Top level API (cmomy)#

Public api for cmomy

Central Moments wrapper classes#

CentralMoments(data, *[, mom_ndim, copy, ...])

Wrapper of numpy.ndarray based central moments data.

xCentralMoments(data, *[, mom_ndim, copy, ...])

Wrapper of xarray.DataArray based central moments data.


concat(arrays, *[, axis, dim])

Concatenate moments objects.

Reduction routines available at top level (from cmomy.reduction)#

reduce_data(data, *, mom_ndim[, dim, axis, ...])

Reduce central moments array along axis.

reduce_data_grouped(data, *, mom_ndim, by[, ...])

Reduce data by group.

reduce_data_indexed(data, *, mom_ndim, ...)

Reduce data by index

Resampling routines available at top level (from cmomy.resample)#

resample_data(data, *, mom_ndim, freq[, ...])

Resample data according to frequency table.

resample_vals(x, *y, mom, freq[, weight, ...])

Resample data according to frequency table.

random_freq(nrep, ndat[, nsamp, rng, replace])

Create frequencies for random resampling (bootstrapping).

random_indices(nrep, ndat[, nsamp, rng, replace])

Create indices for random resampling (bootstrapping).

randsamp_freq(*[, ndat, nrep, nsamp, ...])

Convenience function to create frequency table for resampling.

indices_to_freq(indices[, ndat])

Convert indices to frequency array.

Pre-loaded modules#


Internal numpy.random.Generator (cmomy.random)


Routines to perform central moments reduction (reduction)


Routine to perform resampling (cmomy.resample)


Conversion routines (convert)