The Basics#
See the Glossary for the meaning of the acronyms used in this guide.
The primary use case for Dioptra is the running, tracking, and organizing of machine learning security experiments using the open-source technologies and architectures found in real-world AI applications. The Testbed supports this by providing the following capabilities.
A containerized micro-services architecture for running and tracking experiments that is straightforward to deploy on a wide range of computational environments
A modular workflow system with swappable units of work to enable low effort hypothesis testing and the rapid iteration of experiments
These capabilities rely on four types of components:
- Testbed REST API
The Testbed REST API is the heart of the micro-services architecture and is used to register experiments, submit jobs, log experimental results and artifacts, and access the model registry.
- Task Plugins System
The task plugins are the low-level building blocks of an experiment that can be installed and updated in the Testbed with zero downtime.
- Software Development Kit (SDK)
The software development kit is a developer-focused Python library for extending the Testbed’s functionality via its plugin system.
- Docker Images
The Docker images are the concrete implementations of the individual components of the micro-services architecture.
Fundamental Units of an Experiment#
The following diagram illustrates the fundamental units of a Testbed experiment and their nesting hierarchy.
In essence, a testbed experiment is a sequence of entry points composed of tasks. An entry point is a construct provided via the MLFlow library that consists of an executable script or binary with declared parameters. The tasks within an entry point are calls to Python functions in a plugin registry, with the task execution order managed by the Prefect library. The entry point executables are themselves run by a Testbed worker, which is a managed process within a Docker container that has been provisioned with all the necessary environment dependencies to support the job.
Job Submission#
The above diagram illustrates the three steps of the Testbed job submission process,
Create an entry point by writing an executable script and preparing a configuration file that declares the script’s variable parameters
Package the entry point files into a tarball or zip archive
Submit the job by uploading the entry point archive and your parameter choices to the Testbed API
After submission, a job’s status can be monitored by querying the Testbed API or by accessing the MLFlow dashboard 1 using a web browser. The Testbed API and MLFlow dashboard can also be used to review a job’s results and download its artifacts for local inspection.
- 1
The MLFlow dashboard is a web app provided by the MLFlow Tracking service. Whether or not it can be accessed depends on the details of your deployment.