events that occur within an Hedgehog task graph
 Chh::tool::Pool< T >Pool of data used by the memory manager
 Chh::tool::Pool< hh::ManagedMemory >
 Chh::core::abstraction::PrintableAbstractionPrintAbstraction, used to determine if the node should be visited by the printer and colored
 Chh::PrinterPrinter abstraction to get a snapshot of the metrics of the Hedgehog graph
 Chh::tool::PrintOptionsNode print options
 Chh::tool::internals::PushFront< Ts, T >Base definition of PushFront accepting a tuple as template parameter and the element to add
 Chh::tool::internals::PushFront< std::tuple< Vs... >, T >Definition of PushFront accepting a variadic as template parameter and the element to add
 Chh::core::abstraction::ReceiverAbstraction< Input >Core's abstraction to receive a piece of data
 Chh::core::abstraction::ReceiverAbstraction< Inputs >
 Chh::core::abstraction::ReceiverAbstraction< Output >
 Chh::core::abstraction::ReceiverAbstraction< Outputs >
 Chh::SchedulerScheduler abstraction to manage graph's threads
 Chh::core::abstraction::SenderAbstraction< Output >Core abstraction to send data
 Chh::core::abstraction::SenderAbstraction< Input >
 Chh::core::abstraction::SenderAbstraction< Inputs >
 Chh::core::abstraction::SenderAbstraction< Outputs >
 Chh::core::abstraction::SlotAbstractionCore's abstraction to receive a signal
 Chh::tool::internals::SplitInput< Types, Indices >Base definition of SplitInput splitting a tuple of type to get the input types
 Chh::tool::internals::SplitInput< Types, std::index_sequence< Indices... > >Definition of SplitInput splitting a tuple of type to get the input types
 Chh::tool::internals::SplitOutput< Types, delta, Indices >Base definition of SplitOutput_t splitting a tuple of type to get the output types
 Chh::tool::internals::SplitOutput< Types, delta, std::index_sequence< Indices... > >Base definition of SplitOutput_t splitting a tuple of type to get the output types
 Chh::tool::internals::Splitter< delimiter, Types >Metafunction splitting a variadic to input and output types at a specific delimiter
 Chh::behavior::StateSender< Output >Behavior abstraction for states that send a type of data, holds a ready list for that type
 Chh::behavior::StateSender< Outputs >
 Chh::behavior::SwitchRule< Input >Switch rule behavior abstraction for a type of input
 Chh::behavior::SwitchRule< Inputs >
 Cbool const
 Csize_t const