This example is a 1D steady state diffusion test case as in ./examples/diffusion/variable/mesh2x1/input.py with then number of cells set to nx = 10.
- A simple analytical answer can be used to test the result:
>>> DiffusionTerm(coeff = diffCoeff).solve(var) >>> if __name__ == "__main__": ... viewer = Viewer(vars = var) ... viewer.plot() >>> x = mesh.cellCenters[0] >>> values = numerix.where(x < 3. * L / 4., 10 * x - 9. * L / 4., x + 18. * L / 4.) >>> values = numerix.where(x < L / 4., x, values) >>> print(var.allclose(values, atol = 1e-8, rtol = 1e-8)) 1
Last updated on Feb 14, 2025.
Created using Sphinx 7.1.2.