Source code for dioptra.client._client

# This Software (Dioptra) is being made available as a public service by the
# National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an Agency of the United
# States Department of Commerce. This software was developed in part by employees of
# NIST and in part by NIST contractors. Copyright in portions of this software that
# were developed by NIST contractors has been licensed or assigned to NIST. Pursuant
# to Title 17 United States Code Section 105, works of NIST employees are not
# subject to copyright protection in the United States. However, NIST may hold
# international copyright in software created by its employees and domestic
# copyright (or licensing rights) in portions of software that were assigned or
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from __future__ import annotations

import os
from pathlib import Path
from posixpath import join as urljoin
from typing import Any, cast
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse

import requests

[docs]class DioptraClient(object): """Connects to the Dioptra REST api, and provides access to endpoints. Args: address: Address of the Dioptra REST api or if no address is given the DIOPTRA_RESTAPI_URI environment variable is used. api_version: The version of the Dioptra REST API to use. Defaults to "v0". Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ def __init__(self, address: str | None = None, api_version: str = "v0") -> None: address = ( f"{address}/api/{api_version}" if address else f"{os.environ['DIOPTRA_RESTAPI_URI']}/api/{api_version}" ) self._scheme, self._netloc, self._path, _, _, _ = urlparse(address) @property def experiment_endpoint(self) -> str: """Experiment endpoint url""" return urlunparse( (self._scheme, self._netloc, urljoin(self._path, "experiment/"), "", "", "") ) @property def job_endpoint(self) -> str: """Job endpoint url""" return urlunparse( (self._scheme, self._netloc, urljoin(self._path, "job/"), "", "", "") ) @property def task_plugin_endpoint(self) -> str: """Task plugins endpoint url""" return urlunparse( (self._scheme, self._netloc, urljoin(self._path, "taskPlugin/"), "", "", "") ) @property def task_plugin_builtins_endpoint(self) -> str: """Builtin task plugins endpoint url""" return urlunparse( ( self._scheme, self._netloc, urljoin(self._path, "taskPlugin/dioptra_builtins"), "", "", "", ) ) @property def task_plugin_custom_endpoint(self) -> str: """Custom task plugins endpoint url""" return urlunparse( ( self._scheme, self._netloc, urljoin(self._path, "taskPlugin/dioptra_custom"), "", "", "", ) ) @property def queue_endpoint(self) -> str: """Queue endpoint url""" return urlunparse( (self._scheme, self._netloc, urljoin(self._path, "queue/"), "", "", "") )
[docs] def delete_custom_task_plugin(self, name: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Deletes a custom task plugin by its unique name. Args: name: A unique string identifying a task plugin package within dioptra_custom collection. Returns: The Dioptra REST api's response. Example:: { 'collection': 'dioptra_custom', 'status': 'Success', 'taskPluginName': ['evaluation'] } Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ plugin_name_query: str = urljoin(self.task_plugin_custom_endpoint, name) result = cast(dict[str, Any], requests.delete(plugin_name_query).json()) return result
[docs] def get_experiment_by_id(self, id: int) -> dict[str, Any]: """Gets an experiment by its unique identifier. Args: id: An integer identifying a registered experiment. Returns: The Dioptra REST api's response. Example:: { 'lastModified': '2023-06-22T13:42:35.379462', 'experimentId': 10, 'name': 'mnist_feature_squeezing', 'createdOn': '2023-06-22T13:42:35.379462' } Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ experiment_id_query: str = urljoin(self.experiment_endpoint, str(id)) return cast(dict[str, Any], requests.get(experiment_id_query).json())
[docs] def get_experiment_by_name(self, name: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Gets an experiment by its unique name. Args: name: The name of the experiment. Returns: The Dioptra REST api's response containing the experiment id, name, and metadata. Example:: { 'experimentId': 1, 'name': 'mnist', 'createdOn': '2023-06-22T13:42:35.379462', 'lastModified': '2023-06-22T13:42:35.379462' } Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ experiment_name_query: str = urljoin(self.experiment_endpoint, "name", name) return cast(dict[str, Any], requests.get(experiment_name_query).json())
[docs] def get_job_by_id(self, id: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Gets a job by its unique identifier. Args: id: A string specifying a job's UUID. Returns: The Dioptra REST api's response. Example:: { 'mlflowRunId': None, 'lastModified': '2023-06-26T15:26:43.100093', 'experimentId': 10, 'queueId': 2, 'workflowUri': 's3://workflow/268a7620/workflows.tar.gz', 'entryPoint': 'train', 'dependsOn': None, 'status': 'queued', 'timeout': '24h', 'jobId': '4eb2305e-57c3-4867-a59f-1a1ecd2033d4', 'entryPointKwargs': '-P model_architecture=shallow_net -P epochs=3', 'createdOn': '2023-06-26T15:26:43.100093' } Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ job_id_query: str = urljoin(self.job_endpoint, id) return cast(dict[str, Any], requests.get(job_id_query).json())
[docs] def get_queue_by_id(self, id: int) -> dict[str, Any]: """Gets a queue by its unique identifier. Args: id: An integer identifying a registered queue. Returns: The Dioptra REST api's response. Example:: { 'lastModified': '2023-04-24T20:53:09.801442', 'name': 'tensorflow_cpu', 'queueId': 1, 'createdOn': '2023-04-24T20:53:09.801442' } Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ queue_id_query: str = urljoin(self.queue_endpoint, str(id)) return cast(dict[str, Any], requests.get(queue_id_query).json())
[docs] def get_queue_by_name(self, name: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Gets a queue by its unique name. Args: name: The name of the queue. Returns: The Dioptra REST api's response. Example:: { 'lastModified': '2023-04-24T20:53:09.801442', 'name': 'tensorflow_cpu', 'queueId': 1, 'createdOn': '2023-04-24T20:53:09.801442' } Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ queue_name_query: str = urljoin(self.queue_endpoint, "name", name) return cast(dict[str, Any], requests.get(queue_name_query).json())
[docs] def get_builtin_task_plugin(self, name: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Gets a custom builtin plugin by its unique name. Args: name: A unique string identifying a task plugin package within dioptra_builtins collection. Returns: The Dioptra REST api's response. Example:: { 'taskPluginName': 'attacks', 'collection': 'dioptra_builtins', 'modules': ['', ''] } Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ task_plugin_name_query: str = urljoin(self.task_plugin_builtins_endpoint, name) return cast(dict[str, Any], requests.get(task_plugin_name_query).json())
[docs] def get_custom_task_plugin(self, name: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Gets a custom task plugin by its unique name. Args: name: A unique string identifying a task plugin package within dioptra_builtins collection. Returns: The Dioptra REST api's response. Example:: { 'taskPluginName': 'custom_poisoning_plugins', 'collection': 'dioptra_custom', 'modules': [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ] } Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ task_plugin_name_query: str = urljoin(self.task_plugin_custom_endpoint, name) return cast(dict[str, Any], requests.get(task_plugin_name_query).json())
[docs] def list_experiments(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Gets a list of all registered experiments. Returns: A list of responses detailing all experiments. Example:: [ { 'lastModified': '2023-04-24T20:20:27.315687', 'experimentId': 1, 'name': 'mnist', 'createdOn': '2023-04-24T20:20:27.315687' }, ... { 'lastModified': '2023-06-22T13:42:35.379462', 'experimentId': 10, 'name': 'mnist_feature_squeezing', 'createdOn': '2023-06-22T13:42:35.379462' } ] Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ return cast(list[dict[str, Any]], requests.get(self.experiment_endpoint).json())
[docs] def list_jobs(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Gets a list of all submitted jobs. Returns: A list of responses detailing all jobs. Example:: [ { 'mlflowRunId': None, 'lastModified': '2023-04-24T20:54:30.722304', 'experimentId': 2, 'queueId': 2, 'workflowUri': 's3://workflow/268a7620/workflows.tar.gz', 'entryPoint': 'train', 'dependsOn': None, 'status': 'queued', 'timeout': '1h', 'jobId': 'a4c574dd-cbd1-43c9-9afe-17d69cd1c73d', 'entryPointKwargs': '-P data_dir=/nfs/data/Mnist', 'createdOn': '2023-04-24T20:54:30.722304' }, ... ] Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ return cast(list[dict[str, Any]], requests.get(self.job_endpoint).json())
[docs] def list_queues(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Gets a list of all registered queues. Returns: A list of responses detailing all registered queues. Example:: [ { 'lastModified': '2023-04-24T20:53:09.801442', 'name': 'tensorflow_cpu', 'queueId': 1, 'createdOn': '2023-04-24T20:53:09.801442' }, { 'lastModified': '2023-04-24T20:53:09.824101', 'name': 'tensorflow_gpu', 'queueId': 2, 'createdOn': '2023-04-24T20:53:09.824101' }, { 'lastModified': '2023-04-24T20:53:09.867917', 'name': 'pytorch_cpu', 'queueId': 3, 'createdOn': '2023-04-24T20:53:09.867917' }, { 'lastModified': '2023-04-24T20:53:09.893451', 'name': 'pytorch_gpu', 'queueId': 4, 'createdOn': '2023-04-24T20:53:09.893451' } ] Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ return cast(list[dict[str, Any]], requests.get(self.queue_endpoint).json())
[docs] def list_all_task_plugins(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Gets a list of all registered builtin task plugins. Returns: A list of responses detailing all plugins. Example:: [ { 'taskPluginName': 'artifacts', 'collection': 'dioptra_builtins', 'modules': ['', '', ''] }, ... { 'taskPluginName': 'pixel_threshold', 'collection': 'dioptra_custom', 'modules': ['', ''] } ] Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ return cast( list[dict[str, Any]], requests.get(self.task_plugin_endpoint).json() )
[docs] def list_builtin_task_plugins(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Gets a list of all registered builtin task plugins. Returns: A list of responses detailing all builtin plugins. Example:: [ { 'taskPluginName': 'artifacts', 'collection': 'dioptra_builtins', 'modules': ['', '', ''] }, ... { 'taskPluginName': 'backend_configs', 'collection': 'dioptra_builtins', 'modules': ['', ''] } ] Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ return cast( list[dict[str, Any]], requests.get(self.task_plugin_builtins_endpoint).json(), )
[docs] def list_custom_task_plugins(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Gets a list of all registered custom task plugins. Returns: A list of responses detailing all custom plugins. Example:: [ { 'taskPluginName': 'model_inversion', 'collection': 'dioptra_custom', 'modules': ['', ''] }, ... { 'taskPluginName': 'pixel_threshold', 'collection': 'dioptra_custom', 'modules': ['', ''] } ] Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ return cast( list[dict[str, Any]], requests.get(self.task_plugin_custom_endpoint).json() )
[docs] def lock_queue(self, name: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Locks the queue (name reference) if it is unlocked. Args: name: The name of the queue. Returns: The Dioptra REST api's response. Example:: {'name': ['tensorflow_cpu'], 'status': 'Success'} Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ queue_name_query: str = urljoin(self.queue_endpoint, "name", name, "lock") return cast(dict[str, Any], requests.put(queue_name_query).json())
[docs] def unlock_queue(self, name: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Removes the lock from the queue (name reference) if it exists. Args: name: The name of the queue. Returns: The Dioptra REST api's response. Example:: {'name': ['tensorflow_cpu'], 'status': 'Success'} Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ queue_name_query: str = urljoin(self.queue_endpoint, "name", name, "lock") return cast(dict[str, Any], requests.delete(queue_name_query).json())
[docs] def register_experiment(self, name: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Creates a new experiment via an experiment registration form. Args: name: The name to register as a new experiment. Returns: The Dioptra REST api's response. Example:: { 'lastModified': '2023-06-26T15:45:09.232878', 'experimentId': 11, 'name': 'experiment1234', 'createdOn': '2023-06-26T15:45:09.232878' } Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ experiment_registration_form = {"name": name} response = self.experiment_endpoint, json=experiment_registration_form, ) return cast(dict[str, Any], response.json())
[docs] def register_queue(self, name: str = "tensorflow_cpu") -> dict[str, Any]: """Creates a new queue via a queue registration form. Args: name: The name to register as a new queue. Defaults to "tensorflow_cpu". Returns: The Dioptra REST api's response. Example:: { 'lastModified': '2023-06-26T15:48:47.662293', 'name': 'queue', 'queueId': 7, 'createdOn': '2023-06-26T15:48:47.662293' } Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ queue_registration_form = {"name": name} response = self.queue_endpoint, json=queue_registration_form, ) return cast(dict[str, Any], response.json())
[docs] def submit_job( self, workflows_file: str | Path, experiment_name: str, entry_point: str, entry_point_kwargs: str | None = None, depends_on: str | None = None, queue: str = "tensorflow_cpu", timeout: str = "24h", ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Creates a new job via a job submission form with an attached file. Args: workflows_file: A tarball archive or zip file containing, at a minimum, a MLproject file and its associated entry point scripts. experiment_name:The name of a registered experiment. entry_point: Entrypoint name. entry_point_kwargs: A string listing parameter values to pass to the entry point for the job. The list of parameters is specified using the following format: “-P param1=value1 -P param2=value2”. Defaults to None. depends_on: A UUID for a previously submitted job to set as a dependency for the current job. Defaults to None. queue: Name of the queue the job is submitted to. Defaults to "tensorflow_cpu". timeout: The maximum alloted time for a job before it times out and is stopped. Defaults to "24h". Returns: The Dioptra REST api's response. Example:: { 'createdOn': '2023-06-26T15:26:43.100093', 'dependsOn': None, 'entryPoint': 'train', 'entryPointKwargs': '-P data_dir=/dioptra/data/Mnist', 'experimentId': 10, 'jobId': '4eb2305e-57c3-4867-a59f-1a1ecd2033d4', 'lastModified': '2023-06-26T15:26:43.100093', 'mlflowRunId': None, 'queueId': 2, 'status': 'queued', 'timeout': '24h', 'workflowUri': 's3://workflow/07d2c0a9/workflows.tar.gz' } Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ job_form: dict[str, Any] = { "experimentName": experiment_name, "queue": queue, "timeout": timeout, "entryPoint": entry_point, } if entry_point_kwargs is not None: job_form["entryPointKwargs"] = entry_point_kwargs if depends_on is not None: job_form["dependsOn"] = depends_on workflows_file = Path(workflows_file) with"rb") as f: job_files = {"workflow": (, f)} response = self.job_endpoint, data=job_form, files=job_files, ) return cast(dict[str, Any], response.json())
[docs] def upload_custom_plugin_package( self, custom_plugin_name: str, custom_plugin_file: str | Path, collection: str = "dioptra_custom", ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Registers a new task plugin uploaded via the task plugin upload form. Args: custom_plugin_name: Plugin name for for the upload form. custom_plugin_file: Path to custom plugin. collection: Collection to upload the plugin to. Defaults to "dioptra_custom". Returns: The Dioptra REST api's response. Example:: { 'taskPluginName': 'evaluation', 'collection': 'dioptra_custom', 'modules': [ '', '', '' ] } Notes: See for more information on Dioptra's REST api. """ plugin_upload_form = { "taskPluginName": custom_plugin_name, "collection": collection, } custom_plugin_file = Path(custom_plugin_file) with"rb") as f: custom_plugin_file_dict = {"taskPluginFile": (, f)} response = self.task_plugin_endpoint, data=plugin_upload_form, files=custom_plugin_file_dict, ) return cast(dict[str, Any], response.json())