Source code for dioptra.sdk.cryptography.keygen

# This Software (Dioptra) is being made available as a public service by the
# National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an Agency of the United
# States Department of Commerce. This software was developed in part by employees of
# NIST and in part by NIST contractors. Copyright in portions of this software that
# were developed by NIST contractors has been licensed or assigned to NIST. Pursuant
# to Title 17 United States Code Section 105, works of NIST employees are not
# subject to copyright protection in the United States. However, NIST may hold
# international copyright in software created by its employees and domestic
# copyright (or licensing rights) in portions of software that were assigned or
# licensed to NIST. To the extent that NIST holds copyright in this software, it is
# being made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
# license (CC BY 4.0). The disclaimers of the CC BY 4.0 license apply to all parts
# of the software developed or licensed by NIST.
# The generate_rsa_key_pair, save_private_key, and save_public_key functions are
# adapted from the following source:
#     ErikusMaximus (, How to
#         verify a signed file in python, URL (version: 2019-07-02):

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Tuple

import click
import structlog
from structlog.stdlib import BoundLogger

from dioptra.sdk.exceptions import CryptographyDependencyError
from dioptra.sdk.utilities.decorators import require_package

LOGGER: BoundLogger = structlog.stdlib.get_logger()

    from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
    from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa import (
    from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import (

except ImportError:  # pragma: nocover
        "Unable to import one or more optional packages, functionality may be reduced",

[docs]@require_package("cryptography", exc_type=CryptographyDependencyError) def generate_rsa_key_pair( public_exponent: int = 65537, key_size: int = 4096 ) -> Tuple[RSAPrivateKeyWithSerialization, RSAPublicKey]: """Generate a public/private key pair using the RSA algorithm""" private_key: RSAPrivateKeyWithSerialization = generate_private_key( public_exponent=public_exponent, key_size=key_size, backend=default_backend(), ) public_key: RSAPublicKey = private_key.public_key() return private_key, public_key
[docs]@require_package("cryptography", exc_type=CryptographyDependencyError) def save_private_key(private_key: RSAPrivateKeyWithSerialization, filepath: str): """Save the private RSA key to a file""" private_key_bytes: bytes = private_key.private_bytes( encoding=Encoding.PEM, format=PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=NoEncryption(), ) with open(filepath, "wb") as f: f.write(private_key_bytes)
[docs]@require_package("cryptography", exc_type=CryptographyDependencyError) def save_public_key(public_key: RSAPublicKey, filepath: str): """Save the public RSA key to a file""" public_key_bytes: bytes = public_key.public_bytes( encoding=Encoding.PEM, format=PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo, ) with open(filepath, "wb") as f: f.write(public_key_bytes)
def _coerce_to_int(ctx, param, value): return int(value) @click.command() @click.option( "--private-key-file", type=click.Path( exists=False, file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, resolve_path=True, readable=True ), required=True, show_default=True, default="private.key", help="Output path for the generated private key", ) @click.option( "--public-key-file", type=click.Path( exists=False, file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, resolve_path=True, readable=True ), required=True, show_default=True, default="public.pem", help="Output path for the generated public key", ) @click.option( "--public-exponent", type=click.Choice(["65537", "3"]), required=True, show_default=True, default="65537", callback=_coerce_to_int, help=( "The public exponent of the new key. Either 65537 or 3 (for legacy purposes). " "Almost everyone should use 65537." ), ) @click.option( "--key-size", type=click.IntRange(min=512, max=None), required=True, show_default=True, default=4096, help=( "The length of the modulus in bits. It is strongly recommended to be at least " "2048 or higher." ), ) def keygen( private_key_file: str, public_key_file: str, public_exponent: int, key_size: int ) -> Tuple[RSAPrivateKeyWithSerialization, RSAPublicKey]: """Generate a public/private key pair using the RSA algorithm""" private_key, public_key = generate_rsa_key_pair( public_exponent=public_exponent, key_size=key_size ) save_private_key(private_key=private_key, filepath=private_key_file) save_public_key(public_key=public_key, filepath=public_key_file) return private_key, public_key if __name__ == "__main__": _ = keygen()