Full API documentation for applets

applets.plot module

class scan_framework.applets.plot.Plot(args)[source]

Base class for plot applets. Provides a basic framework for plot applets. When data has changed, dataset values are loaded, reshaped (optional), validated, cleaned, and plotted.


When initializing PlotWidget, parent and background are passed to GraphicsWidget.__init__() and all others are passed to PlotItem.__init__().

__module__ = 'scan_framework.applets.plot'
_load(data, key, ds_only=True, default=None)[source]

Helper method to load a single dataset value and assign it to an attribute of self.

Falls back to an explicit value being specified in arguments or a given default value when the dataset doesn’t exist.


Clean the data so it can be plotted

data_changed(data, mods)[source]

Data changed handler. load, reshape, validate, clean, and then plot the new data.


Plot the data

get_style(key, i=0)[source]

Helper method to get a style value using a dotted key. For example, self.style[‘background’][‘color’] can be returned by passing key=’background.color’


Load the data from datasets


Reshape data into the correct dimension

style = {'background': {'color': 'w'}, 'foreground': {'color': 'k'}}

default colors are white background with black foreground


Validate the data can be plotted

class scan_framework.applets.plot.SimpleApplet(main_widget_class, cmd_description=None, default_update_delay=0.0)[source]
__init__(main_widget_class, cmd_description=None, default_update_delay=0.0)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

__module__ = 'scan_framework.applets.plot'

applets.plot_hist module

class scan_framework.applets.plot_hist.HistogramPlot(args)[source]

When initializing PlotWidget, parent and background are passed to GraphicsWidget.__init__() and all others are passed to PlotItem.__init__().

__module__ = 'scan_framework.applets.plot_hist'
data_changed(data, mods, title)[source]
labelStyle = {'font-bolt': 'True', 'font-size': '12pt'}

applets.plot_hist_ntrace_white module

class scan_framework.applets.plot_hist_ntrace_white.HistogramPlot(args)[source]

When initializing PlotWidget, parent and background are passed to GraphicsWidget.__init__() and all others are passed to PlotItem.__init__().

__module__ = 'scan_framework.applets.plot_hist_ntrace_white'
data_changed(data, mods, title)[source]
labelStyle = {'font-bolt': 'True', 'font-size': '12pt'}

applets.plot_xy module

class scan_framework.applets.plot_xy.SimpleApplet(main_widget_class, cmd_description=None, default_update_delay=0.0)[source]
__module__ = 'scan_framework.applets.plot_xy'
class scan_framework.applets.plot_xy.XYPlot(args)[source]

Applet for plotting X-Y data. A single trace is plotted by providing two 1D arrays for the x and y values. Multiple traces can be plotted by providing two 2D arrays for the x and y values. The plot style can be customized by modifiying the style attribute. When plotting multiple traces, each trace uses a separate symbol for its data points defined by style['plot']['symbol'].

Default Styles
  • style[‘background’][‘color’] white

  • style[‘foreground’][‘color’] black

  • style[‘fit’][‘pen’] fitline color is red with a width of 4

  • style[‘plot’][‘symbol’] data point symbols for each trace. Order is o, t, d, s, d which repeats for >5 traces.

  • style[‘plot’][‘size’] data point symbol sizes for each trace. Order is 10, 12, 15, 10, 10 which repeats for >5 traces.

  • style[‘plot’][‘color’] data point symbol colors for each trace. Order is r, b, g, m, c, y which repeats for >5 traces.

  • style[‘plot’][‘axes’][‘size’] axes size defaults to 15

  • style[‘plot’][‘axes’][‘tick_offset’] tick offset defaults to 30

  • style[‘plot’][‘axes’][‘label’][‘font-size’] axes label font sizes default to 15pt

  • style[‘plot’][‘axes’][‘label’][‘bold’] axes label fonts are bold by default

  • style[‘title’][‘size’] plot title size defaults to 20px

__module__ = 'scan_framework.applets.plot_xy'

Clean the data so it can be plotted


Plot the data


Load the data from datasets

started = False
style = {'axes': {'label': {'font-bold': 'True', 'font-size': '15pt'}, 'size': 15, 'tick_offset': 30}, 'background': {'color': 'w'}, 'fit': {'pen': <PyQt5.QtGui.QPen object>}, 'foreground': {'color': 'k'}, 'plot': {'color': ['r', 'b', 'g', 'm', 'c', 'y'], 'color2': ['b', 'g', 'm', 'c', 'y', 'r'], 'pen': None, 'pen2': None, 'size': [10, 12, 15, 10, 10], 'size2': [12, 15, 10, 10, 10], 'symbol': ['o', 't', 'd', 's', 'd'], 'symbol2': ['t', 'd', 's', 'd', 'o']}, 'title': {'size': '20px'}}

Specifies the style of the plot.


Validate that the data can be plotted


applets.plot_xy_ntrace_white module

exception scan_framework.applets.plot_xy_ntrace_white.LoadError[source]
__module__ = 'scan_framework.applets.plot_xy_ntrace_white'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class scan_framework.applets.plot_xy_ntrace_white.XYPlot(args)[source]

When initializing PlotWidget, parent and background are passed to GraphicsWidget.__init__() and all others are passed to PlotItem.__init__().

__module__ = 'scan_framework.applets.plot_xy_ntrace_white'
data_changed(data, mods)[source]
load_plot_data(data, n)[source]