Source code for scan_framework.applets.plot

# Base class for plot applets used in the NIST scan framework
import artiq.applets.simple as plot_xy_parent
import pyqtgraph

[docs]class SimpleApplet(plot_xy_parent.SimpleApplet):
[docs] def __init__(self, main_widget_class, cmd_description=None, default_update_delay=0.0): super().__init__(main_widget_class, cmd_description, default_update_delay) self.add_datasets()
[docs] def add_datasets(self): pass
[docs]class Plot(pyqtgraph.PlotWidget): """Base class for plot applets. Provides a basic framework for plot applets. When data has changed, dataset values are loaded, reshaped (optional), validated, cleaned, and plotted.""" style = { 'background': { 'color': 'w' }, 'foreground': { 'color': 'k' } } #: default colors are white background with black foreground
[docs] def get_style(self, key, i=0): """Helper method to get a style value using a dotted key. For example,['background']['color'] can be returned by passing key='background.color'""" entry = for k in key.split('.'): entry = entry[k] try: if not isinstance(entry, dict): entry = entry[i % len(entry)] except TypeError: pass return entry
[docs] def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self.set_config(pyqtgraph) pyqtgraph.PlotWidget.__init__(self)
[docs] def set_config(self, pyqtgraph): pyqtgraph.setConfigOption('background',['background']['color']) pyqtgraph.setConfigOption('foreground',['foreground']['color'])
[docs] def data_changed(self, data, mods): """Data changed handler. load, reshape, validate, clean, and then plot the new data.""" if self.load(data) is not False: self.reshape() try: pass except ValueError: print("Error reshaping") pass else: if self.validate() is not False: self.clean() self.clear() self.draw()
[docs] def load(self, data): """Load the data from datasets""" pass
[docs] def reshape(self): """Reshape data into the correct dimension""" pass
[docs] def clean(self): """Clean the data so it can be plotted""" pass
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate the data can be plotted""" pass
[docs] def draw(self): """Plot the data""" pass
[docs] def _load(self, data, key, ds_only=True, default=None): """Helper method to load a single dataset value and assign it to an attribute of self. Falls back to an explicit value being specified in arguments or a given default value when the dataset doesn't exist. """ if isinstance(key, list): for k in key: self._load(data, k, default) return argval = getattr(self.args, key) val = data.get(argval, (False, default)) ds_found = val[0] if ds_found: # get value from dataset if val[1] is not None: val = val[1] else: val = None else: if argval is not None and not ds_only: val = argval else: val = default setattr(self, key, val)