Source code for scan_framework.applets.plot_hist

#!/usr/bin/env python3.5

import PyQt5  # make sure pyqtgraph imports Qt5
import pyqtgraph
import numpy as np
from artiq.applets.simple import TitleApplet

[docs]class HistogramPlot(pyqtgraph.PlotWidget): labelStyle = {'font-size': '12pt', "font-bolt": "True"}
[docs] def __init__(self, args): pyqtgraph.setConfigOption('background', 'w') pyqtgraph.setConfigOption('foreground', 'k') pyqtgraph.PlotWidget.__init__(self) self.args = args
[docs] def data_changed(self, data, mods, title): if title is None: try: title = data.get(self.args.plot_title, (False,None))[1] except KeyError: title = "" try: y = data[self.args.y][1] fit = data.get(, (False, None))[1] or [1 for _ in range(10)] print(self.args.x) if self.args.x is None: x = None else: x = data[self.args.x][1] fit = data.get(, (False, None))[1] x_units = data.get(self.args.x_units, (False, None))[1] or 1 x_label = data.get(self.args.x_label, (False, None))[1] or "" y_label = data.get(self.args.y_label, (False, None))[1] or "" except KeyError: return if x is None: x = list(range(len(y)+1)) # axis scaling if x_units is not None: x = x / x_units if len(y) and len(x) == len(y) + 1: self.clear() self.plot(x, y, stepMode=True, fillLevel=0, brush=(0, 0, 255, 150)) self.setLabel('bottom', x_label, **self.labelStyle) self.setLabel('left', y_label, **self.labelStyle) self.setTitle(title) # draw fit if fit is not None: # style pen = pyqtgraph.mkPen(color='r', width=4) self.plot(np.linspace((x[1] + x[0]) / 2, (x[-1] + x[-2]) / 2, len(y)), fit, pen=pen) else: print("Plot Hist: x and y dimensions don't agree")
[docs]def main(): applet = TitleApplet(HistogramPlot) applet.add_dataset("y", "Y values") applet.add_dataset("x", "Bin boundaries", required=False) applet.add_dataset("plot_title", 'Plot title', required=False) applet.add_dataset("x_units", 'X-axis units', required=False) applet.add_dataset("x_label", 'X-axis label', required=False) applet.add_dataset("y_label", 'Y-axis label', required=False) applet.add_dataset("fit", '', required=False)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()