Why cmomy
We wish to calculate moments of the form \(\ave{x}\) and \(\ave{(\delta x)^k}\), \(\delta x = (x - \ave{x})\), where, in general we define averages of the form.
where \(w_i\) are weights associated with each sample \(x_i\). In the simple case, \(w_i = 1\). To calculate a central moment with \(k > 1\), we have some choices.
First calculate \(\ave{x}\), then use the above formula.
Downside: requires two passes through the data.
Upside: numerically stable.
Expand out the central moment to raw moments. For example \(\ave{(x - \ave{x})^2} = \ave{x^n} - \ave{x}^2\). These raw moments can be calculated directly in one pass.
Downside: numerically unstable (see here for some info).
Upside: single pass for each of \(\ave{x^k}\).
An example#
In what follows, we’ll arrange data in the from output[moment]
where output[0] = {total weight}
, output[1] = {average value}
, output[k > 1] = {kth order central moment}
. We can generate the central moments using the following functions
def cmom_1(x, axis=0, mom=3):
"""Create central moments using stable method"""
# output shape
shape = x.shape[:axis] + x.shape[axis + 1 :] + (mom + 1,)
output = np.zeros(shape, dtype=x.dtype)
output[..., 0] = x.shape[axis]
output[..., 1] = x.mean(axis=axis)
# moments [2 -> mom]
output[..., 2:] = (
(x - x.mean(axis=axis, keepdims=True))[..., None] ** np.arange(2, mom + 1)
return output
def cmom_2(x, axis=0, mom=3):
if mom > 3:
raise ValueError
shape = x.shape[:axis] + x.shape[axis + 1 :] + (mom + 1,)
output = np.zeros(shape, dtype=x.dtype)
output[..., 0] = x.shape[axis]
# higher order raw moments
raws = (x[..., None] ** np.arange(0, mom + 1)).mean(axis=axis)
output[..., 1] = raws[..., 1]
if mom > 1:
# <(x - <x>)**2> = <x**2> - <x>**2
output[..., 2] = raws[..., 2] - raws[..., 1] ** 2
if mom > 2:
# <(x - <x>)**3> = <x**3> - 3<x**2><x> + 2<x>**3
output[..., 3] = (
raws[..., 3] - 3 * raws[..., 2] * raws[..., 1] + 2 * raws[..., 1] ** 3
return output
import numpy as np
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=0)
n = 1000
x = rng.random(n)
m1 = cmom_1(x)
m2 = cmom_2(x)
# same values
np.testing.assert_allclose(m1, m2)
OK, great. But what if we have unscaled data? For example, setting \(y = a x + b\) gives \(\ave{y} = a \ave{x} + b\), but for central moments, \(\ave{(y - \ave{y})^n} = \ave{(a x - b - \ave{a x - b})^n} = a^n \ave{(\delta x)^n}\)
# large value, small fluctuation
a = 0.1
b = 1e4
y = a * x + b
# expected value after shift
expected = m1.copy()
expected[..., 1] = a * expected[..., 1] + b
expected[..., 2:] *= a ** np.arange(2, 4)
m1_shift = cmom_1(y)
m2_shift = cmom_2(y)
m1_error = m1_shift - expected
m2_error = m2_shift - expected
abs error using central moments: {m1_error}
rel error using central moments: {m1_error / expected}
abs error using raw moments : {m2_error}
rel error using raw moments : {m2_error / expected}
abs error using central moments: [ 0.0000e+00 -1.8190e-12 -8.8373e-16 3.5155e-15]
rel error using central moments: [ 0.0000e+00 -1.8190e-16 -1.0912e-12 -1.6856e-09]
abs error using raw moments : [ 0.0000e+00 7.2760e-12 -7.2259e-08 9.7865e-04]
rel error using raw moments : [ 0.0000e+00 7.2759e-16 -8.9221e-05 -4.6925e+02]
So what?#
OK, so central moments have some advantages. But the two pass thing makes life difficult. For example, what if we are running a slow experiment or simulation? We could collect all the samples for x
, then do the two pass algorithm at the end. But it would be nice to calculate averages on the fly. This is why we often turn to raw moments. There easy to accumulate as data comes in, while central moments, at least as formulated above, are not.
Thankfully, smart people have figured out how to calculate central moments in a one-pass way. Moreover, these methods allow central moments to be combined. This makes resampling from central moments possible. We don’t go into detail on these formulas, but point the interested reader to the this article, and citations within.
The cmomy
package has a variety of routines to work with central moments. This include
Create central moments accumulator object in a variety of ways.
add data to object
resample data
extract central and raw moments
The primary object for doing all this is CentralMomentsArray
import cmomy
cx = cmomy.wrap_reduce_vals(x, axis=0, mom=3)
cy = cmomy.wrap_reduce_vals(y, axis=0, mom=3)
array([ 1.0000e+03, 5.1691e-01, 8.0989e-02, -2.0856e-03])
You can access the underlying data using the cmomy.CentralMomentsArray.obj
[ 1.0000e+03 5.1691e-01 8.0989e-02 -2.0856e-03]
Basically, the CentralMomentsArray
object is just a collection of routines around obj
, which is an array of central moments (with the convention that obj[..., 0]
is the total weight
, data[..., 1]
is the average, and data[..., k > 1]
is the kth
central moment). It gives the same results as calculating central moments directly:
np.testing.assert_allclose(cx, m1)
np.testing.assert_allclose(cy, m1_shift)
Nice! But what can that’s not all that special. The real power comes in for multidimensional data. Suppose that we have separate samples of the data \(\{x_a, x_b, ... \}\), and want to get there central moments. We can do the following.
x = rng.random((100, 5))
m1 = cmom_1(x, axis=0, mom=4)
array([[ 1.0000e+02, 4.7703e-01, 8.6779e-02, -2.0776e-03, 1.3134e-02],
[ 1.0000e+02, 4.7149e-01, 8.9923e-02, 4.1844e-06, 1.3357e-02],
[ 1.0000e+02, 4.9054e-01, 8.3374e-02, 6.0526e-03, 1.2658e-02],
[ 1.0000e+02, 5.0095e-01, 9.1982e-02, -1.1610e-03, 1.4399e-02],
[ 1.0000e+02, 5.1960e-01, 9.1251e-02, -2.4683e-03, 1.4763e-02]])
Wrapping the data in a central moments object gives
c = cmomy.CentralMomentsArray(m1, mom_ndim=1)
# reduce the data along a dimension to get
# verify that this is the same as just accumulating all the data
print(cmom_1(x.reshape(-1), mom=4))
[5.0000e+02 4.9192e-01 8.8959e-02 1.3873e-04 1.3778e-02]
[5.0000e+02 4.9192e-01 8.8959e-02 1.3873e-04 1.3778e-02]
Excellent! We can use CentralMomentsArray
to accumulate data on the go
c = cmomy.CentralMomentsArray.zeros(mom=4)
for i in range(5):
# note: pushing multiple values
c.push_vals(x[:, i], axis=0)
array([5.0000e+02, 4.9192e-01, 8.8959e-02, 1.3873e-04, 1.3778e-02])
Or, you can push all the values one at a time!
for xx in x.reshape(-1):
# note: pushing single value
array([5.0000e+02, 4.9192e-01, 8.8959e-02, 1.3873e-04, 1.3778e-02])
The values can even be differently weighted.
xs = np.split(x.reshape(-1), [50, 150, 300])
for v in xs:
c.push_vals(v, axis=0)
array([5.0000e+02, 4.9192e-01, 8.8959e-02, 1.3873e-04, 1.3778e-02])
Alternatively, you can add objects together.
cs = [cmomy.wrap_reduce_vals(v, mom=4, axis=0) for v in xs]
c_tot = cs[0] + cs[1] + cs[2] + cs[3]
array([5.0000e+02, 4.9192e-01, 8.8959e-02, 1.3873e-04, 1.3778e-02])
Or more simply:
print(sum(cs, start=cs[0].zeros_like()).obj)
[5.0000e+02 4.9192e-01 8.8959e-02 1.3873e-04 1.3778e-02]
Very cool!
weighted averages#
cmomy is setup to work with arbitrary weights. We saw this work above when we considered unequal sample sizes. For example,
def get_cmom_with_weights(x, w, axis=0, mom=3):
"""Create central moments using stable method"""
# output shape
shape = x.shape[:axis] + x.shape[axis + 1 :] + (mom + 1,)
output = np.zeros(shape, dtype=x.dtype)
w_sum = w.sum(axis=axis)
w_norm = 1.0 / w_sum
output[..., 0] = w_sum
output[..., 1] = ((w * x).sum(axis=axis)) * w_norm
# moments [2 -> mom]
output[..., 2:] = (
w[..., None]
* (x - (w * x).sum(axis=axis, keepdims=True) * w_norm)[..., None]
** np.arange(2, mom + 1)
).sum(axis=axis) * w_norm
return output
x = rng.random(100)
w = rng.random(100)
moments = get_cmom_with_weights(x, w)
cmomy.wrap_reduce_vals(x, weight=w, mom=3, axis=0)
array([4.8363e+01, 5.0295e-01, 9.2209e-02, 6.3664e-04])
cmomy can also handle comoments (covariance, etc), like the \(\ave{(\delta x)^i (\delta y)^j}\)
For example
y = rng.random(100)
cmomy.wrap_reduce_vals(x, y, weight=w, mom=(2, 2), axis=0)
array([[ 4.8363e+01, 4.8516e-01, 7.5856e-02], [ 5.0295e-01, -1.2237e-02, 3.2919e-04], [ 9.2209e-02, -4.2304e-03, 6.5653e-03]])
All the special sauce works for central moments or comoments.
xarray DataArray support#
cmomy also works with xarray.DataArray
and xarray.Dataset
objects. For example:
import xarray as xr
x = xr.DataArray(rng.random((100, 2, 3)), dims=["rec", "a", "b"])
x.head(3) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
<xarray.DataArray (rec: 3, a: 2, b: 3)> Size: 144B array([[[0.0625, 0.5585, 0.0184], [0.4284, 0.4153, 0.0854]], [[0.0821, 0.587 , 0.0041], [0.7317, 0.3686, 0.2628]], [[0.951 , 0.0224, 0.627 ], [0.0179, 0.382 , 0.3126]]]) Dimensions without coordinates: rec, a, b
To create a cmomy object wrapping a xarray.DataArray
, use CentralMomentsData
c = cmomy.wrap_reduce_vals(x, dim="rec", mom=3)
<xarray.DataArray (a: 2, b: 3, mom_0: 4)> Size: 192B array([[[1.0000e+02, 4.0657e-01, 9.0470e-02, 1.3814e-02], [1.0000e+02, 4.9516e-01, 7.3811e-02, 1.1677e-03], [1.0000e+02, 4.6592e-01, 8.1210e-02, 3.3827e-03]], [[1.0000e+02, 4.8831e-01, 8.2432e-02, 1.6465e-04], [1.0000e+02, 4.6920e-01, 9.2950e-02, 5.5999e-03], [1.0000e+02, 4.8891e-01, 7.6961e-02, 2.3232e-03]]]) Dimensions without coordinates: a, b, mom_0
<xarray.DataArray (a: 2, b: 3, mom_0: 4)> Size: 192B array([[[1.0000e+02, 4.0657e-01, 9.0470e-02, 1.3814e-02], [1.0000e+02, 4.9516e-01, 7.3811e-02, 1.1677e-03], [1.0000e+02, 4.6592e-01, 8.1210e-02, 3.3827e-03]], [[1.0000e+02, 4.8831e-01, 8.2432e-02, 1.6465e-04], [1.0000e+02, 4.6920e-01, 9.2950e-02, 5.5999e-03], [1.0000e+02, 4.8891e-01, 7.6961e-02, 2.3232e-03]]]) Dimensions without coordinates: a, b, mom_0
Most everything that CentralMomentsArray
can do, CentralMomentsData
can also do.