The following examples exhibit various parts of a model to study electrochemical interfaces. In a pair of papers, Guyer, Boettinger, Warren and McFadden [22] [23] have shown that an electrochemical interface can be modeled by an equation for the phase field \(\xi\)
a set of diffusion equations for the concentrations \(C_j\), for the substitutional elements \(j = 2,\ldots, n-1\)
a diffusion equation for the concentration \(C_{\text{e}^{-}}\) of electrons
and Poisson’s equation for the electrostatic potential \(\phi\)
\(M_\xi\) is the phase field mobility, \(\kappa_\xi\) is the phase field gradient energy coefficient, \(p'(\xi) = 30\xi^2\left(1-\xi\right)^2\), and \(g'(\xi) = 2\xi\left(1-\xi\right)\left(1-2\xi\right)\). For a given species \(j\), \(\Delta\mu_j^{\circ}\) is the standard chemical potential difference between the electrode and electrolyte for a pure material, \(W_j\) is the magnitude of the energy barrier in the double-well free energy function, \(z_j\) is the valence, and \(D_{j}\) is the self diffusivity. \(\Delta\mu_{jn}^{\circ}\), \(W_{jn}\), and \(z_{jn}\) are the differences of the respective quantities \(\Delta\mu_{j}^{\circ}\), \(W_{j}\), and \(z_{j}\) between substitutional species \(j\) and the solvent species \(n\). The total charge is denoted by \(\sum_{j=1}^n z_j C_j\).
Although unresolved stiffnesses make the full solution of this coupled set of equations intractable in FiPy, the following examples demonstrate the setup and solution of various parts.
This example adds two more components to |
A simple 1D example to test the setup of the phase field equation. |
This example combines a phase field problem, as given in |
A simple 1D example to test the setup of the Poisson equation. |